


北京时间5月11日,美国纽约时间5月10日晚,佳士得纽约“洛克菲勒夫妇珍藏”系列专拍进入最后一场“佩吉及大卫‧洛克菲勒夫妇珍藏:旅游及美国文物”拍卖。此专场拍卖内涵部分中国艺术品,其中“明宣德 青花云龙戏珠纹内暗花龙纹盌”以 277.25万美元成交,折合人民币约1759万元,超高估价18倍之多,堪称本场专拍的一大黑马!


同时此件拍品又暗刻龙纹,需在特殊灯光下方能得见,更加显示出工艺上的独特之道。底部双圈六字“大明宣德年製”款,堪称宣德青花瓷器精品。宣德青花瓷近年来在拍卖市场屡创佳绩,2017年4月一件“明宣德 青花鱼藻纹十棱菱口大盌”更是拍得2亿人民币的天价,位列年度青花拍卖榜首。

除此之外,本场专拍中“清康熙 铜鎏金无量寿佛像”也拍得253.25万美元的高价,此尊铜鎏金佛造像在洛克菲勒家族内部传承。阿弥陀佛又名无量佛、无量光佛、无量寿佛等。大乘经载,阿弥陀佛在过去久远劫时曾立大愿,建立西方净土,广度无边众生,成就无量庄严功德,为大乘佛教所广为崇敬和弘扬。



Lot 972 明宣德 青花云龙戏珠纹内暗花龙纹盌
尺寸:直径21 cm
估价:100,000-150,000 美元
成交价:2,772,500 美元
来源:David and Peggy Rockefeller, Seal Harbor, Maine, by 1985.

Lot 972 清康熙 铜鎏金无量寿佛
尺寸:高41.9 cm
估价:400,000-600,000 美元
成交价:2,532,500 美元
来源:Laurance S. Rockefeller, New York, by 1994.

Estate of Laurance S. Rockefeller, 2004.

Laura Rockefeller Chasin, 2004-2006.

Acquired in 2006.

Lot 981 17/18世纪 铜鎏金释迦摩尼像
尺寸:高30.2 cm
估价:200,000-300,000 美元
成交价:372,500 美元

来源:Mrs. Abby Aldrich Rockefeller, New York.

Estate of Abby Aldrich Rockefeller (with a life interest to John D. Rockefeller, Jr.), 1948-1952.

Acquired in 1952.

Lot 1001 伊朗 伊斯法罕 阿巴斯画像 1676年作
尺寸:19.7×11.4 cm
估价:120,000-180,000 美元
成交价:588,500 美元

来源:Nasir al-Din Shah Qajar as part of an album given to the geographer J. Petermann, 1855.

F. Engel-Gros, Fifaille, Switzerland, sold Galerie Georges Petit, Paris, May 3-June 1, 1921, lot 252d.

Parish-Watson & Co., New York, Nov. 1930-31.

Emile Tabbagh, Paris, sold New York, American Art Association-Anderson Galleries, Inc., Jan. 3-4, 1936, lot 73.

Abby Aldrich Rockefeller, New York.

Acquired from the estate of the above December 1960.

Lot 996 13世纪 叙利亚 镂空铜镶玉三足盖炉
尺寸:高19.1 cm
估价:150,000-200,000 美元
成交价:432,500 美元

来源:Abby Aldrich Rockefeller, New York.

Acquired from the estate of the above December 1960.

Lot 423 威廉·德·库宁(1904-1997)《无题 XIX》 1982年作
估价:6,000,000-8,000,000 美元
成交价:14,262,500 美元

Lot 440 吉尔伯特·斯图尔特(1755-1828)《乔治·华盛顿(沃恩型)》 1795年作
尺寸:74×61.3 cm
估价:8,000,000-12,000,000 美元
成交价:11,562,500 美元
来源:Alexander Scott (1764-1810), Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

Mary (Slough) Scott Snyder (1769-1823), Lancaster and Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, wife of the above.

Major Edward Brien (1769-1816), County Tyrone, Ireland and Lancaster, Pennsylvania, acquired from the above.

Dorothy (Hand) Brien (1777-1862), Lancaster, Pennsylvania, wife of the above, by descent.

Sarah Bethel (Brien) Rogers (1810-1886), Lancaster, Pennsylvania, daughter of the above, by descent.

Edward Reilly (1834-1889), Lancaster, Pennsylvania; New Haven, Connecticut; and New York, son-in-law of the above, acquired from the above.

Anna Russum (Rogers) Reilly (b. 1829), Lancaster, Pennsylvania; New Haven, Connecticut; New York; and Trenton, New Jersey, wife of the above, gift from the above.

Edith Reilly (Mrs. John Stockton Hough), daughter of the above, gift from the above.

Charles Allen Munn (1859-1924), New York and Llewellyn Park, New Jersey, acquired from the above, 1907.

Augusta (Munn) Tilney (1884-1959), niece of the above and her husband, Israel Sheldon Tilney (1882-1979), New York; Llewellyn Park, New Jersey; and Palm Beach, Florida, by bequest.

M. Knoedler & Co., Inc., New York, 1946.

John D. Rockefeller, Jr. (1874-1960), Kykuit, Pocantico Hills, Tarrytown, New York, acquired from the above, 1946.

