




Continuing where my shared library proposal<https://groups.google.com/d/msg/golang-nuts/zmjXkGrEx6Q/L4R8qyw7WW4J> left,
I managed to add support to the go tools and runtime for creating go shared
libraries suitable for loading from an Android app with System.loadLibrary.
I've uploaded the required patches along with a simple demo here:


If everything goes well, you'll end up with a simple coloranimated triangle
that you can drag around the screen.

Other than the CLs mentioned in my proposal, two Android specific patches
are included in the goandroid repo. One patch works around a TLS limitation
in the Android linker, and the other disables various features not
available in the Android libc (bionic).

  - elias
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Search Discussions

22 responses

  • at Jun 30, 2013 at 1:54 am ?

    Very nice work!

    I am excited to take a look at this more in depth once I have time.

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  • at Jun 30, 2013 at 1:58 am ?

    Great. But what applications for go in android?
    Network scanner that pings thousands of hosts from android could be one.

    What else requires such concurrency and will run on android?
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  • at Jun 30, 2013 at 2:53 am ?


    If you look at the example in the repo it uses JNI, which gives you access
    to all Java API's.. Go could be used to write any android application
    currently (or not) available right now on the Play Store.

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  • at Jun 30, 2013 at 8:55 pm ?

    As Bob pointed out, you can write more or less all apps in Go, given enough
    JNI glue. However, I see a particular good case for mobiles games in Go.

    Games have the unusual property that they are loosely tied to the
    particular platform (basically only need OpenGL for graphics and access to
    input) so a large portion of a game code base can be made portable.
    However, the current highest level common language between Android and iOS
    is C/C++, but because Go output native executables/libraries I see a great
    opportunity to make it a great crossplatform language to write games in.

      - elias
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  • at Jul 1, 2013 at 5:15 am ?

    Go has async file io. I think OpenGL ES is single threaded. In case of Go I
    guess OpenGL ES wrapper will work with single go routine.

             glGenRenderbuffers(1, &_msaaColorBuffer);

             glBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER, _msaaColorBuffer);

             glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleAPPLE(GL_RENDERBUFFER, 4, GL_RGBA4,
    width, height);

             glFramebufferRenderbuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0,
    GL_RENDERBUFFER, _msaaColorBuffer);

             // Multisample Depth Render Buffer

             glGenRenderbuffers(1, &_msaaDepthBuffer);

             glBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER, _msaaDepthBuffer);

             glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleAPPLE(GL_RENDERBUFFER, 4,
    GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16, width, height);

             glFramebufferRenderbuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT,
    GL_RENDERBUFFER, _msaaDepthBuffer);

    OpenGL ES can't be called concurrently as there is single context with

    I think it is senseless to use Go without its strengths.
    "Go for games" requires special async graphics API that will load graphics
    recourses asynchronously.

    I am sure there is lack of such API
    Modern phones share video and main memory. So lacking features are
    limitations of Open GLES API.

    In theory CPUs and GPU may blend graphics streams (textures, vertexes) in
    much more efficient way.
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  • at Jul 1, 2013 at 8:39 am ?

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    Go's strengths aren't just goroutines. There's at least the built-in
    slice and map types, unsigned integer types, light-weight interfaces
    and standard library. And even if you can't do graphics from multiple
    goroutines, you can still do AI, simulation, image decoding, and other
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  • at Jul 1, 2013 at 11:16 am ?


    I'd like to add that this is also not an problem with OpenGL itself. Even
    if OpenGL API's supported being called from multiple threads, graphics
    drivers would just have to serialize the calls into uniform ones order to
    execute them anyway, so there would be little to none performance benefit.
    Even DirectX is not an multi-threaded rendering API.

    Also, most (all?) games on Android and the iPhone are written using OpenGL
    ES, some Android ones are even purely using Java, which Go can surely meet
    or exceed performance wise.

    Also note that while an single OpenGL context may only exist in one thread,
    multiple threads in an application can use different OpenGL contexts at
    once, and they may share memory and resources (Google: OpenGL shared
    contexts). The driver will still serialize render calls, obviously, so
    there is no multi-threaded rendering performance benifit. But with this you
    can upload textures or models asynchronously.

    Go is an perfect candidate for making great interactive games and
    applications using OpenGL.

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  • at Jun 30, 2013 at 3:13 am ?

  • at Jun 30, 2013 at 4:09 pm ?

    Nice work,

    Even with the language design issues I voiced a few times here, I would
    consider using Go to write Android applications, if it would be an official
    supported language.

    This is why I created this issue,


    But from the looks of it, nothing much has happened and to be honest from
    this year's
    Google IO talks, I got the idea that the NDK is a kind of stepchild,
    considering that the
    new Game APIs are Java only and the emphasis on Renderscript.
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  • at Jun 30, 2013 at 9:03 pm ?

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    Besides, Google has to keep support for Java/Dalvik/NDK basically forever,
    so adding yet another language is a big decision not taken lightly. Make
    great Go apps/games and help influence the decision. Sometimes we have to
    show the way forward instead of waiting for the big guys :)

      - elias
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  • at Jul 6, 2013 at 12:06 am ?


    I've updated the Go patches included in goandroid, so you should now be
    able to build Go Android apps on darwin too.

      - elias
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  • at Jul 6, 2013 at 12:29 am ?

    Sufficiently graphically advanced games require deterministic frame
    performance. With Go on Android, I see this requirement challenged twice:
    by unrestricted background apps and non-deterministic GC pauses. Any ideas
    on how those issues could be mitigated, if only partially?
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  • at Jul 6, 2013 at 12:45 am ?


