




Will the decision to bomb the country`s oil lifeline persuade their leaders to end its armed infiltration of their neighboring countries?轰炸该国石油命脉的主张,会叫该国的领袖裹足,不再武装渗透邻近各国吗?
Now there is in America a curious combination of pride in having risen to a position where it is no longer necessary to depend on manual labor for a living and genuine delight in what one is able to accomplish with one`s own hands.现在美国有一个奇怪的既对立又统一的现象:人们一方面为地位上升不再需要靠体力劳动谋生而感到自豪,另一方面又对能够亲自动手取得成功而由衷地感到高兴。
I wondered how she would feel if she learned that the Negro before whom she had behaved in such an unladylike manner was habitually a white man.我心中思忖,在一个黑人面前表现得如此有失女士风度,倘若得知这个黑人其实是白人时,不知她作何感想。
The very important oil industry, which has done much to rejuvenate the economy of the South since the end of World War II,made considerable especially in the five states of Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma and Texas.第二次世界大战以后石油工业对振兴南部经济起了很大的作用。这个十分重要的工业部门特别是在以下五个州取得了很大的进展:阿肯色、路易斯安那、密西西比、俄克拉荷马和得克萨斯。
The effects of smoking have widely been associated with an increased risk of developing lung diseases including cancer, heart disease and stroke."Intervention to discourage smoking should receive high priority,"the researchers conclude.
句子重组法:It is a curious fact,of which I can think of no satisfactory explanation, that enthusiasm for country life and love of natural scenery are strongest and most widely diffused precisely in those European countries which have the worst climate and where the search for the picturesque involves the greatest discomfort.


The very short wavelengths of ultrasound make a great difference in what ordiary sound waves can do.超声波的波长极短,其功能与普通声波相比大不相同(主语分译)
It is common knowledge that weight is a pull exerted on an object by the earth.众所周知,重量是地球作用在物体上的引力(谓语分译)
A little yellow, ragged , lame, unshaven beggar.一个要饭的,身材短小,面黄肌瘦,衣衫褴褛,瘸腿,满脸短胡。(定语分译)
Illogically, she had expected some kind of meracle solution.她期待着会有某些奇迹般的解决方法,这是不合情合理的事。(状语分译)
His father had a small business in the city of Pisa. This city is in the north of Italy near the sea.他的父亲在意大利北部近海的比萨做小生意。
One must study hard before one could succeed in mastering a foreign language.一个人必须勤学苦练,才能精通一种外国语。
The ambassador was giving a dinner for a few people whom he wishid especially to talk to or to hear from.大使只宴请了几个人,因为他特地想和这些人谈谈,听听他们的意见。(表原因)
He insisted on building another house, which he had no use for.他坚持要再造一幢房子,尽管他并无此需要。(表让步)
There was someting original, independent, and heroic about the plan that pleased all of them.这方案富于创造性,独出心裁,很有气势,所以他们都很喜欢。(表结果)
Catch me making the same error again.我决不再犯同样的错误。
I dare him to jump.我量他也不敢跳。
I am wiser than to believe that.我再蠢也不会相信这件事。
You are telling me.=Tell me about it!这事还用你说?
Keep it dark!这事不可泄露出去。
She bears her age well.她一点不显老。
It`s anyone`s guess.这事谁也不清楚。
He would be the last man to say such things.他决不会说这样的话。
This is the last place where I expected to meet you.我万万没有想到会在这儿碰上你。
He doesn`t expect we need worry.他认为我们不必着急。
But you cannot say this of Fowler`s Dictionary of Modern English Usage. It is a valuable work. I do not think anyone writes so well that he cannot learn much from it.但是,福勒的《现代英语用法辞典》却不是这种情况。这是一本很有价值的书。我认为,任何人,无论文章写得多好,他也会从中得到许多益处。
He cannot drive all of the cars.他不是每种汽车都能开。
Both the instruments are not precision ones.这两件仪器只有一件是精密仪器。

The very short wavelengths of ultrasound make a great difference in what ordiary sound waves can do.超声波的波长极短,其功能与普通声波相比大不相同(主语分译)
It is common knowledge that weight is a pull exerted on an object by the earth.众所周知,重量是地球作用在物体上的引力(谓语分译)
A little yellow, ragged , lame, unshaven beggar.一个要饭的,身材短小,面黄肌瘦,衣衫褴褛,瘸腿,满脸短胡。(定语分译)
Illogically, she had expected some kind of meracle solution.她期待着会有某些奇迹般的解决方法,这是不合情合理的事。(状语分译)
His father had a small business in the city of Pisa. This city is in the north of Italy near the sea.他的父亲在意大利北部近海的比萨做小生意。
One must study hard before one could succeed in mastering a foreign language.一个人必须勤学苦练,才能精通一种外国语。
The ambassador was giving a dinner for a few people whom he wishid especially to talk to or to hear from.大使只宴请了几个人,因为他特地想和这些人谈谈,听听他们的意见。(表原因)
He insisted on building another house, which he had no use for.他坚持要再造一幢房子,尽管他并无此需要。(表让步)
There was someting original, independent, and heroic about the plan that pleased all of them.这方案富于创造性,独出心裁,很有气势,所以他们都很喜欢。(表结果)


