

Charles August Mengin, “Sappho,” 1877



      Martial, Epigrams (“The Loeb Classical Library”), Eng. tr. by W.C.A. Ker. 五年前曾閱此。J.M. Murry, Between Two Worlds, pp. 76-8 自記兒時知識初開,覓希臘、拉丁字典中字下註明有穢褻意(sens. obsc.)者,按其出於何書而讀之,因得窺見 Aristophanes, Catullus 佳處。男女曖昧陰私,一入諸作者筆下,遂如秋陽以暴之,江漢以濯之,無復不淨(The world of sex, that might have been dark & furtive, was scorched into purity by a glaring sun. Aristophanes created no prurient itch within me — rather stunned me first, & then bleached me.),其言是也,而於 Martial 尤切:cunnus, mentula, culus, futuor, felatio, pedicatio, cunnilingus 等字,連篇累牘,了無諱飾,然皆嘻笑怒罵,為捧腹切齒之資,異于流連刻劃,有盪心惑志之效,自是口穢而非意淫也。

            Bk. I, IV: “Lasciva est nobis pagina, vita proba.” (vol. I, p. 32) 按即李義山《上河東公啟》所謂:“至於南國妖姬,叢臺妙妓,雖有涉於篇什,實不接於風流。”尚非竹垞《解珮令》:“老去填詞,一半是、空中傳恨,幾曾圍、燕釵蟬鬢。”參觀第七一八則論 Ernst, Erdachte Gespräche, s. 8,第七四一則論《全唐文》七七八。此羅馬詩人常語:Catullus, XVI, 5-8: “Nam castum esse decet pium poetam / ipsum, versiculos nihil necessest”; Ovid: Tristia, II, 353-4: “Crede mihi, distant mores a carmine nostro;[1]/ vita verecunda est, musa jocosa mihi”; Hadrian II: “Lascivus versu, mente pudicus eras.” (Minor Latin Poets, by J.W. & A.M. Duff, “Loeb Class. Lib.”, p. 444); Mme de Boufflers: “Je veux rendre à la vertu par mes paroles, ce que je lui ôte par mes actions.” (Hume, Letters, ed. J.Y.T. Greig, I, xxiv) 他如 Pliny, Ep., IV, 14; V, 3; Ausonius, Idyl., XIII 皆以斯解嘲(參觀 J.P. Sullivan, Critical Essays on Roman Literature, I, “Elegy & Lyric”, pp. 119-21)。H. Nettleship, Lectures & Essays, p. 39 痛斥之,謂是拉丁文學中惡習。後來 Ronsard, Folastries 一集取 Catullus 語載卷首為藉口,Marino, Adone,VIII. 6: “Sia modesto l’autor; che sien le carte / ottava men pudiche talor, curar non deve. [2] / ... / ché, s’oscena è la penna, è casto il core.” (G.G. Ferrero, Marino e i Marinisti, pp. 155-6) Robert Herrick 屢云:“Wantons we are; and though our words be such / our lifes do differ from our lines by much”; “To his book’s end this last line  [3]/ he’d have plac’t: / Jocond his Muse was; but his Life was chast.” (Poetical Works, ed. Moorman, pp. 215, 326) 即其遺風餘響。Joubert 則云:Lasciva est nobis pagina, vita proba; ce n’est pas là une excuse. Pagina lasciva importe; vita proba importe moins.” (Pensées, XIII, 132),可謂義正詞嚴者矣。Greville 日記載Luttrell Thomas Moore 詩篇淫艷 (licentious),而無遺行,不二色 (pattern of conjugal & domestic regularity)Rogers 詩無隻字狎邪 (pure),而一生貪歡縱欲 (the greatest sensualist),二家之文皆不類其為人 (The contrast between the lives & the works of the two men) (The Greville Memoirs, ed. Henry Reeve, III, p. 331),足參觀。Havelock Ellis Casanova 嘗引 Moore Rogers 事,而為之說曰: “Singing is sweet; but be sure of this, / Lips only sing when they cannot kiss.” (Selected Essays, “Everyman’s Library, p. 74) 蓋持身愈謹,則吞花臥酒之心無處宣洩,不得不以詩篇為尾閭也。吾國梁簡文帝《誡當陽公大心書》云:“立身之道,與文章異。立身先須謹重,文章且須放蕩。”《小倉山房尺牘》卷六《與韓紹真》云:“貴直者,人也;貴曲者,文也。”乃指文章之法度體製,未可混為一談。Ch. Lalo, L’Ex-pression de la Vie dans l’Art, pp. 10 ff. 力駁 “L’identité entre l’écrivain et son oeuvre” 之說,引 Sainte-Beuve: “Les gens de lettres ne sont-ils donc que des comédiens?”,又pp. 26, 93。《侯鯖錄》卷三:“歐陽文忠公嘗以詩薦一士人與王渭州仲儀。仲儀待之甚厚,未幾贓敗。仲儀歸朝,見文忠公,論及此。文忠笑曰:‘詩不可信也如此。’”

            XV: “Exspectant curaeque catenatique labores.” (p. 38) catenatique labores二字好[4],所謂“沒了期”也。

      XXXIV: “Deprendi veto te, Lesbia, non futui.” (p. 48) 即所謂 “The eleventh commandment: Thou shalt not be found out”; “Si non caste, tainen caute: if not chastely, yet charily.” (The Oxford Dictionary of English Proverbs, p. 207) cf. Apuleius, Metamorphoseon, X. 3: “Nam quod nemo novit, paene non fit.” [5] (What is not known is not done.)

            LVII 見前第八十一節。

            LXII: “Coniuge Penelope venit, abit Helene.” (p. 68) 謂始貞終淫,如柳州所記河間婦也。J.A. Symonds, Studies of the Greek Poets, ch. IV 亦以二人對舉,謂一好動 (To Helen migration was no less natural than to the swan that gave her life),一好靜 (Penelope’s catlike attachment to the home of her wedded years),著眼處頗異。

            XC: “At tu, pro facinus, Bassa, fututor eras. / inter se geminos audes committere cunnos / mentiturque virum prodigiosa Venus... / hic, ubi vir non est, ut sit adulterium.” (p. 86) Léon Bloy, Le Désespéré, p. 316: “Valérien Denizot est le plus universel raté de son siècle. Raté de la poésie, raté du roman, raté du théâtre, raté de la politique, raté même de l’amour, ayant été cocufié à Lesbos, — ce qui est un cocuage sans espérance.”

            XCIV 見第六百十三則。以上卷一。

      Bk. II, VII. 觀此詩可見 bellus, belle 在拉丁文初非佳語,“Nil bene cum facias, facias tamen omnia belle.” (p. 114) 亦如孔子所謂“盡美矣,未盡善也”,二者間有軒輊。Bk. I, IX (p. 34); Bk. III, LXIIi (p. 202); Bk. XII, XXXIX (II, p. 346) 譏斥 “bellus homo” 語可參觀。又 Bk. X, XLVI: “Omnia vult belle Matho dicere, die aliquando / Et bene, dic neutrum, die aliquando. male.” [6] (vol. II, p. 188)

            XVIII: “Esse sat est servum, iam nolo vicarius esse. / Qui rex est, regem, Maxime, non habeat.” (p. 120) xxxii: “Non bene, crede mihi, servo servitur amico: / Sit liber, dominus qui volet esse meus.” (p. 128) 談何容易!卿孤袞袞何,莫非“奴才的奴才”,Shenstone 所謂 “a beggar’s dog”Swift 所謂 “smaller fleas” 乎?

