

How do I disable programmable CTRL-ALT-DEL in Windows 7 to hide Logon screen
  • We are writing programs for visualization. It is necessary that they running 24 hours. Some workers in big factories meaning the visualization PC are for gaming and trying to hack into the system. At Windows XP we disabled for that reason CTRL-ALT-DEL with our own GINA.DLL, working fine. But in Windows 7 is no more GINA.DLL. What we have to do to get the same result in Windows 7?

All Replies

  • Friday, October 02, 2009 7:08 AM
    9,600 Points


    Do you mean that you want to disable secure logon in Windows 7? If it is the case, we usually can take either of the following methods to achieve this.

    Method 1. Configure in User Accouts

    1.Open the Start Menu.
    2.In the search box, type netplwiz and press Enter.
    3.Click on the Advanced tab.
    4.To Disable Secure Logon, uncheck the Requires users to press Ctrl+Alt+Delete box.
    5.Click on OK.

    Then restart to see if it works.

    Method 2. Modify related registry

    Note: please pay attention to back up your registry, any incorrect modification may cause unrecoverable damage.

    1.Open the Start Menu.
    2.In the Start Menu Search box type regedit and press Enter.
    3.In regedit, go to:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon

    4.In the right pane, right click on DisableCAD and click on Modify
    5.To Disable Secure Logon, type 1.
    6.Click on OK.
    7.Close regedit and restart to see how it works.

    Please restart the computer and see how it works.

    Best Regards

  • Friday, October 02, 2009 5:45 PM
    0 Points



    Thanks for the answer, but it is not what I mean.


    What you describe is: You have not to press CTRL-ALT-DEL to see the input screen for username and password if the computer starts.  


    But we use the auto logon by placing the username and password in


    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon

    AutoAdminLogon = 1

    DefaultUserName = USERNAME

    DefaultPassword = PASSWORD

    DefaultDomainName = PCNAME


    Thanks Good! This is also working in Windows 7.


    We do this to conform to ISO 9002 to set the PC in working condition if power switch on or after a black out. We programming an own SytemManager to do all the starting, hide Desktop, hide Taskbar and so on.


    This is working very well and you see the PC is save for unauthorized user. At our system also user with no permission is allowed to see and handling all in the visualization, but not allowed to manipulation anything or input anything. This required a logon in our security system.


    The only hole we have is: If you press CTRL-ALT DEL on a running system the logon screen appears and you can do many things, even start Explore.exe via TaskManager. To block this we use at XP our own GINA.DLL and filtering CTRL-ALT DEL and doing nothing if our SystemManger set a special Key in Registry. This is no more working in Windows 7.


    So, the question is, what we have to do to have no reaction if the user press CTRL-ALT DEL and a special Key in Registry is set?
  • Monday, October 19, 2009 4:07 PM
    0 Points

    Try this app out:
    This will help you to modify alot of settings in Windows 7 including: Taskbar, Task Manager, Ctrl + Alt + Del, Start Menu, System .... etc. The purchasable version is available next week and there are tons more options.
  • Monday, February 01, 2010 10:37 AM
    10 Points



    Thanks for the answer, but it is not what I mean.


    What you describe is: You have not to press CTRL-ALT-DEL to see the input screen for username and password if the computer starts.  


    But we use the auto logon by placing the username and password in


    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon

    AutoAdminLogon = 1

    DefaultUserName = USERNAME

    DefaultPassword = PASSWORD

    DefaultDomainName = PCNAME


    Thanks Good! This is also working in Windows 7.


    We do this to conform to ISO 9002 to set the PC in working condition if power switch on or after a black out. We programming an own SytemManager to do all the starting, hide Desktop, hide Taskbar and so on.


    This is working very well and you see the PC is save for unauthorized user. At our system also user with no permission is allowed to see and handling all in the visualization, but not allowed to manipulation anything or input anything. This required a logon in our security system.


    The only hole we have is: If you press CTRL-ALT DEL on a running system the logon screen appears and you can do many things, even start Explore.exe via TaskManager. To block this we use at XP our own GINA.DLL and filtering CTRL-ALT DEL and doing nothing if our SystemManger set a special Key in Registry. This is no more working in Windows 7.


    So, the question is, what we have to do to have no reaction if the user press CTRL-ALT DEL and a special Key in Registry is set?

    i do the same thing smilar of you, and i also can't find the sloution,have you find the sloution?
  • Monday, May 24, 2010 12:15 PM
    0 Points

    i have the same question similar of you, Do you have the solution yet?

  • Sunday, June 27, 2010 7:16 AM
    5 Points

    We have a similar issue. For those that wonder why you'd ever want to lock out users from Ctrl+Alt+Del, in my business we deliver exams through a web browser. It is critical that test takers not be allowed to access desktop resources while they take the exam to prevent theft of intellectual property (say, send screenshots of test questions to the web) and/or good old fashioned cheating (like messenging a buddy for help).

