

本程序可直接用对应的cross compiler进行编译:
arm-linux-gcc -o gpio_ctrl gpio_ctrl.c
/* * gpio_ctrl.c: user mode software to control the GPIO of S3C2440 * Author Youri Zhang 2010-12-28 (yahui9635@gmail.com) * Reach the Author first before release this program. */ #include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <sys/mman.h>#include <fcntl.h>#include <unistd.h>#undef PAGE_SIZE#undef PAGE_MASK#define APP_NAME	  "gpio_ctrl"#define VERSION	  "1.0"#define BUILD_DATE  __DATE__#define PAGE_SHIFT		12#define PAGE_SIZE  		(1<<PAGE_SHIFT)		/* 4096byte Per Mapped Memory page */#define PAGE_MASK 		(~(PAGE_SIZE-1) )#define GPIO_EndAddr	0x560000DC#define GPIO_StartAddr	0x56000000#define CLKREG_StartAddr	0x4C000000 #define CLKREG_EndAddr	0x4C000018 #define CLKCON 		0x0C#define REG(Addr)	(*(volatile unsigned int*) (Addr))static char* GPIOConStatus[4] = {"INPUT", "OUTPUT", "SpecialUse", "Reserved"};static char* GPIODataStatus[2] = {"LOW", "HIGH"};static char* GPIOPullupStatus[2] = {"Enabled", "Disabled"};static void print_usage(void){	fprintf(stdout,"************Help information for %s*************\n",APP_NAME);	fprintf(stdout,"[Usage] %s -[b:n:c:w:p:rsdh] <value>\n", APP_NAME);	fprintf(stdout,"Version: %s, Date: %s, Author: Youri Zhang\n\n", VERSION, BUILD_DATE);	fprintf(stdout,"\t-b : (Must use 1st)specify the GPIO Bank index\n\t\t==>GPA's index is 0, GPB's index is 1 ... GPH's index is 7, GPJ's index is 8\n");	fprintf(stdout,"\t-n : (Must use 2nd)specify the GPIO num in GPIO Bank\n");	fprintf(stdout,"\t-c : Config the GPIO type(GPA use)\n\t\t==>OUTPUT:'-c 0x00', Special use:'-c 0x01'\n");	fprintf(stdout,"\t-c : Config the GPIO type(GPB--J use)\n\t\t==>INPUT:'-c 0x00', OUTPUT:'-c 0x01', Special use:'-c 0x02', Reserved:'-c 0x03'\n");	fprintf(stdout,"\t-w : Write value to GPIO pin's Data_reg\n");	fprintf(stdout,"\t-p : Config value to GPIO pin's Pullup_reg\n\t\t==>Enable:'-p 0x00', Disable:'-p 0x01'\n");	fprintf(stdout,"\t-r : Read the GPIO pin Data_reg's value\n");	fprintf(stdout,"\t-s : Show the GPIO pin Config_reg's value\n");	fprintf(stdout,"\t-d : Display the GPIO pin Pullup_reg's value\n");	fprintf(stdout,"\t-h : This help information\n\n");	fprintf(stdout,"Ex:\tConfig GPG4 output & write 0 to GPG4 Data_reg&enable pullup&read Data_reg&show configure&show pullup\n\t\t==> (%s -b 6 -n 4 -c 1 -w 0 -p 0 -s -r -d)\n", APP_NAME);	fprintf(stdout,"\t\t==> (%s -b 0x06 -n 0x04 -c 0x01 -w 0x00 -p 0x00 -s -r -d)\n\t\t--> both decimal and hexadecimal input are ok!\n", APP_NAME);	fprintf(stdout,"Ex:\tConfig the GPA4 output and write 0 to GPG4 Data_reg\n\t\t==> (%s -b 0 -n 4 -c 0x00 -w 0)\n", APP_NAME);	fprintf(stdout,"Ex:\tConfig the GPG4 output and read GPG4 Data_reg's value\n\t\t==> (%s -b 6 -n 4 -c 0x01 -r)\n", APP_NAME);	fprintf(stdout,"Ex:\tConfig the GPG4 output and show GPG4 Config_reg's value\n\t\t==> (%s -b 6 -n 4 -c 0x01 -s)\n", APP_NAME);}/* enable PCLK(50Mhz) to GPIO Block */static void s3c2440_clkcon_init(void*  REG_CLK){	REG((unsigned int)REG_CLK+CLKCON) |=0x2000;	}static void s3c2440_gpio_cfgpin(void *Regaddr,  unsigned int Addr_offset, unsigned int MaskBit, unsigned int Function){	unsigned int tmp=0;		tmp=REG((unsigned int)Regaddr +Addr_offset);			if(Addr_offset>0)	{		Function &= 3;		tmp &= ~(3<<MaskBit);		/*used for GPIO Bank B-J, which use the 2 bits Mask*/	}	else		{		Function &= 1;		tmp &= ~(1<<MaskBit);		/*used for GPIO Bank A, which use the 1 bit Mask*/	}		tmp|= (Function<<MaskBit);		REG((unsigned int)Regaddr +Addr_offset)=tmp;}static unsigned int s3c2440_gpio_getcfg(void *Regaddr,  unsigned int Addr_offset, unsigned int MaskBit){	unsigned int tmp=0;		tmp=REG((unsigned int)Regaddr +Addr_offset);			tmp >>= MaskBit;		if(Addr_offset>0x0c)		tmp &= 3;	/*used for GPIO Bank B-J, which use the 2 bits Mask*/	else		tmp &= 1;	/*used for GPIO Bank A, which use the 1 bit Mask*/	return tmp;}static void s3c2440_gpio_setpin(void *Regaddr,  unsigned int Addr_offset, unsigned int MaskBit, unsigned int to){	unsigned int tmp=0;		tmp=REG((unsigned int)Regaddr +Addr_offset);		tmp &= ~(1<<MaskBit);		tmp |= (!!to<<MaskBit);	REG((unsigned int)Regaddr +Addr_offset)=tmp;	}static unsigned int s3c2440_gpio_getpin(void *Regaddr,  unsigned int Addr_offset, unsigned int MaskBit){	unsigned int tmp=0;		tmp=REG((unsigned int)Regaddr +Addr_offset);	tmp &= (1<<MaskBit);		return tmp?1:0;}static void s3c2440_gpio_pullup(void *Regaddr,  unsigned int Addr_offset, unsigned int MaskBit, unsigned int to){	unsigned int tmp=0;		tmp=REG((unsigned int)Regaddr +Addr_offset);		tmp &= ~(1<<MaskBit);	tmp |= !!to << MaskBit;	REG((unsigned int)Regaddr +Addr_offset)=tmp;}static unsigned int s3c2440_gpio_getpull(void *Regaddr,  unsigned int Addr_offset, unsigned int MaskBit){	unsigned int tmp=0;		tmp=REG((unsigned int)Regaddr +Addr_offset);	tmp &= (1<<MaskBit);		return tmp?1:0;}int main(int argc, char* argv[]){		int fd=-1, opt = -1, Bank_num=-1, Addr_offset=-1, MaskBit=-1, Function=-1, to=-1,pullup=-1;	void* GpioBase = NULL;	void* CLKBASE = NULL;	if(argc==2 && !strcmp(argv[1],"-h"))	{		print_usage();		exit(1);	}	else if(argc > 5 && argc < 15)	{		if(strcmp(argv[1],"-b") || strcmp(argv[3],"-n"))		{			fprintf(stdout, "[Error]: '-b' must be used as the first option && '-n' must be used as second the option\n");			fprintf(stdout, "For Example: %s -b 6 -n 4 -c 1 -w 0 -p 0 -s -r -d\n",APP_NAME);			print_usage();			exit(1);		}				fd = open("/dev/mem", O_RDWR | O_SYNC);		if(fd<0)		{			fprintf(stderr, "open /dev/mem error\n");			exit(1);		}		CLKBASE = mmap(NULL, (CLKREG_EndAddr-CLKREG_StartAddr), PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED,fd, CLKREG_StartAddr & PAGE_MASK);		if(CLKBASE == NULL || CLKBASE == MAP_FAILED)		{			fprintf(stderr, "[Error]: S3C2440 CLKCON base mmap error\n");			goto failed;		}		//fprintf(stdout, "Re-Maped 0x%X to Space Addr:0x%X, Maped Size 0x%X bytes\n",CLKREG_StartAddr,CLKBASE ,(CLKREG_EndAddr-CLKREG_StartAddr));				GpioBase = mmap(NULL, (GPIO_EndAddr-GPIO_StartAddr), PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED,fd, GPIO_StartAddr & PAGE_MASK);		if(GpioBase == NULL || GpioBase == MAP_FAILED)		{			fprintf(stderr, "S3C2440 gpio base mmap error\n");			goto failed;		}		//fprintf(stdout, "Re-Maped 0x%X to Space Addr:0x%X, Maped Size 0x%X\n",GPIO_StartAddr,GpioBase,(GPIO_EndAddr-GPIO_StartAddr));				s3c2440_clkcon_init(CLKBASE);				while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "b: n: c: w: p: rsdh")) != -1)		{				switch (opt)				{					case 'b':  /* Bank num to program */						Bank_num = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0);						if( Bank_num < 0 || Bank_num > 8){						fprintf(stderr, "[Error]: Please input correct Bank index num, the Bank index num should be 0--8 !\n");                        			goto failed;						}						Addr_offset = Bank_num * 0x10;						if(Addr_offset==0x80)							Addr_offset += 0x50;												//fprintf(stdout,"The Addr_offset is 0x%X\n",Addr_offset);						break;											case 'n':  /*GPIO num in Bank to program, GPIO num is the Mask bit*/						MaskBit = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0);						if( MaskBit < 0 || MaskBit > 25){						fprintf(stderr, "[Error]: Please input correct GPIO index num, the GPIO index num should be 0--25(max) !