使用结构比较简单的前置定语。例子:开发区内的外商投资企业的职工依法建立基层工会组织,开展工会活动,维护职工的合法权益。Employee of foreign investment enterprises in the development zones shall found, according to law,trade unions at the grassroots level, conduct their ow union activities and safeguard their own legal rights and interests.改成:Employees of foreign investment enterprises in the development zones shall found, according to law, grassroots trade unions, conduct their own union activities and safeguard their own legal rights and interests.
要使大多数国有中型亏损企业摆脱困境。We should extricate most of the large and medium-sized State-owned enterprises operating at a loss from their predicament.改成:We should extricate most of the unprofitable large and medium-sized State enterprises from their predicament.
使用结构比较复杂的前置定语。例子:教育学院大楼the College of Education Building(地道)the Building of/for the College of Education(不常用)。外语系大楼the Department of Foreign Languages Building(地道)the Building for the Department of Foreign Languages Department(不常用)。外国语言文学大楼the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature Building(难以接受)改成:the Building for the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature或者the Building for the Foreign Languages and Literature Department.
避免使用过于复杂的前置定语。例子:上海将建成国际经济、金融、贸易、航运中心。Shanghai will turn into an international economic,financial, trade and shipping center.改成Shanghai will turn into an international center of/for economy, finance, trade and shipping.
增词:举例 I was struck by their cordiality to each other.他们彼此的亲密态度使我吃惊。
And the latter noted in his diary the general`s pessimism regarding the military position in the West.后者在日记中记下了这位将军对西线军事形势的悲观看法。
Inflation has now reached unprecedented level.通货膨胀已发展到了空前严重的地步。
The thesis summed up the new achievements made in electronic computers, artificial satellites and rockets.论文总结了电子计算机,人造卫星和火箭这三个领域中的新成就。
Henry Kissinger had slept there before, in July and again in October.在这之前,基辛格七月和十月两度在此下塌。
It is like a dream to me now, floating through my mind in slow motion. Many children were playing close to the waters.当时的情景,现在回想起来,就像是一场梦,在我脑海里缓缓浮动。那一天,许多孩子在靠近水边的地方玩耍。
Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability.这书足以怡情,足以博采,足以长才。
Ignorance is the mother of fear, as well as admiration.无知是羡慕的根源,也是恐惧的根源。
Shed crocodile tears.帽哭耗子,假辞悲。
It catered to large appetites and modest purses.它迎合胃口大而钱囊羞涩的吃客。
He put his hands into his pockets and then shrugged his shoulders.他把双手插进口袋,然后耸了耸肩膀。
A soldier must obey orders.军人必须服从命令。
It is conflict and not unquetioning agreement that keeps freedom alive.使自由保持活力的是冲突而不是绝对的一致。
If you confer a benefit,never remember it:if you receive one, remember it always.施恩勿记,受恩勿忘。
例子:It is no less than blackmail to ask such a high price.开这么高的价,简直是敲竹杠。(反说正译)
Law is no respecter of persons.法律面前,人人平等。(反说正译)
Suddenly he heard a sound behind him, and realized he was not along in the garage.他突然听见后面有声响,意识到车库里还有别人。(反说正译)
Please tender exact fare.恕不找赎。(正说反译)
Keep off the lawn!请勿践踏草地!(正说反译)
需要正说反译的词和短语有:动词fail, miss, deny,形容词last, short, absent, final, 介词beyond, past, against, off, from but, except,固定搭配far from, too to, wiser than, live up one`s expectations, divert attention from ,be at a loss, rather than,neither seldom, rarely, differently等表示否定的词。
需要反说正译的词和短语有,no,not, no less than, no less than,no other than, none other than, nothing but, no choice but.及一些带有否定词缀的词。carelessly, dislike unpleasant.
例子:riot police防暴警察(非暴乱的警察)
例子:crisis law反危机法案。(非危机法案)
例子:Her parents are both in their seventies.她父母都已年过古稀。(时间相对)
例子:He lived in a room with a southern exposure.他住的是一间北屋。
例子:She has been a widow only six months, and it is too soon for her to remarry.她丈夫去世才不到半年,就要改嫁,未免太快了。(因果相对)
例子:Blossom Jackson will never forget that November night when at ten minutes to nine her sister-in-law pounded on the door of her small Brooklyn house screaming。布劳森杰克逊永远忘不了那天晚上的情景,那是十一月份的一个晚上,差十分九点,孩子他姑在纽约布鲁克林区他们小小的住宅前使劲敲门,一边喊道(关系相对)
例子Almost everything which really matters and which the world possessed at the commencement of the modern age was already known to man at the dawn of history.
And it helps to explain why so many inventions that were of Chinese origin or that had been known to the Greco-Romans, were fully developed and exploited only by the Western Europeans.