Gift to the late owners from the above, 1954.

Lot 424 迭戈·里维拉(1866-1957)《对手》 1931年作
尺寸:152.4×127 cm
估价:5,000,000-7,000,000 美元
成交价:9,762,500 美元
Gift to the late owners from the above, 1941

Lot 434 约翰·辛格·萨金特(1856-1925)《圣杰莱米亚》 1913年作
尺寸:55.9×71.1 cm
估价:3,000,000-5,000,000 美元
成交价:9,087,500 美元
来源:Violet Sargent Ormond, sister of the artist, 1925.

H.E. Conrad Ormond, son of the above, by descent, 1955.
Private collection, by descent, 1979.
纽约蘇富比,1984年12月6日 lot 165
Acquired by the late owners from the above.

Lot 404 乔治亚·欧姬芙(1887-1986)《新墨西哥州阿比丘附近》 1931年作
尺寸:40.6×91.4 cm
估价:3,000,000-5,000,000 美元
成交价:8,412,500 美元
来源:The Downtown Gallery, New York.

Pearley and Norine Brissenden, West Vancouver, Canada, 1956.
The Vancouver Foundation, West Vancouver, Canada, by bequest from the above, 1991.
Buschlen Mowatt Gallery, Vancouver, Canada.
Acquired by the late owner from the above, 1997.

Lot 408 爱德华·霍普(1882-1967)《开普安的花岗岩》 1928年作
尺寸:71.1×102.2 cm
估价:6,000,000-8,000,000 美元
成交价:8,412,500 美元
来源:Frank K.M. Rehn, Inc., New York.

Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin H. Dibblee, San Francisco, California, 1929.
Mrs. John C. Kittle, Ross, California, 1977.
Andrew Crispo Gallery, New York.
纽约蘇富比,纽约,1987年12月3日,lot 335
Acquired by the late owners from the above.

Lot 535 亨利·摩尔(1898-1986)《白色大理石》 1964年作
尺寸:高44.1 cm
估价:300,000-500,000 美元
成交价:3,972,500 美元
来源:Acquired from the artist by the late owners, June 1967.

Lot 507 奥迪隆·雷东(1840-1916)《La barque aux deux femmes blanches oil on canvas》
尺寸:33×41.6 cm
估价:500,000-700,000 美元
成交价:3,132,500 美元
来源:Andries Bonger, Paris (acquired from the artist, December 1904).

(possibly) Johanna Van Gogh-Bonger, Amsterdam (gift from the above).

Wildenstein & Co., Inc., New York (January 1954).

Acquired from the above by the late owners, December 1954.

Lot 524 卡米耶·毕沙罗(1830-1903)《Félix Pissarro lisant oil on canvas》1893年作
尺寸:46.2×38.1 cm
估价:900,000-1,200,000 美元
成交价:3,012,500 美元
来源:Lucien Pissarro, London (son of the artist).

Edwin C. Vogel, New York.

Sam Salz, Inc., New York (acquired from the above, January 1952).

Acquired from the above by the late owners, December 1952.

Lot 508 亨利·埃德蒙德·克劳斯(1856-1910)《Route du Lavandou vers Saint-Clair oil on canvas》1895年-1896年作
尺寸:73×92.2 cm
估价:1,500,000-2,000,000 美元
成交价:2,172,500 美元
来源:(probably) Private collection, Germany (acquired from the artist, 1902).

Galerie Wallerstein, Berlin.

Leo and Else Alterthum, Berlin and Tel Aviv.

Dr. Arie Levitt, Tel Aviv (acquired from the above).

Private collection, Tel Aviv and New York (acquired from the above, by 1961).

Schonemann Galleries, Inc., New York.

Allan Bluestein, Washington, D.C. (1964); sale, Parke-Bernet Galleries, Inc., New York, 3 April 1968, lot 14.

Acquired at the above sale by the late owners. 

Lot 506 亨利·马蒂斯(1869-1954)《Femme se reposant pen and India ink on paper》1937年作
尺寸:28.1×38 cm
估价:700,000-1,000,000 美元
成交价:1,932,500 美元
来源:Galerie Berggruen et Cie., Paris.

Acquired from the above by the late owners, January 1968.

Lot 118 约1807-1809年 拿破仑一世 宫廷餐具一套
尺寸:高33 cm
估价:150,000-250,000 美元
成交价:1,812,500 美元


Lot 139 约1775年乾隆时期 外销西洋宫廷餐具一套
估价:200,000-300,000 美元
成交价:1,152,500 美元
来源:With Arthur S. Vernay,London (part);acquired 1953. 

With John D. Rockefeller,Jr.,1953-60 (part). 
With Martha Baird Rockefeller,1960-71 (part).
With Antique Porcelain Company (part).
With J. Rochelle Thomas,New York (part),acquired 1971.
Nelson A. Rockefeller,1964-78 (part).
Laurance Rockefeller,1978-90 (part).
Acquired from Laurance Rockefeller,October 1990 (part).

Lot 140 烟叶图案餐具一套
尺寸:直径22 cm
估价:6,000-8,000 美元
成交价:912,500 美元
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