\n");                        			goto failed;						}												//fprintf(stdout,"The MaskBit is 0x%u\n",MaskBit);						break;											case 'c': /* The value to config the gpio_config_reg */						Function = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0);						if( Function < 0 || Function > 3){						fprintf(stderr, "[Error]: Please input correct 'Config_reg' value, the value should be 0x00--0x03 !\n");                        			goto failed;						}						if(Bank_num>0)						{							s3c2440_gpio_cfgpin(GpioBase,Addr_offset,MaskBit*2,Function);							fprintf(stdout,"...Writing the 'Config_reg' to %s...\n",GPIOConStatus[Function]);						}												else						{							s3c2440_gpio_cfgpin(GpioBase,Addr_offset,MaskBit,Function);							fprintf(stdout,"...Writing the 'Config_reg' to %s...\n",GPIOConStatus[Function+1]);						}						break;											case 'w': /* The value to write to the gpio_data_reg*/						to = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0);						if( to < 0 || to > 1){						fprintf(stderr, "[Error]: Please input correct 'Data_reg' value, the value should be 0x00--0x01 !\n");                        			goto failed;						}																	s3c2440_gpio_setpin(GpioBase, Addr_offset+4, MaskBit, to);						fprintf(stdout,"...Writing the 'Data_reg' to %s...\n",GPIODataStatus[to]);												break;					case 'p': /* The value to write to the gpio_data_reg*/						pullup = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0);						if( pullup < 0 || pullup > 1){						fprintf(stderr, "[Error]: Please input correct 'Pullup_reg' value, the value should be 0x00--0x01 !\n");                        			goto failed;						}												if(Bank_num>0)							{							s3c2440_gpio_pullup(GpioBase, Addr_offset+8, MaskBit, pullup);							fprintf(stdout,"...Writing the 'Pullup_reg' to %s...\n",GPIOPullupStatus[pullup]);						}						else fprintf(stderr,"[Error]: Can't set Pullup for GPIO Bank A%s\n");												break;											case 'r': /* Read the value of the gpio_data_reg*/						fprintf(stdout,"The 'Data_reg' value is--> %s\n",GPIODataStatus[s3c2440_gpio_getpin(GpioBase, Addr_offset+4, MaskBit)]);						break;						case 's': /* Show the value of the gpio_configure_reg*/						if(Bank_num>0)							fprintf(stdout,"The 'Config_reg' value is--> %s\n",GPIOConStatus[s3c2440_gpio_getcfg(GpioBase, Addr_offset, MaskBit*2)]);						else							fprintf(stdout,"The 'Config_reg' value is-->%s\n",GPIOConStatus[s3c2440_gpio_getcfg(GpioBase, Addr_offset, MaskBit)+1]);												break;												case 'd': /* Display the value of the pullup_reg*/						if(Bank_num>0)							fprintf(stdout,"The 'Pullup_reg' value is--> %s\n",GPIOPullupStatus[s3c2440_gpio_getpull(GpioBase, Addr_offset+8, MaskBit)]);						else							fprintf(stderr,"[Error]: Can't get pullup status for GPIO Bank A\n");												break;											case 'h': /* help information */						print_usage();						goto failed;											default :						fprintf(stderr, "[Error]: Uncompleted/Unknown option: %c\n", optopt);						print_usage();						goto failed;				}			}	}	else 	{		fprintf(stderr, "[Error]: The format of the input options is not correct!\n");		fprintf(stderr, "[Error]: The quantity of the input options is not correct!\n");		fprintf(stderr, "[Error]: Please use '%s -h' to get the help information!\n", APP_NAME);		print_usage();		exit(1);	}	munmap(GpioBase,(GPIO_EndAddr-GPIO_StartAddr)); 	munmap(CLKBASE,(CLKREG_EndAddr-CLKREG_StartAddr));	close(fd);	exit(0);failed:	opt =-1;	Bank_num = -1;	Addr_offset = -1;	MaskBit = -1;	Function = -1,	to = -1;	pullup = -1;	munmap(GpioBase,(GPIO_EndAddr-GPIO_StartAddr)); 	munmap(CLKBASE,(CLKREG_EndAddr-CLKREG_StartAddr));	close(fd);	GpioBase = NULL;	CLKBASE = NULL;	exit(1);}
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