

Mountain Cabin, 美乐家带你了解咖啡的前世今生

Explorethe scoop on Coffee with Melaleuca Mountain Cabin Premium Coffee

20173月,美乐家推出了Mountain Cabin精选咖啡系列,10款咖啡产品从全球范围精选优质的阿拉比卡咖啡豆,并通过精细繁复的制作与烘焙工艺,带来风味香浓、层次丰富、口感醇厚的咖啡体验。许多人因此重新认识了咖啡,甚至爱上了咖啡。但是,每天一杯美乐家Mountain Cabin精选咖啡的你,真的知道咖啡的历史吗?下面,就跟着美乐家一起来了解一下咖啡的前世今生吧。

Melaleucalaunched Mountain Cabin Premium Coffee 2017 Mar., and its 10 coffee productsare to bring you a cup of flavorful and aromatic coffee through strictselection of coffee beans around the world, fine making process and roastedtechnology. Many people are getting to know coffee again, and even fall in lovewith coffee. However, when you are used to drink a cup of Mountain CabinPremium coffee every day, do you really know the history of coffee? Now, let’s goto explore coffee’s past and today.



Thehistory of coffee


Coffeeis believed to have originated in Ethiopia, where it still grows wild in thejungles to this day. According to legend, it was discovered by a goatherd namedKaldi, who tried the berries when he noticed his goats would get energeticafter eating them.


Coffeewas first exported to Yemen, and from there it became popular throughout theMiddle East in the 16th century. Coffee houses became social gathering placeswhere people could enjoy the affordable beverage and indulge in conversation ormusic. The word “coffee” was first documented in the English language in thelate 16th century. Europeans regarded the new drink with suspicion. Legend hasit when Pope Clement VIII was asked to consider banning it around the year1600, he decided to taste it before making a decision. He loved the drink andgave it his blessing. From there, its popularity continued to grow all overItaly and the rest of Europe.



Coffeehousesbecame social hubs in major cities, and London was no exception. By the 1650s,there were more than 300 coffee shops in London, many of which had groups ofregular customers who would come to discuss philosophy, politics, religion, andmore. These coffee shops became known as “penny universities” because of thedeep topics and because a cup of coffee cost a penny.



Before coffee became widelyavailable, most Europeans drank wine and other alcoholic beverages, Drinkingalcohol was too dangerous for factory work, so workers were encouraged to drinkcoffee for its stimulating, mind-focusing effects.


当今,全球的最大咖啡生产国是巴西,而其之所以能拥有这样的地位,背后也有一段浪漫故事。相传,葡萄牙国王想进入咖啡市场,却没有一颗可种的咖啡豆。有一次,他派了一个名叫弗朗西斯科··梅罗·帕列塔(Francisco de MeloPalheta)的人去法属圭亚那。逗留期间,弗朗西斯科勾引到了总督夫人。在他离开时,总督夫人送了他一束花,里面暗藏了一些咖啡豆。据说,弗朗西斯科在1727年将这批咖啡豆种在了巴西,接下来的故事便众所周知了。

Today, the global leader of coffee production is Brazil,and the story of how it came to be is yet another part of coffee’s romanticlore. It is said that the king of Portugal wanted in on the coffee market, butcould not obtain any viable seeds. He sent a man named Francisco de MeloPalheta to French Guiana. While there, Francisco seduced the governor’s wife,and upon his departure she gave him a bouquet of flowers with a few of thecoveted coffee seeds smuggled inside. Francisco is said to have planted the firstcoffee seedling in Brazil in 1727, and the rest, as they say, is history.






Coffeegrows best in tropical climates and is cultivated in many countries around theworld that fall between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. Thisarea is often referred to as the “coffee belt” or “bean belt”.



Thereare two main kinds of coffee beans used commercially: arabica and robusta.Robusta is easier to cultivate, but it has a more bitter taste. Robusta isoften found in coffee blends found in cans, whereas arabica is used in premiumbagged coffee and in specialty coffee shops. But just because there are onlytwo main kinds of beans doesn’t mean all coffee tastes the same.



Coffeeis a versatile beverage and its flavors vary widely depending on many factors,including where it was grown, how it was roasted, how it is prepared, and what,if anything, is added to it. And just as coffee flavors differ from region toregion, so do the tastes of the millions upon millions of people who consume itdaily.



Coffeeand Melaleuca



MelaleucaMountain Cabin Premium Coffee Line includes 3 kinds of ground coffee, 3 kindsof instant coffee, and 4 kinds of flavor instant coffee. They are differentfrom each other and make ordinary moments extraordinary for your work or life.

























3 kinds of ground coffee :

Signature Ground Coffee: Arabica coffee beans. With medium roast, it has medium-bodied flavorand moderate acidity, bringing rich tastes and smooth flavor.

Rainforest Ground Coffee: With medium-dark roast and coffee beans that grow in rainforests, ittastes delicate, balanced and mellow. 

Sumatra Ground Coffee: With dark roast and the coffee beans sourcing from Sumatra GayoMountain, it has full-bodied flavor, low acidity and smoky taste.

3 kinds of instant coffee:

Colombia Instant Coffee: ColombianArabica coffee beans and medium roast perfectly bring out its medium-bodied,rich and smooth flavor.

Rainforest Instant Coffee: With medium-dark roast and coffee beans sourcing from rainforests,it tastes smooth, slightly sour and complex.

Signature Instant Coffee: Arabica coffee beans. With dark roast, it has full-bodied flavor andlow acidity, bringing you the chance to experience coffee’s classic aroma.

4 kinds of flavor instant coffee:

Latte Instant Coffee 2-in-1: Rational proportion of milk and Arabica beans, it largelypreserved the original aroma and flavor of coffee beans.

Caramel Latte Instant Coffee 3-in-1: Based on Mountain Cabin Latte Instant Coffee 2-in-1, it adds somecameral which has roasted sweet tastes. And the flavor is therefore smootherand sweeter.

Cappuccino Instant Coffee 2-in-1: Consideratelycombines Arabica espresso with milk. There is great milk foam and originalbitter.

Cappuccino Instant Coffee 3-in-1: On the basis of Mountain Cabin Cappuccino Instant Coffee 2-in-1, itadds some caramel to bring you warm sweetness and rich flavor.




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