

1 Early racket preparation 早些引拍

Myth - Bring the racket back as soon as you see the ball coming toward you.


Truth - Although on paper this sounds good, the pros do not take the racket back quickly.  Are you surprised?  Watch the pros and see what you think.  In fact, if he were taking a conventional tennis lesson the teaching pro would tell him that he is taking the racket back too slowly!  The truth is each pro has his own timing, but most pros take the racket back when they are about to hit the ball, not as they see the ball coming to them.


One of the reasons the pros do this is because it is more natural to run to meet the ball with the racket in front of them rather then behind.  The pros may have a slight turn with the racket in the direction they are running, but the fullng begins when they are about to hit.  I usually demonstrate to my students how silly it looks to run to meet the ball with the racket wagging behind.  Then I ask if they have ever seen a pro look like that.  They usually laugh.

( Maxim 的更佳翻译: 专业选手这样的原因之一是,跑向球的时候,球拍在选手身体的前面比在后面要自然轻松的多。职业选手在他们跑向球的方向上可能会轻微拉拍,但是,只有在击球的一刹那才会拉满拍。)


Another reason the pros wait to take the racket back is because the backng is part of the timing, the rhythm, and the power of  hitting the ball.  If the racket is back too soon they will become too mechanical and lose the timing, the rhythm, and the power of their shots.


The lesson here is to not take the racket back too soon.  Wait until you are near the ball and about tong.  If I were you I would not even think about taking the racket back and let it happen naturally.  The more you practice letting the racket go back naturally, the better your timing and rhythm will become.  Do not fall prey to the myth of taking the racket back to soon.


2 Closed stance  关闭式步伐


Myth -You must hit your groundstrokes with a closed stance (body sideways to the net). 必须用关闭式步伐击球(身体与网形成斜角)


Truth - You do not have to hit all of your shots with a closed stance.  The pros hit with an open stance (body facing the net) on most of their forehands and sometimes on their backhands.  The bottom line is this.  Hit the way that feels comfortable and natural to you. A closed stance is not superior to an open stance.  In fact, the open stance has more benefits than the closed stance.  Some benefits are listed below.

(1)When you are finished hitting with an open stance it is much easier to recover back to the center of the court because your body has not moved as far away from the correct recovery position as you would have when hitting with the closed stance.


(2)You can generate more power in the open stance because of the coil and uncoiling affect of the body, along with the ease ofnging upward in this position.


(3)It is easier to regain your balance in the open stance.  In the closed stance you turn your whole body completely sideways, making it more difficult to recover your balance after the hit.
在开方式步伐中你的平衡更容易保持。而使用关闭式会完全斜着转动你的整个身体,在击球之后找回你的平衡更加困难一些。( Maxim 的更加翻译:在开放式步伐中,你会更容易重新获得平衡。关闭步伐需要你完全转动你身体侧面(意思是你的身体侧面全部要面向球网),在击球后找回你的平衡更加困难一些。 )


The open stance is an excellent, relaxed, natural shot, especially on the forehand. When hitting forehands with the closed stance the arm is behind you.  This makes it a more difficult shot to time correctly because your arm is farther away from the ball.  Hitting with an open stance brings the arm closer to the oncoming ball.


Now, I am not telling you to never hit with a closed stance.  Use whatever comes natural on a given shot.  The point is to not fit yourself into a rigid mold.  When playing tennis you should do what is best for the situation at hand.  Sometimes the situation calls for an open stance and sometimes a closed stance.  Practice letting this happen naturally and you will be surprised how your body will figure out the right way to hit the ball.


You will develop spontaneity through preparation! 你将通过步伐的准备学会自发性击球!


3 Contact the ball waist high  在腰际出球(击球点在腰的高度)


Myth - You should contact the ball waist high on all of your shots. 传统观点:你应该在腰部的高度击球


Truth - What about high balls?  Now, if you can get your opponent to agree to stop running you all over the court, hit the ball with the same trajectory every time, and no high balls, contacting the ball waist high could be a winner!



Unfortunately, this does not happen in a real match. You must learn to hit balls ankle high, knee high, waist high, shoulder high, and even head high! Yes, hitting somewhere between the knees and the waist may be the most comfortable for most players.  If you can do this, fine!  But do not fit yourself into a rigid mold that says you must hit the ball waist high or else you are not playing good tennis.



Your goal is to play the ball at whatever height in any given situation.  Stop chastising yourself every time you do not hit a ball at your waist and you will come closer to thinking and playing like a pro than ever before.  Just play!!! Time and practice (repetition) will eventually teach you to hit balls at all different levels and hit them well.  I guarantee it!

你的目标是在任何情况下,击打任意高都的来球。每当你没有做到在腰部高度击球的时候,不要懊恼,只有这样,你才能接近并且真正像一个专业球员一样。照我说的做! ! 时间和实践(重复地实践)将最终教会你如何在任意位置的击球,并且发力击打。我保证!

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