Not surprisingly, the most complex political structures appeared in the Sudan, where long distance trade was most highly developed and where Islamic influence was the strongest.
At one extreme are Hawaii and Brazil, where racial intermixture is extensive and continuing, and where racial discrimination is relatively minor.
摆脱亚洲金融危机的影响shake off the impact of the financial crisis
有效地控制通货膨胀effectively control inflation
适度从紧的财政政策moderately tight financial policy
积极的财政政策proactive fescal policy
贴现率discount rate, bank rate
外汇危机foreign exchange crises
外汇波动foreign exchang fluctuation
套汇汇率cross rate, arbitrage rate
间接套汇indirect exchange
直接套汇direct exchange
以试点的形式实行外贸自动登记制度implement an automatic registration system of foreign trading rights on a trial basis
国家现汇结存state foreign exchange reserves
国家科技创新体系State Scientific and Technological Innovation System
国家鼓励项目projects listed as encouraged by the state
国家补贴public subsidies
国际收支不平衡disequilibrium of balance of payment
国际收支平衡balance of international payments/balance of payment
国际清算international settlement
恒生指数宽幅震荡The Heng Sheng index fluctuated violently.
电子商务认证e-business certification
电视直销TV home certification
打假crack down on counterfeit goods
出口退税refunding export taxes
保值储蓄inflation-proof bank savings
按揭贷款mortgage loan
    例子:We ate to our heart`s content at her home last Sunday.我们上星期天在她家饱餐一顿。
    例子:They discussed the plan animatedly in the classroom yesterday afternoon.他们昨天下午在教室里热闹讨论这一计划。
    中小学elementary and high schools
    公私private and public
    衣食住行food,clothing,shelter and transportation
    悲喜交集have mixed feelings of joy and sorrow
    新仇旧恨old scores and new hatred
    悲欢离合joys and sorrows, partings and reunions
    经风雨,见世面face the world and brave the storm
    例子:How can he get good grades when he won`t study?他不用功的话怎么拿高分呢?
    I can`t tell you when you won`t listen.既然你不想听,我就不告诉你了。
    She persisted in her work when she might take a good rest.她本可以好好休息一下,但还是坚持工作。
    例子:Formerly a worker himself,he was now an engineer.他过去是工人,现在当了工程师了。(同位语换序)
    How beautiful the hills look with the clouds behind them!趁着后面的云彩,这些上看起来多美啊!(倒装句换序)
    Even the wild animals of his homeland, it seemed to Kunta,had more diginity than these creatures.昆塔觉得,就连他家乡的野兽也比这群人自重。(插入语换序)
a man of woman 错误翻译:有妇之夫 正确翻译:男人气的女人
area bell 错误翻译:地区铃 正确翻译:地下室门铃
a small fortune错误翻译:一笔小钱 正确翻译:巨资
foreign body 错误翻译:外国人 正确翻译:(进入体内的)异物
natural history错误翻译:自然历史 正确翻译:博物学
rose leaves 错误翻译:玫瑰花叶 正确翻译:玫瑰花瓣
We should adhere to the basic line for a hundred years, with no vacillation
After all that`s been said,I can sum up our positon in one sentence:we shall keep to this line and these principles and policies.
So long as we keep to this attitude, everything will be all right, and we shall not make any major mistakes.
If in special circumstances it is necessary to exceed the duration of the contract, this shall be stated clearly in the contract and the reason shall be declared when examination and approval provedures are undertaken.
比如,A youngster who has no playmates of his age living nearby may benefit greatly from attending nursery school.
The first two must be equal for all who are being compared, if any comparison in terms of intelligence is to be made.
例如,They are striving for the ideal which is close to the heart of every Chinese and for which,in the past,many Chinese have laid down their lives.译文为:他们正在为一个理想而努力,这个理想是每个中国人所珍爱的。在过去,许多中国人曾为了这个理想而牺牲了自己的生命。
Good chocks have pendulums which are automatically compensated for temperature changes.译文:好的钟摆可以自动补偿温度变化造成的误差。
Electronic computers,which have many advantages,cannot carry out creative work and replace man.译文:尽管电子计算机有许多优点,但是它们不能进行创造性工作,也不能代替人。
Anyone who stops absorbing new knowledge is certain to lag behind.译文:任何人如果停止汲取新知识,就肯定会落后。

    The level of marketization and socialization of the national economy has been notably raised.(逐字翻译)
    The national economy is notably more market-oriented and socialized.(这种翻译比较好)
    The health level of the Chinese people has been raised.(逐字翻译)
    The Chinese people have become healthier.(这种翻译比较好)
    We should raise the level of opening to the outside world.(逐字翻译)
    We should open wider to the outside world.(较好)

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