             LVIII: “Sunt haec trita quidem, Zoile, sed mea sunt.” (p. 142) 按即 “An ill-favoured thing sir, but mine own.” [7]

      XLI 一婦僅存三齒,又黑如漆 (et tres sunt tibi, Maximina, dentes, / sed plane piceique buxeique),因誡之曰:“‘解事少女,嫣然善粲’(Ride si sapis, o puella, ride) 之句,非為汝道,汝宜悲,勿宜喜”云云 (p. 132)。按即 Ovid, Ars amatoriae, III, 279-80: “Si niger aut ingens aut non erit ordine natus / Dens tibi, ridendo maxima damna feres.” 參觀 Athenaeus, Deipnosophists, XIII, 568: Alexis: “She has pretty teeth: she must laugh. But if she doesn’t like to laugh, she must spend the whole day indoors, & like the goats’ heads displayed by the butchers for sale, must keep a thin piece of myrtle wood upright between her lips; hence in course of time, she opens her mouth in a grin, whether she wants to or not.” (tr. by C.B. Gulick, “The Loeb Classical Library”, vol. VI, pp. 69-71)。《傳家寶初集》卷七《笑得好》一則云:“有二娼,一齒黑,一齒白。有人問齒黑者姓甚,其妓堅閉口,鼓一鼓,在喉中答應:‘姓顧’;問多少年紀,答:‘年十五’;問能甚的,答:‘會敲鼓’。問齒白者何姓,其妓將口一齜,答:‘姓秦’;問幾歲,答:‘年十七’;問何長,則白齒盡露,答:‘會彈琴’。”又見《三集》卷八《奇娛集》。Journal des Goncourt, VI, p. 92: “Un joli détail de coquetterie, confié par une femme du premier Empire. Devant sa psyché, à l’effet de gracieuser sa bouche pour les bals du soir, elle se livrait a une veritable répétition tous les matins, disant cent fois, quand elle voulait la faire toute petite: Un pruneau de Tours, disant quand elle voulait la montrer dans sa largeur et son épanouissement : J’avale une poire.” Oxford Dict. Of Quotations, 2nd ed., p. 100: John Burgoyne, The Heiress, III, ii: “You have only, when before your glass, to keep pronouncing to yourself nimini-primini — the lips cannot fail of taking their plie.” Dickens, Little Dorrit, II, v, Mrs General thinks the word “papa” better than “father” because it gives a pretty shape to the lips. Nancy Mitford, Love in a Cold Climate, Pt. II, ch. 4: “Lady Montdore learnt to flash a brilliant smile. ‘I make her say brush before she comes into a room,’ Cedric told me. ‘It’s a thing I got out of an old book on deportment & it fixes at once this very gay smile on one’s face.’” The Jest Book (“Golden Treasury Series”), selected & arranged by Mark Lemon, p. 253, MCCLXI: “Sanderson, Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge, was quite blind. Happening to make one in a large party, he remarked of a lady, who had just left the room, that she had very white teeth. The company were curious to learn how he had discovered this, which was very true. ‘I have reason to think,’ said the professor, ‘that the lady is not a fool, & I can think of no other motive for her laughing incessantly, as she did for a whole hour together.” [8]【《分別功德論》卷二:“昔有比丘,逢一長者女乞食,皆起欲意,動手掉投飯於缽,錯注於地,女自怪笑。比丘見女齒白,悟曰:‘女人口中,純是骨耳。’”卷四:“善勝比丘,貴族之子,妓女不去左右。時婦睡眠,覩其白齒,身形雖妙,但是骨耳。森然毛豎,出戶求佛。”《佛本行集經‧魔怖菩薩品第二十七》云[9]:“現種種婦女媚惑之事,或作微笑,示現白齒。”】

      LXXXIII 記本夫捉姦夫,割去其耳鼻,因云:“iste potest et irrumare.” (p. 156) Bk. III, LXXXV 記本夫劓姦夫鼻:“Non hac peccatum est parte, marite, tibi. / ... nihil hic tibi perdidit uxor.” (p. 216-8) 按割去耳鼻,大似陳麗卿之懲高衙內。“鼻何罪焉”云云,則王季重謔菴《悔謔》第三十六則云:“同寅集句,有言人犯姦痛决,臀怨其勢曰:‘爾圖樂,今害我!’勢曰:‘極該打你,我不過一探望,推而聳之者,誰也?’一坐啞啞,徐之謔菴再笑。語者曰:‘老先生想得滋味矣。’謔菴曰:‘更妙處在忽作人言。’”

            LXXXVII: “Dicis amore tui bellas ardere puellas, / qui faciem sub aqua, Sexte, natantis habes.” (p. 158) 按言面目臃腫甚妙,參觀 Heine, Gedanken und Einfälle: “Ein Gesicht wie ein Fötus in Weingeist.” (Gesammelte Werke, hrsg. von G. Karpeles, Bd. VIII, s. 325); J.B. Priestley, Low Notes on a High Level, p. 80: “Kenneth was... vaguely good-looking like a handsome film star seen through a wet window.” 以上卷二。

            Bk. III, LXXXIX: “nam faciem durum, Phoebe, cacantis” (p. 218) Ker 註引 Suetonius Vespasian 亦然。按莎士比亞 Timon of Athens, V, v, 89: “Hee hath a face like one’s that is at cack.” 蘇州人俗語謂人受窘時面頳頰鼓舌結之狀曰:“一付登坑尲尬二字據《紅樓夢》第四十六回回目作如此寫法面孔”,正謂此。