    Any help with this is appreciated.

  • Sunday, August 15, 2010 5:48 AM
    0 Points
    Thank you very much! 
  • Friday, October 15, 2010 12:06 PM
    0 Points
    I have the same question, do you have any solution?
  • Tuesday, February 22, 2011 1:13 PM
    10 Points

    Very strange. Seemse like loads of people would like to control the behaviour of crtl-alt-del (I do as well, to prevent users exiting a remote desktop session), but nobody seems to be able to do so... How is that possible?

    One is able to limit the functionality of crtl-alt-del (by group - or local policies) so that you can't start task manager or lock the computer, but you can't disable the window showing up, which is exactly what I want (even better for me would be to translate it to crtl-alt-end, which is the sequence to initiate the crtl-alt-del on a remote desktop session)

  • Wednesday, March 30, 2011 8:27 AM
    5 Points

    Hi to all,

    I just discovered the following Utility on the web :
    ITknowledge24 Tweak Ctrl+Alt+Del Options Tool
    from http://www.itknowledge24.com/

    It does not allow to disable the Ctrl-Alt-Del key combination, but allows to disable each individual action that can be triggered from the pop-up window : Lock Computer, Switch user, Log Off, Change Password, Start Task Manager.

    The user can still press the Ctrl-Alt-Del key combination, but can't do anything from there.

    That is only a workaround to your problem, but it seems better than nothing, until someone finds a better solution.

    Hope this will help you all.


  • Tuesday, June 07, 2011 6:43 AM
    Hanu Software
    1,330 Points

    Hi Michel/ All,

    Question 1: Do we have any terms and conditions outlined for using Tweak Ctrl+Alt+Del from ITKnowledge? Or could the source code be made available for that.

    Question 2: End of the day, after following this thread which started in 2009, I don't see any guidance/ sample from Microsoft anywhere to override this behavior through code. Am still going through CSP documentation, but things are not obvious here.


  • Tuesday, August 09, 2011 10:32 AM
    0 Points

    There is NO official way to disable Ctrl-Alt-Del from Windows Vista onwards. It is handled at a very low level to ensure that the Secure Logon screen is the legit Windows logon screen and NOT a fake screen shown by malware to capture your password.

    The only way to disable Ctrl-Alt-Del is to break out a disassember and do some serious reverse engineering and hacking of Windows core files.

  • Friday, October 21, 2011 12:54 AM
    0 Points

    Why not use the group policy editor?

    local machine> gpedit.pol

    network > group policy editor

  • Friday, December 09, 2011 1:33 AM
    0 Points

    Very strange. Seemse like loads of people would like to control the behaviour of crtl-alt-del (I do as well, to prevent users exiting a remote desktop session), but nobody seems to be able to do so... How is that possible?

    One is able to limit the functionality of crtl-alt-del (by group - or local policies) so that you can't start task manager or lock the computer, but you can't disable the window showing up, which is exactly what I want (even better for me would be to translate it to crtl-alt-end, which is the sequence to initiate the crtl-alt-del on a remote desktop session)

    I don't know if I'm too late to help you on this but .. I will anyway.

    Run 'regedit.exe'

    goto  HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System

    at this location, enter a string value called 'DisableTaskMgr' and enter a value of 1.


    To Re-enable the taskmanager again or CTRL-ALT-DEL just delete the key.


    Dino C.

  • Thursday, January 05, 2012 3:00 PM
    10 Points
    Thank you for your reply, but this only disables the opening of the control manager. It does not prevent the windows 7 screen with options for "log off" and "switch user" to come up. On a kiosk computer, you do not want users to see this screen.
  • Friday, January 06, 2012 4:00 PM
    5 Points
    Hi, this tool known as Interception, is able to block the CAD sequence easely, there's a sample for this at their web page.
  • Thursday, March 14, 2013 7:28 PM
    5 Points

    Hi, I've been doing some work on configuring a windows 7 computer for Kiosk use and found that the Ctrl-Alt-Del options can all be disabled through the Group Policy Editor.
    Run GPEDIT.MSC from a command prompt or the start menu. Follow the instructions listed below:

    Disable Ctrl-Alt-del options
    a. Type gpedit.msc from cmd prompt
    b. Select User Configuration->Administrative Templates->System->Ctrl-Alt-Del Options
    c. Double click on each Remove Change Password, Remove Lock Computer, Remove Task Manager, and Remove Logoff
    and select Enabled then OK. 
    d. Select Computer Configuration->Administrative Templates->System->Logon
    e. In the right hand pane, double click on Hide entry points for Fast user Switching
    f. Select Enabled then OK

    This will remove all the nasty items in the ctrl-alt-del screen that can give users access to things you want to protect.

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