    My main usage of Go has been creating games. While I cannot say for certain
    that the GC will be an problem for me; thus far in my development I have
    seen no issue using Go as-is for game development.

    I do, however, have an backup plan, in the event that the GC does impose
    noticeable pauses (which I suppose could be more obvious on slower mobile

    With cgo you can make calls to malloc, free, calloc, etc. this will give
    you manual memory management for the portions of your game where you need
    it (I.e. those portions of code who impose noticeable GC pauses).

    That being said; maybe you should try it before you knock it? I haven't had
    any issues.

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  • at Jul 6, 2013 at 1:12 am ?

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    Unrestricted background apps is not a Go specific problem and doesn't seem
    to get in the way for other Android games. As for the GC pauses, minimize
    or eliminate per-frame garbage after level load is key. No garbage, no GC.

      - elias
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  • at Jul 6, 2013 at 7:05 am ?

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    Precisely, and at the end of level load you can call runtime.GC to force
    any garbage collection prior to gameplay, and if need be call SetGCPercent
    from runtime/debug to tune the collection to your needs. Besides which,
    it's entirely feasible to design a game engine that produces no garbage.
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  • at Jul 8, 2013 at 2:40 am ?

    I've now added the "nativeactivity" sample to demonstrate the
    NativeActivity API through Go. The sample contains no Java code, and allow
    full control of the EGL context creation and input/render loop from Go.

      - elias
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  • at Jul 6, 2013 at 1:47 am ?

  • at Jul 6, 2013 at 7:42 am ?

    Sweet. Ill experiment with trying to get egles to work with this. To
    everyone saying that egl cant be used in a multithreaded fashion, that isnt
    entirely true. Section 2.5 in the egl spec discusses multithreading. While
    there are challenges associated with getting egl to work with goroutines,
    its definitely possible. We may end up having to use something like the
    chromium model to implement thread safety. (not the browser, google it).
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  • at Jul 6, 2013 at 5:33 pm ?

    Nice. If you do this, take a look at NativeActivity (but skip
    android_native_app_glue which is a C/C++ centric library on top of NA) if
    you haven't done so already. It's a bit more work to implement, but in
    return you get less Java code and direct access to EGL and with
    LockOSThread/UnlockOSThread you can completely control the render loop much
    like on other platforms. The goandroid sample use GLSurfaceView only for
    simplicity since it is only a demo of Android/Go interaction. In fact, I
    already have NativeActivity working with my own ad-hoc gl es wrapper, and
    would consider adding a sample to goandroid if there's enough interest.

      - elias
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  • at Jul 6, 2013 at 6:37 pm ?

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    This is only theoretically feasible. In practice, preallocating all your
    buffers might not be feasible, especially on mobile. Besides, in a
    garbage-collected language, the standard library itself relies on garbage
    collection. So to be sure you're not generating excessive garbage, you'd
    need to either inspect the code of the libraries you're using or not use
    them at all (which would defeat the point of using Go in the first place).

    Say, you want to display frames per second on each frame. Do you use a
    library function to convert the number to string or do manual digit
    juggling to save yourself an allocation? This reminds me of a chapter in
    Real World Haskell[1] in which they show how to optimize a simple piece of
    code. It turns out you can write fast programs in Haskell, but it won't be
    idiomatic Haskell (definitely not like that "quicksort" you've seen) and
    you'd need to spend time profiling many parts of your program or adopting a
    very different coding style from the start, to not end up with unrunnable
    code after a month's time (remember, I'm talking in the context of mobile;
    every CPU cycle and memory byte is precious there).

    Of course, this whole issue is theoretical. Go would work for 90% of the
    games out there. Besides, you could take an engine in C++ and write a
    wrapper for it so that only game logic would be written in Go.

    My point is that for any language there is a certain cost you pay in terms
    of performance overhead vs high-levelness. I'd love to see Go outrunning
    Java on Android! So good luck!

    [1]: http://book.realworldhaskell.org/read/profiling-and-optimization.html
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  • at Jul 6, 2013 at 8:19 pm ?

    The funny thing about this discussion is how it brings me back memories how
    I used to write Assembly, because Turbo Pascal, C and C++ were too slow and
    produced horrible big slow executables.

    Am Samstag, 6. Juli 2013 12:36:40 UTC+2 schrieb alco:
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  • at Jul 7, 2013 at 12:19 am ?

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    The Go standard library is actually fairly practical about this, and tries
    to be garbage-free wherever practical to do so. Many other
    garbage-collected languages are ref-counted, using garbage collection for
    cycles, and those languages' stdlibs may rely on automatic collection much
    more than Go's since they're already paying at least an additional
    per-frame-unwind cost (thus overuse of strings and such are free).

    So to be sure you're not generating excessive garbage, you'd need to
    either inspect the code of the libraries you're using or not use them at
    all (which would defeat the point of using Go in the first place).

    That's reasonable anyway for both general familiarity and peer review.
    Profiling is critical for mobile development anyway, and if you avoid
    premature optimization *and* profile, then you can put the minimum required
    effort into making the software reliably usable within the given
    operational constraints.

    Say, you want to display frames per second on each frame. Do you use a
    library function to convert the number to string or do manual digit
    juggling to save yourself an allocation?
    I know you're using this as a theoretical example, though there is
    strconv.AppendInt, which doesn't generate it's own garbage. That said,
    manual digit juggling, especially if you're limiting yourself to decimal,
    is not all that troublesome -- I've done it numerous times in a dozen or so
    lines of assembly, so it'd take at most that many lines of Go code. There
    would of course be other cases in which the already-available approach may
    not be ideal, though Java and C++ also have weak spots in this category too.
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