            XCIII 形容 Vetustilla 醜狀有云:“氣味類母羊之夫 (et illud oleas quod viri capellarum) (p. 222)”,又 Bk. IV, IV 刻劃 Bassa 身有奇臭,喻之老兵皮靴 (lassi vardaicus quod evocati),油燈乍熄 (quod spurcae moriens lucerna Ledae),而亦云:“quod pressa piger hircus in capella” (p. 232)。按 Aristophanes, The Acharnians, 851-3: “His armpits are rank with bad odour, like that of his father from Tragasus (πατρός τραγασαίον pun on τράγος, goat).” 拉丁詩家如 Catullus, LXIX: “Valle subalarum trux habitare caper”; LXXI: “alarum obstitit hircus”; Horace, Sermonum, I, ii: “Gorgonius hircum [olet]”; Ovid, Ars. amat., I, 522: “Nec laedat naris virque paterque gregis”; III, 193: “ne trux caper iret in alas.”Scarron on the natives of Mans: “aux très redoutables aisselles” (Paul Morillot, Scarron et le genre burlesque, p. 18)《輟耕錄》卷十七《腋氣》條考“狐臭”當作“胡臭”,即《北里志》所謂“慍羝”(胡侍《真珠船》卷六襲之),則吾國古人正亦以羝羊為比。梁山舟《頻羅菴遺集》卷十四《直語補證‧狐騷》條引《山海經‧北山經》云:“食之不驕。”注云:“或作騷,臭也。”(梁諫庵《瞥記》卷七同。)《雜阿含經》卷四十(一一一五)天帝釋敗阿修羅,詣空間仙人處,退於西面時,東風起,有異仙人說偈言:‘今此諸牟尼,出家來日久。腋下流汗臭,莫順坐風下。千眼可移坐,此臭不可堪。’”[《別譯》卷三(四四)作:“我身久出家,腋下有臭氣。風吹向汝去,移避就南坐。如此諸臭氣,諸天所不堪。”]《春渚紀聞》卷一謂黃山谷曾患腋氣。錢飲光《藏山閣詩存》卷十二《南海竹枝詞‧之五》云:“城中高髻學吳妝,淺髮齊眉賺阮郎。慣把秦箏彈數弄,羅襟驗取袖兒香。”自注:“粵女多腋氣,謂之‘袖兒香’,媒氏以羅巾拭腋送客,驗其有無。”俞蛟[10] 《潮嘉風月記》云:“紐兒膚髮光膩,眉目韶秀,惜有腋氣。遇讌集酒酣,輒薰滿坐,往往有掩鼻去者。獨周海廬與昵。余拈《黃金縷》調之曰:‘百合香濃薰莫透,知君愛嗅狐騷臭。’海廬大慚。”蓋汗臭最難忍,孔平仲《談苑》記:“余靖不修飾,嘗盛暑有諫,上入內云:‘被一汗臭漢薰殺,噴唾在吾面上。’”希臘失名詩人亦云:“As ill-smelling as sweat.” (J.M. Edmonds, Lyra Graeca, vol. III, p. 431)。然 E.P. Mathers Mirza Rahchan Kayil 詩則云:“This scent that is fed for ever and for ever / From two shady flasks under your bright arms.” 極顛倒於腋氣 (Ploss, Bartels & Bartels, Woman, ed. by E.J. Dingwall, I, p. 373)Remy de Gourmont: “La femme qu’on aime sent toujours bon.” (Promenades philosophiques, III, p. 266),何“大慚”為?【參觀五百八十一則引 Hugo 語。】以上卷三。

      Bk. IV, LXXXVII Bassa 不喜童稚,而客座必弄嬰兒、作暱語,“ergo quid in causa est? pedere Bassa solet.” (p. 290) 按《廣笑府》卷五:“一人方陪客,偶撒一屁[11] ,愧甚,欲掩之,乃連以指磨椅子作聲。客曰:‘還是第一聲像。’”Frank Harris, My Life & Loves, vol. III, ch. 15: “A lady made a little explosive noise at dinner & tried to shuffle with her feet on the parquet so as to cover the indiscretion with similar sounds. Monseigneur Dupanloup said: ‘Oh, Madame, please don’t trouble to find a rhyme.’”Jules Renard, Journal, éd. NRF, p. ???: “Fier d’avoir remarqué que, quand une femme pète, tout de suite après elle tousse.”】蓋皆不如弄嬰兒之妙。Eric Linklater, Juan in China, ch. 14: “There was a paramount chief in Nigeria, when I was there, who had the most embarrassing kind of flatulence. So wherever he went, he took a young man whose job was to take the blame for any noise that occurred.” (cf. “white noise”, “acoustic perfume”)《笑林廣記》(乾隆四十六年書業堂刻)卷四云:“一女善撒屁,新婚隨嫁一嫗一婢,囑以認屁遮羞。”[12] 當歸此婦故智耳。【Hume 童時行事,適與此反:“...in a drawing room when a dreadful smell broke out, & was blamed on the dog. But then Hume was heard to say: ‘Oh do not hurt the Beast. It is not Pod, it is Me!’” (E. Mossner, The Life of David Hume, 2nd ed. 1980, p. 65)】【Lucien Fabre, Le Rire et les Rieurs, p. 202: “Voicis quelque lignes extraites de la préface de l’un des savants volumes publiés par le réputé proffeseur de Toulouse, M. Bonasse, sans le titre général de cours de physique, quelques amis jouaient aux cartes, lorsque l’un d’eux recula vivement et bruyamment sa chaise on ne sut d’abord pas pourquoi. Mais, au bout d’un instant: ‘Très bien pour le bruit, dit un autre, mais pour l’odeur?’”】以上卷四。

      Bk. V, XLVI: “Basia dum nolo nisi quae luctantia carpsi.” [13](p. 328) 按參觀 Horace, Carm., II, xii: “Quae poscente magis gaudeat eripi, interdum rapere occupet.” Johannes Secundus, Basia, IX 即取此意敷陳之。

            LXXXIII: “Insequeris, fugio; fugis, insequor; haec mihi mens est.” (p. 352)  Greek AnthologyBk. XII, cciii: Strato: “You kiss me when I don’t wish it, & you don’t wish it when I kiss you; When I fly you are facile, when I attack you are difficult.” (“The Loeb Classical Library”, Eng. tr. by W.R. Paton, vol. IV, p. 385); Propertius, III, xiv, 19-20: “Hoc sensi prodesse magis: contemnite, amantes! sic hodie veniet, si qua negavit heri”; Ovid, Amores, II, xix: “Quod sequitur, fugio; quod fugit, usque sequor”; Racine, Phèdre: “Présente, je vous fuis; absente, je vous trouve”; Gay, Beggar’s Opera, III, viii air 9: “What then in love can woman do? / If we grow fond they shun us. / And when we fly them, they pursue: / But leave us when they’ve won us”; Logau: “Nisus und Nisa” (Sinngedichte, eine Auswahl, hrsg. U. Berger, s. 220); Nietzsche, Also sprach Zarathustra, “Das andere Tanzlied”: “Ich fürchte dich Nahe, ich liebe dich Ferne; deine Flucht lockt mich, dein Suchen stockt mich.” (Alfred Kröner Verlag, s. 529); Goldoni, La Locandiera, III, vii: “E vedesi che, colle donne, più che si sa, meno si merita, e che burlandosi esse di che le adora, corrono dietro a chi le disprezza.” (Commedie scelte di Carlo Goldoni, ed. Ulrico Hoepli, p. 469); Alfred de Musset, Namouna: “Une femme est comme votre ombre; courez après, elle vous fuit; fuyez-la, elle court après vous”[14]; Ben Johnson: “The Shadow” 見第七百三則。又 Queen Elizabeth 一詩,見 Leigh Hunt, Men, Women, & Books, p. 259,意同[參觀第一百十五節(一)]。 Tasso, Aminta, II, ii 見第二百九十一則;Ariosto, Orl. Fu., II, i 見第五百三十一則。以上卷五。

