

一本小说搞定3500词(12):Life during college 大学岁月

2023.04.05 海南


 Feeling ashamed and embarrassed about the entire stealing incident that happened during his adolescent years , the young man has had difficulty developing a close personal relationship with anyone , except his grandma , in his youth and later years of his life . He feels he can trust no one . Partly for the same reason , he works on his own and never consults other people .

 At the age of eighteen , the young man is admitted to a college diploma programme , on the recommendation of his uncle , who has also studied there .

 To pay his way through college , he obtains some form of assistance such as allowances and lower school fees during his period of study by doing servant work. He works as a tutor for younger kids , and sometimes , as a waiter in a licensed pub for tips .

1. ashamed adj .惭愧的,羞愧的 feel ashamed for sb 替某人感到羞愧 be ashamed of doing sth
shame n .羞耻
2. embarrass v .使尴尬,使困窘 embarrassed adj .尴尬的
embarrassing adj .令人尴尬的 embarrassment n .难堪
3. adolescent adj .青春期的 n .青少年4. adolescence n .青春期
5. personal adj .个人的;私人的 personality n .个性,性格;品格
6. personally adv .从个人角度,主观地;亲自
7.PC个人电脑( personalcomputer )
8. youth n .青春期,青年时期 in sb ' s youth 某人年轻时
9. partly adv 部分地;一定程度地
10.on one ' s own 单独;独立地
11.consult v .请教,咨询;查阅 consult sb about / on sth 与某人商量某事
12.consultant n .顾问
13.diploma n .文凭,毕业证书
14. recommendation n .推荐;建议
15, recommend v .推荐 recommend sb to do sth recommend ( sb ) doing sth
16.obtain v .得到,获得
17.form n .形式;类型 in the form of 以......的形式
18. format n .格式,形式
19. assistance n .协助,援助 assistant n .助手 adj .助理的
20. assist v .帮助,协助 assist sb to do sth 协助某人做某事
21. allowance n .津贴;零用钱
22.tutor n .指导教师,家庭教师
23. license n .执照;许可证
24. pub n .酒吧
25. tip n .小费;尖端;提示 v ..(给)小费

Three years later , the young man submits an application for a scholarship that is awarded to only a few students per year . He succeeds in receiving the scholarship , whiche makes it possible for him to study three more years after getting his bachelor degree .

 Sometimes he is not satisfied with the traditional approach to instruction , which has a passive nature at certain points . Therefore , he often attends lectures and seminar sessions that are beyond his normal curriculum contents .

 The young man distinguishes himself by his acute intelligence . He spends all his mental energy going beyond his natural abilities of human comprehension . His name is Sir Isaac Newton .

26. submit v .递交,提交,使服从 submt oneself to 对......服从

27. application n .申请

28. apply v .应用,运用;申请 apply for sth 申请 apply to do sth 申请做某事apply sth to .....运用,把......应用 apply oneselfto ( doing ) sth 使专注于

29. applicant n .申请者

30. scholarship n .奖学金 scholar n .学者

31.award v .奖给 n .奖,奖金

32. per prep .每,每一

33. bachelor n .学士,未婚男子 bachelor ' s degree 学士学位 a bachelor woman 单身女子


35. instruction n .授课;指示;命令

36. instruct v .教授,传授

37.instructor n .教练;导师

38. passive adj .被动的

39. lecture n .讲座

40. seminar n .研讨会

41. session n .上课时间 in session 在开会;在开庭;在上课

42. beyond prep .超过 be beyond sb 超出某人的理解能力

43. curriculum n .课程

44. content n .内容;目录 adj .满足的 be content with 对......满足

45. distinguish v .区别,区分 distinguish ... from ...区分......与...... distinguished adj .卓越的,杰出的

46. acute adj .敏锐的;敏感的 acute hearing 敏锐的听力

47. acuteangle 锐角

48. intelligence n .智力,脑力 intelligent adj .聪明的,有才智的

49. mental adj .精神的,心理的

50, comprehension n .理解

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