

心灵之舞-高士基 (Kaoshikii)

心靈之舞-高士基 (Kaoshikii)

心靈之舞(Kaoshikii) 源於梵文kos'a'(心靈層次)。我們知道個體心靈共有五個層次。五個心靈層次發展的狀況,顯示出心靈提升進步的情形。個體生命無止盡努力探尋有限及無限之間的聯結,這種努力追尋個體小我及宇宙大我間的聯結,就是神秘學。 而心靈之舞-高士基正是發掘潛藏於心靈最深處的自性。心靈之舞-高士基是巴巴於一九七八年九月六日所發明。 心靈之舞-高士基是極優美的舞蹈,它對全身皆有幫助,特別適宜姊妹們跳,雖然男性也可以跳心靈之舞,但女性跳獲益更多。它使脊椎保持彈性,減少身上不必要的脂肪,提高女性生理週期的規律性,婦女跳此舞能幫助順利生產。它能強化五臟和胰臟、胃等內部器官,是保持健康和活力不可或缺的鍛鍊。巴巴嘗言,心靈之舞是二十二種疾病的靈丹妙藥。


這個舞蹈為一連串的十六個動作,配合著唱誦「Baba Nam Kevalam」的節奏。隨著身體的動作,還有特殊配合的心理觀想。 高士基舞的整體觀想是:「我,這個小我,正在和我的上主-宇宙大我的核心建立聯繫。」 

作法是:以瑜伽合十禮(Namaskar)開始,跳的時候,兩手高舉伸直,代表「我在努力和至上意識建立連結」。開始的口令是「舞者預備!」。發號者喊「ㄊㄧㄣ!ㄊㄧㄣ!ㄊㄧㄣ!ㄊㄧㄣ!」開始舞蹈動作,接著身體往右彎、往左彎、往前俯、往後仰,依續合著節拍踏跳而回到原位。最後兩拍,兩腳用力踏步時,發號者喊「ㄊㄚ」!「ㄊㄚ」! 身體上部從腰到指尖要保持直線,特別注意中指要合住,手肘要伸直,儘量讓手臂貼耳。身體的彎曲是間歇的,而非平順的。下身則隨著節奏用左右腳輪流踏步。







註 】心靈之舞-高士基對二十二種疾病有療效: 消化不良、痔瘡、身體虛弱、胃潰瘍、肺結核、血壓過高或過低、夢遺、盲腸炎、肥胖、婦女經痛、月經過少症、體內過酸、糖尿病、癌症、風濕、性無能、心臟病、聽力障礙、不孕症、月經過多症、婦女無月經症。


Kaoshikii means “Dance for mental expansion” and is derived from the sam’skrta word “Kosa” meaning “layer of mind”. It was introduced on September 6, 1978 by spiritually realized teacher Shrii Shrii Anandamurti. It is a psycho spiritual dance; it has a beneficial effect on the mind, it develops mental stamina and mental strength. It is especially beneficial for women; it can cure twenty two diseases and it enables an easy delivery in childbirth.

This yoga dance is comprised of a series of 16 upper body movements danced in rhythm to the chanted mantra of ‘Baba Nam Kevalam’ (meaning “Love is all there is” ). There is also a specific psychic ideation that is chanted with the dance. 

The lower body keeps rhythm by performing the alternating step of Lalita Marmkia.

Lalita Marmika is the name of the spiritual dance of Kiirtan given by Paraviti. You start by taping your right toe behind your left foot and alternating this movement back and forth.

Inner Meaning of Kaoshikii:

While dancing Kaoshikii one seeks to establish the link between the microcosm and the Macrocosm. This process is commonly known as Mysticism. Kaoshikii pertains to the innermost self of the individual. The self of the individual is hidden within the innermost kos'as, the layers of existence. Kaoshikii dance is like the blossoming of the innermost self.

Meaning of the different mudras: 

Beginning position : The two hands when upraised and folded together represent, ”Now l am establishing a link with Parama Purus'a (Supreme Conscious¬ness).”

5/: Both hands bending to the right indicate,“I know the right way to request You”(“I know how to receive You”)

5/:  The bending of the body should be at a 45° angular projection. The leftward movement represents ”I know how to fulfill your demands.”(“I know how to fulfill Your commands”)

3/: The movement of bending in front suggests complete surrender.(“I surrender ”)

3/: The backward movement represents ”I am ready to face all obstacles that may come.”(“And overcome all obstacles”)

1/1/: The last two steps represent, ”O Lord, I repeat your rhythm.”(“Dancing in Your divine grace”)

Benefits of Kaoshikii

Human beings suffer from various diseases which create minor obstacles in sa'dhana' [meditation]. Kaoshikii helps to fight against such petty bodily complaints such as liver disease, etc. which cause inconvenience in sa'dhana'. This dance is both an exercise and a medicine. It is a sort of panacea for almost all female diseases, and for many male diseases in younger boys. It is a medicine for most liver diseases. It assures safe deliveries for women, and also checks the advent of old age. It is a medicine - an antidote to twenty-two types of diseases.

1. It exercises all the limbs from head to foot.

2. It increases longevity.

3. It makes for easy delivery.

4. The spine will become flexible.

5. Arthritis of the spine, neck, waist will be lost.

6. Gout in the spine, neck, hands and waist will be lost.

7. The mind become strong and sharp.

8. Irregularities in menstruation will be cured.

9. Glandular secretions will become regulated.

10. Troubles in the bladder and urethra will be cured.

11. It gives control over the limbs.

12. It adds charm and shine to the face and skin.

13. It removes wrinkles.

14. It removes lethargy.

15. It cures insomnia.

16. It cures hysteria.

17. Fear complexes will be removed.

18. Hopelessness will be lost.

19. It helps in self expression and develops one’s potentialities.

20. Spinal pain, piles, hernia, hydrocele in men, nervous pain, and nervous disability will be cured.

21.It cures kidney and gall bladder troubles, gastric trouble, dyspepsia, acidity, dysentery, syphilis, gonorrhea, obesity, thinness and liver diseases.

22. It increases the capacity to work until 75 – 80 years of age.




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