      Bk. VI, VII 斥屢離異屢嫁之婦曰:“adultera lege est. / offendor moecha simpliciore minus.” (p. 360) Maurice Bedel, Jérôme 60° latitude nord, ch. VII Jérôme Mme Kielland 論腦威婚俗有云: “La passion criminelle est inconnue à Hvalstad. — Mais alors, que racontent le journaux de Hvalstad? — lança Jérôme. — Ils annoncent les mariages, c’est meilleur. — Quoi les maris ne tuent pas l’amant de leur femme? — Nous ne leur donnous pas l’occasion. Nous n’avons pas d’amant. Nous avons des maris successifs. — C’est tout homme vous légalisez l’adultère.” (p. 78) 語意全同,亦即 J.B. Cabell, Jurgen, ch. 37: “I shall marry in haste, & repeat at leisure.” 是也。

      XXIII 謂老婦貌陋:“tu licet et manibus blandis et vocibus instes, / te contra facies imperiosa tua est.” (p. 370) 按李笠翁《風箏誤》所謂“見了醜婦,不由你不老實”是也。Rochester: “Love’s Scarecrow” Sir Carr Scroope 貌寢云:“Every coming maid, when you appear, / Starts back for shame, & strait turns chaste for fear.” La Bruyère, Les Caractères, ch. III, §81: “Une femme inseusible est celle qui n’a pas encore vû celui qu’elle doit aimer.” 正相發明(餘見第六百九十一則論 Coleridge, Letters)。Bk. IX, XXXVII: “promittis sescenta tamen; sed mentula surda est, / et sit lusca licet, te tamen ilia videt.” (vol. II, p. 98) 可與此詩參觀。以上卷六。

      Bk. VII, XXX Caelia 所交皆外國人,德國、猶太、埃及、印度無不有,獨不喜土產 (qua ratione facis, cum sis Romana puella, / quod Romana tibi mentula nulla placet?) (p. 442) 按可贈“吉普女郎”。Milton H. Stansbury, French Novelists of Today Valery Larbaud 云:“In his works, were a Frenchman to love one of his countrymen, it would have a slight savour of incest.” 相映成趣。
      LVIII (p. 402) Bk. IX, XLVII (Vol. II, p. 160) 皆指斥人之蓄長髯,充哲學家 (cinaedi, percidi)。按哲學家必蓄髯,久為詩家嘲諷,如 The Greek Anthology, Bk. X, CLIV, CLV, CLVI, CCCLIV, CDX, CDXXX (vol. IV, pp. 147, 237, 269, 277); Horace, Sermonum, II, iii; Aulus Gellius, IX. 2: “video barbam et pallium, philosophum nondum video.” (“The Loeb Classical Library”, II, p. 156)Epictetus, I, ii: “‘Come then shave off your beard.’ ‘If I am a philosopher,’ I answer, ‘I will not shave it off.’” (“The Loeb Classical Library”, tr. by N.A. Oldfather, I, p. 23); II, i: “Since I have been condemned to wear a grey beard & a rough cloak, & you are coming to me as to a philosopher.” (II, p. 13); IV, viii: “When they have taken a rough cloak & let their beards grow, they say, ‘I am a philosopher.’” (II, p. 381); Lucian, The Dead Come to Life, : “I met men with short cloaks & long beards who professed to come directly from Philosophy.” (“The Loeb Class. Lib.” tr. by A.M. Harmon,III, p. 19); The Double Indictment: “Pan: ‘What do you mean by philosophers? Those gloomy fellows... with beards like mine?’” (p. 103); The Eunuch: “Diocles said that above all else a philosopher should have a long beard that would inspire confidence... Bagoas said, ‘If it is by length of beard that philosophers are to be judged, a he-goat would with greater justice be given preference to all of them!’” (V, p. 341)】,以至近世 Samuel Butler: “A Philosopher”: “His beard was the badge of his profession. In Luciu’s time they were commonly called beard-wearers; for all the strength of their wits lay in their beards as Samson’s did in his locks.” (Characters & Passages from Note-Books, ed. A.R. Waller, pp. 57-8); Jules Renard: “Alexandre Hepp. Un de ses homes qui se croient philosophes attiques, parce qu’ils ont une belle barbe. Le sage est un homme qui a une belle barbe et qui la soigne.” (Journal, p. 469)。至哲學家與孌童是一是二,則僅見於此。孌童色衰必蓄鬚,Alfred Adler 所謂 “masculine protest” 者,非耶(參觀第五十二節)?《癸辛雜識別集》上引《周益公日記》、《王梅溪集》謂:“楊存中號‘髯閹’,以其多髯而善逢迎,所為則閹也。”可參觀。【Schopenhauer 最惡哲學家長髯,謂是 “Syptom der Roheit”,詳見 “Über die Universitäts-Philosophie” (Sämtl. Werke, hrsg. P. Deussen , IV, s. 198)Schopenhauer, Parerga, Bd. II, §233 自注:“Der Bart sollte, als halbe Maske, polizeilich verboten seyn.”Lettres Persanes, 78 (Classiques Garnier, pp. 174-5): “La gravité se manifeste... par les lunettes et par la moustache” etc.】以上卷七。

            Bk. VIII, LXIV 斥孌童託名生日,索餽財帛,一年至八度 (ut poscas, Clyte, munus exigasque, / uno nasceris octiens in anno / et solas) (vol. II, p. 48)。按 Ovid, Amores, I, viii, 93: “cum te deficient poscendi munera causae, / natalem libo testificare tuum!”; Ars amat., I, 417: “Magna superstitio tibi sit natalis amicae” etc.吾國無名氏《詞謔》所謂“娼妓家風多賀生”者是也。曩日官場中,亦以生日為歛錢之一道。陸采《西廂記》第十七折鄭恆斥妓云:“一年四個生日。”墨憨齋《黃鶯兒‧拙妓》:“生辰一月三回做,你知麼。”馮惟敏《海浮山堂詞稿》卷三《仙子步蟾宮‧詠勾欄十劣之六‧賀生》云:“生辰密,年紀希。有一年三番壽日,把三年呼作一歲,每一歲九度生時。”《官場現形記》卷二錢典史道:“一年之內,我一個生日,賤內一個生日,是刻板要做的。下來老太爺生日,老太太生日,少爺做親,姑娘出門,一年上總算有好幾回。不要說我連兒子、閨女都沒有,就是先父、母都去世多年。不過託名頭,打個把式罷了。”金梁《光宣小記》載門生之於座師,除“三節”外(年節、端午、中秋),并有“兩壽”(師及師母)。自西曆入中國,貪夫異想,至一人而賀兩生日者,一從陰曆,一從陽曆也。【Joyce Cary, The Horse’s Mouth, Harper & Bros. ed., p. 291, Gulley Jimson [when caught by Cocker in the old dodge of cadging free drinks on the pretext that it is his birthday]: “Yes, every day is my birthday. Often twice a day. Due to art.”】【Bk. VIII. XXVII 見第五十一則; XXVII 見第七十八則;XLI 見第六十六則。】以上卷八。

