


While doing some reading, I ran across some other research on examining green coffee bean hardness and density. At least in his sampling, he didn’t see a difference in density between bean varieties, but there was a difference in bean hardness. I was curious about bean hardness because I also home roast, so I set out to collect coffee bean hardness before and after roasting.

虽然做一些阅读,我碰到一些其他的跑的研究考查绿色咖啡豆的硬度和密度。 至少在他的抽样中,他没有看到豆品种之间的密度差异,但是豆硬度方面存在差异。 我对咖啡豆的硬度感到好奇,因为我也在家烘焙,所以我着手收集烘焙前后的咖啡豆硬度。

The change in hardness between green and roasted beans is big, but the interesting part I found was that there was a correlation between the hardness of coffee beans after roasting and the amount of weight loss due to roasting. Weight loss during roast is dominated by water loss.

生的和烘焙的咖啡豆之间的硬度变化很大,但是我发现有趣的部分是,烘焙后的咖啡豆硬度与烘焙引起的重量减轻量之间存在相关性。 烘烤过程中体重减轻主要是水分流失。

实验装置 (Experimental Setup)

Before and after a roast, I collected 30 samples of bean hardness using a durometer. So the sampling before and after are of different beans, but with a large enough number of samples, the distribution is reliable. To make data collection more efficient, I made a video for each round of measurement and then played the video back to manually record the numbers. Typically, it took 3 to 5 minutes to record a video, and about 5 minutes to document.

在烘烤前后,我用硬度计收集了30个豆子硬度样品。 因此,之前和之后的采样是使用不同的bean,但是有足够多的采样,分布是可靠的。 为了提高数据收集的效率,我为每一轮测量制作了一个视频,然后播放该视频以手动记录数字。 通常,录制视频需要3到5分钟,而记录大约需要5分钟。

A shore durometer has a spring, and you push a pin into an object. When the durometer can’t be pushed any further, the reading is the hardness. To measure bean hardness, you need a durometer type D which has a pin at a 30 degree angle and a spring force of 44 Newtons.

邵氏硬度计带有弹簧,您可以将别针插入对象。 当硬度计不能再被推动时,读数就是硬度。 要测量豆子的硬度,您需要使用D型硬度计,其硬度为30度,销钉的弹力为44牛顿。

One of the challenges of measuring bean hardness was that the roasted beans could easily fracture. I measured more than 30 samples to account for each bean fracturing. I also noticed for green beans, the act of measuring the hardness left an impression on the bean.

测量豆子硬度的挑战之一是烤豆很容易破裂。 我测量了30多个样品,以解释每个豆的破裂情况。 我还注意到,对于绿豆,测量硬度的行为给豆留下了印象。

焙烧 (Roasting)

I roasted each bean separately, and I would mix two beans to make a blend. I use a Hottop roaster, and my roast profile has a slower curve to bring them to temperature. I worked to optimize the roast profile in my first year, but once I had settled on the best, I only modify when I end a roast. Also to note, I add the beans immediately, so I don’t have a charge temperature.

我分别烤了每个豆,然后将两个豆混合在一起。 我使用Hottop烘焙机,并且我的烘焙配置文件的曲线较慢,无法将其加热。 我在第一年就致力于优化烘焙配置文件,但是一旦我确定了最好的,就只能在结束烘焙后进行修改。 另外要注意的是,我立即添加了豆类,所以没有充电温度。

For these roasts, I aimed to end the roast at 1:30 past the first crack. In the HI Mokka, it went longer because I had trouble hearing the first crack.

对于这些烧烤,我的目标是在第一个裂缝之后的1:30结束烧烤。 在HI Mokka中,它花了更长的时间,因为我听不到第一个裂纹。

硬度数据 (Hardness Data)

These beans are the current beans I have from Burman Coffee Traders. I typically buy coffee from Sweet Maria’s, but I wanted to try roasting some Hawaiian beans. In this table, I have the green hardness, roasted hardness, ratio between the two, and the roasted weight to green weight as a percentage.

这些咖啡豆是我从Burman Coffee Traders获得的最新咖啡豆。 我通常从Sweet Maria's购买咖啡,但我想尝试烘焙一些夏威夷豆。 在此表中,我以生坯硬度,焙烧硬度,两者之比以及焙烧重量与生坯重量的百分比表示。

Looking at just the average hardness, all the beans experience a decrease in hardness.


I took all the samples and sorted them for green beans and then roasted beans, and the shift is clear, but just because one variant is harder than another doesn’t mean they have an equal shift in hardness due to roasting.


When plotting the various bean distributions of green vs roasted, they have similar attributes. This also assumes the least hard green bean will be the least hard roasted bean. One of the difficulties of this study was that I was using two different sample sets. A better design of experiment would be to use a small sample roaster, measure all the beans before the roast, and all the beans post roast.

当绘制绿色与烘焙的各种豆分布图时,它们具有相似的属性。 这也假设最不硬的绿豆将是最不硬的烤豆。 这项研究的困难之一是我使用的是两个不同的样本集。 更好的实验设计是使用一个小的样本烘烤器,在烘烤之前测量所有的豆类,并在烘烤之后测量所有的豆类。

I also plotted the Green to Roasted ratio vs the green bean hardness. The only trend from here is an equal shift, but again, the sampling is not one to one.

我还绘制了生烤比例与生豆硬度的关系图。 从这里开始的唯一趋势是均等移动,但是同样,采样不是一对一的。

Looking at overall stats, we can look at how much weight was retained after roasting. Typically, 10 to 20% of the coffee bean weight is lost by roasting. In this case, a trend appeared. I looked at the trend of the roasted bean hardness as well as the ratio of green to roasted hardness. The trend is strongest for roasted bean hardness.

查看总体统计数据,我们可以查看烘焙后保留了多少重量。 通常,烘焙会损失10至20%的咖啡豆重量。 在这种情况下,出现了趋势。 我看了烤豆硬度的趋势,以及生的与烤硬度的比率。 烤豆硬度的趋势最为明显。

The dataset only has ten samples of average hardness for roasted beans, and I broke it down by processing just to see. More data would be interesting to better understand the relationship.

该数据集只有十个烤豆的平均硬度样本,而我通过处理将其分解以查看。 为了更好地理解这种关系,更多的数据将很有趣。

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