

翻译:Heart Rate Training Zones(心率训练区间)
今天发了个关于心率表的帖子,其中有一楼是Heart Rate Training Zones(心率训练区间),我用了点时间翻译了一下,给大家参考。

Heart Rate Training Zones(心率训练区间)

The key to training with a heart rate monitor is a basic understanding of the concept of heart rate training zones. These training zones are often expressed as percentages of your maximum heart rate. Note the percentages which define the zones are approximate only. They are not cast in stone and can vary quite a lot from individual to individual. Threat them as useful starting points and modify them to suit your own situation.
Table: Heart Rate Training Zones (表格:心率训练区间)
% of Max Heart Rate(最大心率百分比)Type of Metabolism (新陈代谢类型)Training in This Zone is Good For(心率训练区间适合运动)
50 - 60% Aerobic Fat
Getting Fit, Warming Up, Burning Fat  
60 - 70 %Aerobic (mainly Fat, some Carbohydrate)
Burning Fat
Losing Weight
70 - 80 %Aerobic (mainly Carbohydrate, some Fat)(有氧,主要碳水化合物,一些脂肪)Building Aerobic Endurance (提高有氧耐力)

80 - 90 %Aerobic / Anaerobic Threshold (有氧,无氧临界)Raising Lactic Threshold (提高乳酸门槛)
90 - 100 %Anaerobic Carbohydrate
Increasing Maximum Aerobic Capacity (提高最大有氧能力)

Let me give some examples. (几个例子看一下)

Let's say that you have not exercised for years and you want to start doing it again. You would start training at the 50 to 60% max heart rate zone. This is easy and gentle training which is great for beginners to keep healthy and fit. For experienced exercisers, this zone is often also used for warming up.

If the main goal of your training is to lose weight, then you would want to train at an intensity so that you burn off a lot of body fat while you are exercising. You can choose to exercise either in the 50 to 60% or in the 60 to 70% max heart rate zone. Remember that if your aim is to lose weight, your training duration plays also a very important role. You should train for a minimum of an hour, preferably longer to get the most out of your training. It is not just a matter of training at the right zone. You should also ensure that you burn slightly more calories than you take in from your diet.
(如果你训练的主要目标是减重,你希望有强度的训练来燃烧身体内的脂肪。你可以选择在50 - 60%或60 - 70 %最大心率区间训练。记住你的目标是减重,你的训练时间就显得尤为重要。至少应达到一个小时,更长的时间可以达到更好的训练效果。在合适的心率区间训练不是减重的唯一要素,你同时应该确保消耗的热量高于你进食的热量。)

If your main goal is to train for an endurance event, say, a half marathon, you would be aiming to train at the 70 to 80% max heart rate zone. Training at this zone improves your aerobic endurance i.e. the ability to do prolonged exercise without fatigue.
(如果你的目标是参加耐力赛,比如半程马拉松,你就应该在70 - 80 %最大心率区间训练。这个区间训练能够提升你的有氧耐力能力(长时间运动却无疲劳感)。)

If your goal for the current session is to train your body to increase your lactic threshold i.e. delay your transition from aerobic to anaerobic metabolism so that you can stay aerobic for longer and at higher intensities, you would aim to train at the 80 to 90% heart rate zone. Example: If your lactic threshold was 80% of your maximum heart rate and, after consistently training in this zone, you managed to increase it to 90% of your maximum heart rate, you would notice a very significant improvement in your endurance performance.
(如果你目标是提高身体的乳酸门槛,即推迟身体由有氧状态到无氧代谢状态,保持更长时间的无氧运动状态和保持更高运动强度的无氧运动状态,你应该在80 - 90 %最大心率区间训练。比如:如果你的乳酸门槛是80 %最大心率,经过持续一段时间在80 %最大心率区间训练,你努力把乳酸门槛提升到90 %最大心率,你就会发现自己耐力得到显著提升。)

If you are already very fit and the goal of your session is to improve your capacity for peak performance, then you may decide to train at the 90 to 100% max heart rate zone, for short durations. Training in this zone can be used also to increase your maximum aerobic capacity (VO2 Max). Training in this zone is usually done via interval workouts. For example, if you are a competitive runner, you will sometimes train in this zone to increase your raw speed and sprinting capability, as sometimes these are what it takes to win a close race, even in a long distance event. Note that training in the 90 to 100% zone should only be done by fit athletes with no history of cardiovascular diseases.

(如果你已经非常健美,你的目标是提升极限运动能力,你可以决定短暂的在90 - 100 %最大心率区间训练。(估计大负荷训练有一定副作用,强调了短时间)在这个区间还能够提升最大有氧运动能力。这个区间通常采用间歇式训练。例如,如果你是一个竞赛选手,你可以在这个区间训练,一提高你的峰值速度和冲刺能力,这有助于赢得close race(不知什么意思),甚至长距离比赛。需要注意的是,只有健美的运动选手能在90 - 100 %最大心率区间训练,有任何心血管历史的人也不适合这个区间的训练。)(一句话,普通人别瞎搞,会搞坏身体的)

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