           Bk. IX. XLI: “Pontice, quod numquam futuis, sad paelice laeva / uteris et Veneri servit amica manus.” Bk. XI, LXXIII 謂有侍不來,情難自禁:“cum frustra iacui longa prurigine tentus, / succurrit pro te saepe sinistra mihi.” (vol. II, p. 290) 尚左,Ovid, Ars amat., II, 706: “nec manus in lecto laeva iacebit iners” 是其證也,觀 Ars amat., III, 787: “Mille modi veneris; simplex minimique laboris, / Cum iacet in dextrum semisupina latus.” Martial 詩中寫自運獨樂者“Charlot s’amuse [15] ── Paul Bonnetain 小說名),此二首及 Bk. II, XLIII; Bk. XII, XCV 是也。Bk. XII, XCV: “sed puella / sit tecum tua, ne thalassionem / indicas manibus libidinosis / et fias sine femina maritus” 尤為奇語,可與第六十六則引董解元詞參觀[16]亞拉伯人則謂: “Masterbate, like ape, & then you can marry the air!” (The Thousand Nights & One Night, tr. P. Mathers, I, p. 194) Memoirs of Casanova, II, p. 23: Yusuf: “A man in good health, if he cannot have a woman, must necessarily have recourse to onanism, whenever imperious nature demands it”; IX, p. 262: “I had to have recourse to self-abuse to calm my senses, & was glad to find myself relieved, as this proved to me that the desire went no deeper than the senses.” 乾隆四十六年書業堂刻《笑林廣記》卷十一:「舊有放手銃詩云:『獨坐書齋手作妻,此情不與外人知。若將左手換右手,便是停妻再娶妻。』」卷十二:「一人年逾四旬始議婚,自慚太晚,飾言續弦。妻察其動靜,似為未曾婚者。乃問前妻何氏,夫驟然不及思,答曰:『手氏。』」James Joyce, Ulysses, “The Modern Library”, p. 214: Buck Mulligan’s play, Everyman His Own Wife or A Honeymoon in the Hand. Carl Ludwig Schleich, “Rechte Hand — linke Hand” 一文略云:“Näher dem menschlichen Herzen als die rechte, hat sie auch etwas gleichsam Gemütvolleres, Weicheres, Besänftigerendes. Sie ist gern das Organ der Zärtlichkeit, des Streichelns, und sie hat etwas von einem milderen, ausgleichenderen Widerpart ihres gewaltsameren Zwillings.”(見 Hans Licht, Beiträge zur antiken Erotik, s. 69 引)。又 Martial, Bk. IX, XLI 結語云:“ipsam crede tibi naturam dicere rerum: / istud quod digitis, Pontice, perdis, homo est.” Mirabeau, Erotika Biblion 引而駁之云:“L’adultère n’est pas si loin de la nature, et est un beaucoup plus grand mal que l’onanisme. Celui... peut être souvent très-utile à la morale; la perte d’un peu de sperme n’est pas en soi un plus grand mal... La plus grande partie en est destinée par la nature même à être perdue... Je dirais à Martial: Vous n’approcheriez donc pas de votre femme quand elle est grosse; car Istud quod vagina, Pontice, perdis, homo est.” (L’oeuvre du Comte de Mirabeau, éd. “Les Maîtres de l’Amour”, p. 94) Mirabeau希臘女子……[17](les jeunes Grecques rendent aux homes, avec leurs pieds, un service dont beaucoup de femmes s’aquittent très-gauchement avec leurs mains... — p. 91) 又寫女子為男子以手出精之術甚詳 (une fille instruite dans l’art du Thalaba, etc. — pp. 92-3)。以上卷九。

            Bk. X, XXXI Calliodorus 貪口腹,賣奴買魚食之:“exclamare libet: ‘non est hic, inprobe, non est / piscis: homo est; hominem, Calliodore, comes.’” (p. 176) Scott, Antiquary, ch. 11: “It’s no fish ye’re buying, it''s men’s lives”; Thomas Hood: “Song of the Shirt”: “It is not linen you’re wearing out, / But human creatures’ lives” [18] 語同而意更□。

      LXV: “quare desine me vocare fratrem, / ne te, Charmenion, vocem sororem.” (p. 204) 參觀 Satyricon, XXIV Encolpius Giton Frater,正吾國所謂“契弟”也。CXXVII Circe 欲通於 Encolpius,謂之曰:“君既有 Frater 矣,何妨更有一 Soror?”更可證。

            LXVII: “iam cornicibus omnibus superstes” (p. 204) Ker 註引 Aristotle Plutarch 謂鴉壽最長,人九世或五世,抵鴉一生耳。按《五雜組》卷九云:“舊說烏性極壽,三鹿死後,能倒一松;三松死後,能倒一烏。”[19] 以上卷十。

      Bk. XI, XIX 見第四十四則。】

      Bk. XI, XX Augustus 詩謂 Anthony Fluvia 欲與之通,危詞恫之曰:“不與我媾,以汝為寇 (aut futue, aut pugnemus) 。”而 Anthony 惜其根甚於愛其身 (quid quod mihi vita / carior est ipsa mentula),拒不肯,遂起兵端 (p. 252)Ker 註謂 Montaigne, Essais, III, xii 論大戰禍每起於薄物細故,舉此詩為例。按近人論歷史中 “contingent”, “chance” 莫不引 Le nez de Cléopâtre ( Sidney Hook, The Hero in History, p. 177),而無道及此事者。亦兒女足以致風雲之一證也。

      XI, LXVI: “Et delator es, et calumniator, / Et fraudator es, et negotiator, / Et fellator es, et lanista. Miror / Quare no habeas, Vacerras, nummos.” Eric Partridge, Dictionary of Slang, 4th ed., p. 1001 Jack Lindsay 語引此,謂與 p. 98 所載 “A Little-Known Army Song” (“Why should we be pore? / My bruvver Pawks ’is brahn: / Why should we be pore? / My sister walks the tahn. / Farver’s bit of a tealeaf, / Muvver’s a West-End ’ore, / An’ I’m a bit of a ponce myself — / Why should we be pore?”) 相似,并載 Lindsay 譯文 (“You’re a pimp, you deal in slender, / You are a cheat, a pervert, pander, / And gladiator-trainer. Funny, / Vacerra, that you have no money!”),復本 A.W. Stewart 語,引 Marguerite’s song in the Prison Scene, Faust, Pt. I: “Meine Mutter, die Hur’ / Die mich umgebracht hat! / Mein Vater, der Schelm / Der mich gessen hat! / Mein Schwesterlein klein / Hub auf die Bein / An einem kühlen Ort; / Da ward ich ein schönes Waldvögelein, / Fliege fort, fliege fort!” ( Faust, Ier Theil, “Kerker”, 4412-4420,本事出 Grimm, Märchen)

      XCIX: “De cathedra quotiens surgis (iam saepe notavi), / pedicant miserae, Lesbia, te tunicae... / sic constringuntur magni Symplegade culi / et nimias intrant Cyaneasque natis.” (p. 306) 按夏日衣單,為汗氣所蒸,此狀常見,而無取以入詩,此篇鑄語奇□,遂成絕唱。“pedicant” pathetic fallacy 之警策者。Aristotle, Rhetoric, Bk. III, xi, 3 Homer 詩中無生者有生諸例:“the ruthless stone”, “the arrow eager to fly”, “the spear longing to take their fill of flesh” (“The Loeb Classical Library”, Eng. tr. by J.H. Freese, p. 407),以及 Meleager “Lover-loving rose” (philérasta róda) (George Soutar, Nature in Greek Poetry, p. 250) 等,皆不及也。

      C 嘲枯瘠之婦:「其脊如鋸,其尻如鎗 (quae clune nudo radat et genu pungat, /cui serra lumbis, cuspis eminet culo) (p. 308)。」按參觀 The Thousand Nights & One Night, tr. P. Mathers, II, p. 392: “God grant I never have to mount a thin one / And bruise my staff upon her stony way, / Even if I found a little pleasure in one / I would be black & blue at dawn of day.” 又唯 Quevedo, El Buscón, ch. II 謂瘦馬背如鋸 (The Choice Humorous & Satirical Works, ed. By Charles Duff, p. 8),其他妙喻未見人運用。以上卷十一。

            Bk. XII, XXXVII: “Nasutus nimium cupis videri. / nasutum volo, nolo polyposum.” (p. 344);又 LXXXVIII: “Tongilianus habet nasum, scio, non nego. sed iam / nil praeter nasum Tongilianus habet.” (p. 380),皆以「鼻」指文藝鑑賞之識力。文藝復興以後,則以「舌」 (Taste) 代之矣。參觀前論司空圖〈與李生論詩書〉,又 Croce, Aesthetic, Eng. tr. by D. Ainslie, pp. 191 ff., 470 ff.: Coleridge, Table-Talk, p. 434; Sainte-Beuve, Portraits Littéraires, III, p. 548; Nouveaux Lundis, I, p. 12; S.K. De, Studies in the History of Sanskrit Poetics, II, p. 170 ff.; L.P. Smith, Milton & His Modern Critics, p. 69

            LVIII: “Ancillariolum tua te vocat uxor, et ipsa / lecticariola est.” (p. 360)  The Greek AnthologyBk. V, XVIII, Rufinus: “We who take no pleasure in costly intrigues, prefer servants to ladies of high station” etc. (vol. I, p. 137); Horace, Sermonum, I, ii: “nil obstat... namque parabilem amo Venerem facilemque.”《墨憨齋重定萬事足傳奇》第二十折邳二云:“腳下草蒲鞋,眉粗眼大,原是個燒火丫頭,借他殺火何妨碍?古人道得好:飲美酒,宿低娼,真個不害相思不費財。”【《水滸》二十六回詩:“山妻小妾家常飯,不害相思不損錢。”李卓吾批:“殺風景!”《二刻拍案驚奇》卷十四詩云:“美色他人自有緣,從旁何用苦垂涎。請君只守家常飯,不害相思不費錢。”】此為男言之也。SatyriconCXXVI (“Loeb”, p. 276): “Nam quod servum te et humilem fateris, accendis desiderium aestuantis. Quaedam enim feminae sordibus calent,nec libidinem concitant, nisi aut servos viderint aut statores altius cinctos.” 此為女言之也。蓋皆喜降格。墨憨齋《山歌》卷四婢云:“搿子了睏,勾子了眠,醒來只剩個大缺連。姐道郎呀,好好裏被蓆那了弗肯睏,定要搭個起齷齪丫頭地上纏。”卷五美妻云:“絕標致個家婆捉來勿直錢,再搭東夾壁個喇噠婆娘做一連。個樣事務才是五百年前寃魂帳,捨子黃金抱綠磚。”按語曰:“承恩不在貌,教妾若為容。”參觀第六百三十一則。Eric John Dingwall, Racial Pride & Prejudice, p. 230: “One of the most curious aspects of the civilized sexual life is the desire on the part of many of both sexes to unite with partners of inferior or lower social grade than themselves. These phenomena are perfectly familiar to any reader of the novels of D.H. Lawrence, & arise partly from the desire to obtain freedom from those restraints which are imposed by civilized society. We have only to recall the tale of the bewitched Prince in the Arabian Nights, where the princess was enamoured by a leprous & paralytic Negro; & the story in the Heptameron, where a widow refused the handsome Lord of Riant in order to find consolations in the arms of an ugly & dirty stable groom. Many women desire to indulge their primitive passion for being dominated by brute strength by a man before whom they need not control their feelings, or preserve that outward indifference which was supposed to distinguish, the ‘lady’ from the ‘female.’” 狎妓亦正如是。Journal des Goncourt1885, 20 Décembre: “dans la fille, il y a un coin d’ordure qui nous exalte, nous autres, et la femme honnête ne comprend pas cette exaltation… en est même jalousie.” Daudet 語也。Gutzkow, Neuen Serapionsbrüder, I, s. 198: “Habe das Bedürfniss, zuweilen das Weib an sich, nicht das Weib mit den tausend Nücken der Gattinnen, der Mütter, der Töchter, zu sehen und mit ihm umzugehen.” 按《天方夜譚》中,“The Splendid Tale of Prince Diamond” 尚記 King Cypress 之后與七黑人事 (Mathers 譯本, IV, p. 405-6)。【《全後漢文》卷 69 蔡邕《青衣賦》:“金生沙礫,珠出蚌泥。歎茲窈窕,產於卑微。宜作夫人,為眾女師。”卷 84 張超《誚青衣賦》:“彼何人斯,悅此艷資?醴泉可飲,何必洿泥”云云。】

      LXI: “nigri fornicis ebrium poetam, / qui carbone rudi putrique creta / scribit carmina quae legunt cacantes.” (p. 362) Casanova 深得其力:“Raton came into my room with a little frightened manner, calculated to redouble my ardour, but by great good luck, feeling I had necessity, I took the light & ran to the place where I could satisfy it. While there I amused myself by reading the innumerable follies one finds written in such places, & suddenly my eyes lighted on these words: — “This 10th day of August, 1760, the wretched Raton gave me the what-d’-you-call-it: reader, beware.” (Memoirs, tr. by Arthur Machen, Vol. VI, p. 167) 法國并有 La Muse latrinale 一集,P. Jarmet 亦搜輯成 Bibliotlieca scatological 一書(一八五〇年巴黎出版),參觀 Iwan Bloch, Das Sexualleben unserer Zeit, 9. Aufl. . 686-7; Prostitution, Bd. I, s. 528,又第七四七則。

            XCVI 結句云:“scire suos fines matron...[20]

      在亞拉伯則此為常事:“Sitt al-Husn stretched all her body to him... Hasan rejoiced when he felt that the pearl had not been pierced before... The same sort of virginity he discovered on the other side.” (The Thousand Night &...[21] 




      蔣伯生因培《烏目山房詩存》[22] 六卷。曩在《小滄浪筆談》卷一、《靈芬館詩話》見伯生篇什,今始得讀。七律最佳,頗工使事,詞華苕秀,而氣機動宕。雖與隨園、郭頻伽、楊蓉裳等游,却不為清析尖新,故亦免於佻俗。郭頻伽《爨餘叢話》卷三載伯生姬人董姝詩,悉絕句。














      卷五《丙戌生辰自述[23] 》:“人道失官如失馬,我將遷客當遷鶯。”[24] 伯生謫戌塞上。倪鴻《桐陰清話》卷四載:“伯生罷官來粵,入蔣礪堂幕。偶語宗派,答曰:‘相公華冑乃《水滸》蔣門神之苗裔;鯫生則《金瓶梅》蔣竹山之後嗣也。’”卷五載:“伯生歸里築園,其弟題一聯云:‘造成東倒西歪屋,用盡貪贓枉法錢。’”




      J.M. Edmonds, Lyra Graeca (The Loeb Classical Library) 皆璣羽也。Vol. I. Alcman 36: “Asleep lie mountain-top and mountain-gully, shoulder also & ravine; the creeping-things that come from the dark earth, the beasts whose lying is upon the hillside, the generation of the bees, the monsters in the depths of the purple brine, all lie asleep, & with them, the tribes of the winged birds.” (p. 77) G.S. Farwell, Greek Lyric Poetry, p. 126 推此首為希臘寫景詩中絕無僅有之作。George Soutar, Nature in Greek Poetry, p. 215 Apollonius Rhodius, Argonautica, IV. 744; Aeneid, IV. 522; Metamorphoses, VII. 184; Statius, Silvae, V. 4; Dante, Inferno, II. 1; Orlando Furioso, VIII. 79; Gerusalemme Liberata, II, 96; Goethe, “Ueber allen Gipfeln ist Ruh” 皆為祖構。又按 Ulrich von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff Pierre Louÿs, Les Chansons de Bilitis 之偽,即舉其描寫風物為杜撰之一證:“Dagegen lasse ich mir die Freude an den Landschaftsbildern, die der Verfasser wohl aus eigener Anschauung des Ostens entwirft, dadurch nicht im mindesten schmälern, dass ein Hellene des sechsten Jahrhunderts die Landschaft weder so sah, noch so zu schildern vermochte. Für Blitis die Landschaft entweder tot war oder doch nur durch die Götter... lebte.” (Sappho und Simonides, s. 65) Mackail, Select Greek Epigrams, p. 300,則希臘詩中有道天然景物悅性怡情者,為 Metodorus Posidippus 詩。 ἐν δ᾿ ἀγροῖς φύσιος χαρις” “Beauty of Nature” 詞意均合。

      124: “She [Memory] that looks with the mind,” (pp. 115) 按希臘人重記憶,Hesiod, Theogony, 56 ff., 915 ff. Zeus Mnemosyne 交歡九夕,而生文藝女神 (Hesiod, tr. H.G. Evelyn-White, “The Loeb Class. Lib”, pp. 8, 145),故 Pindar 云:“I pray to Mnemosyne & to her daughters to grant me a ready resource.” (Eng. tr. by J. Sandys, “The Loeb Classical Library”, p. 545) DeipnosophistsBk. XI, 503: “The Muses & their mother Mnemosyne” (“The Loeb Classical Library”, V, p. 503)Blake 則深非其說,Notes on Reynolds: “If it [inspiration]  is deceit, the whole Bible is madness. This opinion originates in the Greeks calling the Muses daughters of Memory.” (Life of William Blake, “Everyman’s Library”, p. 271); Notes to the Lyrical Ballads: “Imagination has nothing to do with memory.” (Ibid., p. 340)】,不甚云想像,此語遂與 Hamlet “In my mind’s eye,” 貌同心異。參觀《困學記聞》卷七引《文子‧符言篇》、吳均《心目論》、《陰符經》。《莊子‧列禦寇篇》:“心有睫。”【E.R. Curtius, Europ. Literatur und Lat. Mittel., s. 141

      Sappho 2 (p. 187) 按見第五十二則[25]

      3 (p. 189) 按見《談藝錄》第一一一頁,魏默深《夜坐》詩所謂“微月不生夜,眾星相向明”是也。參觀第二百二十五則。

      28 (p. 201) 按見第四十四則。

            60: “More golden than gold.” (p. 225) 按此希臘修詞慣例。Plato, Hippias Major: “more certain than certitude itself”; Dio: “Happier than happiness.” Milton 仿之云:“surer to prosper than prosperity” (參觀Paul Shorey, What Plato Said, p. 474)O. Jespersen, A Modern English Grammar, vol. VII, p. 389 所舉 Caxton: “thenne shal thou be richer than riche”; Bret Harte: “Do you feel better? Better than best”; Hugh Walpole: “They are all kinder than kind... They are poorer than poor... Aunt Sarah, deafer than deaf”; Rolf Bennett: “He can’t be madder than mad”可參觀。

            81 (p. 239) 按見第五十二則[26]

      Alcaeus 65: “Painting a lion from the claw” (p. 361)  The Oxford Book of Proverbs,p. 448: “The Lion is not by his claws” 雖引希臘諺語,未知此也。

      Simonides 138 [27]: “For the body of such a man as this leaveth at death his soul, not his soul his body.” (Anonymous Mythographer: “Neque enim verum est, animam deserere corpus, quum potius corpus animam deserat.”) (p. 365) 按參觀 Epictetus 所謂 “You are a little soul, carrying a corpse.” (Epictetus: The Discourses & Manual, Eng. tr. by P.E. Matheson, vol. II, p. 221),又 Plato, Gorgias, 493A 所謂 “The body is the tomb of the soul, the carcass the casket.”

      Vol. III. Praxilla 4: “Under every stone, my friend, beware of a scorpion.” (p. 77) p. 571 “Attic Scolia” 17: “''Neath every stone, friend, lurks a scorpion; beware or he’ll sting you.” Virgil, Ecl. III. 13: “Latet anguis in herba”; Macbeth, I, iv: “Look like the innocent flowers, / But be the serpent under ’t.”

            Bacchylides 7: “honey-hearted sleep which soothes the spirit towards dawn” (p. 91) Edmonds Pindar 語參證。按《思益堂日札》卷七引諺云:“骨邊肉,五更睡。雖不多,最有味。”

            Timotheus 24: “I sing not the old songs, for my new songs are better: a young Zeus reigns & Cronus’ rule was long ago; away with the ancient Muse (ἀπίτω Μοῦσα παλαιά)!” (p. 329) 按倡言詩界維新者,莫早於此。元微之《酬孝甫見贈》云:“杜甫天才頗絕倫,每尋詩卷似情親。憐渠直道當時語,不著心源傍古人。”趙甌北《論詩》云:“滿眼生機轉化鈞,天工人巧日爭新。預支五百年新意,到了千年又覺陳。李杜詩篇萬口傳,至今已覺不新鮮。江山代有才人出,各領風騷數百年。”此之謂也。







      《蓬轉集》《吳志載周瑜納小喬事在建安三年赤壁之戰則建安十三年十四年冬魏始作銅爵臺杜牧之折戟沉沙詩自是興到語非有所據而傳奇家遂祖其說頃過舒城因為一絕》[28] :“一火華容敗騎回,未聞鄴下有三臺。如何銅爵春深句,却遣司勳浪費才。”





      周亮工《賴古堂集》二十四卷、《附錄》一卷。詩甚獷鈍,頗有氣,亦頗有物,惜筆舌生澀笨重。自撰《賴古堂詩序》(卷十三)云:“膚七子,戔竟陵,薾驛騎二家者。”然其五古、五律,時時作竟陵酸寒態。【如卷三《侍家大人湖南夜泛》:“落日驅游客,湖山夜乃姿。波光延月晶,鐘韻引舟遲”;《高密西園同何匡山飲》:“欲愁愁始我,之思思云誰”;《別許有介》:“別正秋冬際,羈心入夜真”;“客心支夜永,江影就燈全”;《再宿鄴下南寺見張林宗先生壁上詩用原韻》:“亦解深山好,云胡不可藏”;卷四《懷顧與治》:“論交矜最晚,相勗慎其初”;卷五《次定興》:“天只兼人只,松耶與柏耶”;《同初荔舟中夜坐》:“曰沈復曰密,爾數為予箴”;《游新密雲巖宮》:“幽亭秀木隱,古寺晚山緘”;《別許有介》:“客心支夜永,江影就燈全”;“別正秋冬際,羈心入夜真。”[29] 】文能作姿致,而拈弄糾繞,時文、尺牘、小說之弊兼有之,體又冗長無剪裁。【櫟園入獄𨖏赦,晚年官殊不達。吳振棫《養吉齋餘錄》卷四記:“世宗惡錢名世字亮工諂附年羹堯,書‘名教罪人’四字榜其門,并令科目出身臣工作詩刺之。晉江陳詹事萬策詩云:‘名世已同名世罪戴名世,亮工不異亮工奸周亮工。’大稱旨”云云。不知借櫟園名作好對耶?抑窺見聖衷耶?蘇瀜《惕齋見聞錄》云:“周亮工御史也,□入偽將軍劉賊幕為記室,歌唱狎暱,獨免於刑。”《聊齋志異》卷八《詩讞》記櫟園折獄如神。】







      卷二十《與林鐵崖》:“伯敬、友夏只是好新,落筆遂不顧所安耳。他且勿論,即如《穆天子傳》、《汲冢周書》,類凡缺字類作‘□’。《武王几》‘□戕□’,亦缺文也。兩君目‘□’為‘口’字,評云云。不知《几銘》與四‘口’字何涉豈三代時便學作鍾、譚詩耶?”(亦見《書影》卷二[31] )按《柳南隨筆》卷一云:“《詩歸》評《周武王几銘》,以為‘四“口”字疊出,妙語。’周亮工、錢陸燦皆辨其謬。近見宋板《大戴禮》,乃吾邑秦景暘閱本,是‘口’字,並非方空圈”云云。張宗泰《魯岩所學集》卷八《再跋因樹屋書影》云:“編錄金石文字,遇有缺文,則以方空代之,而經傳不聞有此也。《武王几銘》載在《大戴禮‧武王踐阼》篇,歷代相傳,乃指類‘口’字為缺文,可乎?”云云。按宋嘉定刻本《容齋續筆》卷九謂:“太公《丹書》諸銘,黃魯直始傳之,兹從《大戴禮》錄出,以遺好古君子”云云,此錄亦作“口”字(按見《豫章黃先生文集)卷二十五《題太公丹書後》,亦作“口”)。可為竟陵吐氣。李玉洲《貞一齋詩說》云:“《詩歸》以誤字為奇妙,如張曲江《詠梅詩》:‘馨香今尚爾,飄蕩復誰知?’‘馨香’誤作‘聲香’,乃云生得妙,豈不可笑?”嚴元照《蕙櫋雜記》亦斥《書影》云:“几者,人君出令所依,故以言語爲戒也;周蓋未嘗讀《禮》。‘口生㖃’作‘口口生㖃’,則誤也。”孫志祖《讀書脞錄》云:“《大戴禮》盧辯注云:‘言口能害口也。几者,人君出令所依,故以言語為戒也。’據此,非缺文方圈明矣。”

      《又》(亦見《書影》卷二):“父子作詩文而分別門戶,豈不尤可駭[32] ?王百穀詩文行誼,亦無愧於其子矣。乃其少子留,略有才情,走入魔道,附於鄉馬仲良,竊名於世。近見其詩刻種種,無一語及其父。同時諸名彥為留序詩者,體留意,亦未敢一言及其父。詩文即不同調,何自昧於人倫如是?”



[1] a carmine nostro”原作“à carmina nostri”。

[2] 原文脫落“ottava”字。

[3] 原文脫落“last”字。

[4] catenatique”原作“catinatique”。

[5] 原文脫落“quod”字。

[6] vis”原作“vult”,後者延拜倫《唐璜》第十五章第二十一節(Don Juan, Canto XV, xxi)引文之誤

[7] Shakespeare, As You Like It, V, iv 中 Touchstone 語。

[8] 原文脫落“did”字。

[9] “二十七”原作“二十一”。

[10] “俞”原作“余”。

[11] 原文“偶撒一屁”四字塗污。

[12] 原文“撒屁”、“屁”三字塗污。

[13] 原文脫落“dum”字。

[14] Musset, Namouna 此段引文似已刪去。

[15] Charlie has fun

[16] 此則已全部塗去,“董解元詞”蓋指《董西厢》卷四:“十個指頭兒,自來不孤你……孤眠了一世,不閒了一日……指頭兒,我也有福囉,你也須得替”云云。

[17] 此處塗去“以足……”數字。

[18]human creatures’”原作“human creature’s”。


[20] 以下貼去。

[21] 以下脫簡。

[22] “烏目山房”原作“烏石山房”。


[24] 第八十四則引作“我將遷客比遷鶯”。

[25] 五十二則大部皆已貼去,唯剩Ambrose Philips’ famous tr. of Sappho’s fragment”云云。Philips 譯文(“A Fragment of Sappho”)膾炙人口,全錄於下:“Bless’d as th’ immortal gods is he / Thy youth who fondly sits by thee, / And hears and sees thee all the while / Softly speak and sweetly smile. // ’Twas this depriv’d my soul of rest / And rais’d such tumults in my breast, / For while I gaz’d in transport tost / My breath was gone my voice was lost // My bosom glow’d; the subtle flame / Ran quick thro’ all my vital frame; / O’er my dim eyes a darkness hung; / My ears with hollow murmurs rung: // In dewy damps my limbs were chill’d; / My blood with gentle horrours thrill’d; / My feeble pulse forgot to play; / I fainted, sunk, and dy’d away.”

[26] 此條原置“60”前。五十二則論此詩部分已不可見。

[27] 此則論說卷二之前半部貼去 Simonides 之前應冠以“Vol. II


[29] 後二首皆出卷三,《別許有介》一首引文重覆。

[30] 本段引文原置卷二十《與吳冠五》一段之後,此處依序調整。



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