

几米的读白:真爱莫等待 - 爱思英语网

Jimmy's Confession—Do Not Let True Love Wait Too Long

很清楚的知道她不合适自己,可是更确定的是他不会主动说分手。 他只是耗着等着,直到有一天女生自己受不了忽冷忽热、若即若离的态度,或是等到年华老去不得不下决定时,自己选择离开。妳的主动离开,我没有负心,反而是尊重与成全妳的决定。

It is for sure that she is not the Miss Right for him,but it is more sure that he will not be the first to suggest parting.  All he does is wait, until one day she cannot bear with him any longer, tired of his being warm and cold, intimate and indifferent.  Or he will wait until he has to make a decision to leave her when he is old. You, the girl, choose to leave him.  It is not to betray him, but to respect and help make his decision.


Half a year later, to her astonishment, she sees him walking into the wedding ceremony with a girl he has known for three months only.  Then she knows that he is not a celibatarian. It is only too clear that he does not want to marry her.  The marathon race of love for eight years is so fragile as compared to a three-month intimacy.


The man in this story is my friend, who was married half a year ago.  He cannot help tearing when he hears the song "Hou Lai" by Liu Ruoying. He thinks of his ex with whom he has hung eight years.  Why is he sad?  There is a shadow of his ex in his wife.  It is until then that he knows the ex is the type of girl he loves.

可是人往往很矛盾,喜欢她的倔强与有性格,却受不了她的娇纵。喜欢她的落落大方,却受不了她的朋友一堆;你爱她的小家碧玉,就不要怪她不够大方; 你爱她的活泼大方,就不要批评她像花蝴蝶一样。 恋爱谈的愈长,结婚的可能性就愈低, 所以有时候恋爱的长度与结婚的可能性成反比。

But humanity is often self-contradictary.  He likes her being strong-willed, but cannot stand her being capricious; he likes her being open-minded, but cannot live with her hanging out with many friends. If you like her being petite and exiquisite, you should not complain about her not being open-minded enough; if you like her being open-minded and active, you should not criticize her being like a social butterfly. The longer you are in love with her, the less likely you will marry her.  Therefore, the length of love is sometimes to the contrary ratio of the likelihood of marriage. 

喜新厌旧是人性,日子久了,会结婚不是为了爱情,而是责任感的驱使。婚后的他才慢慢的发现,当时的那一段感情其实不 是不爱,是时间太久了太长了,把爱情给磨掉了,再遇到另一个女孩点燃了爱情的火苗,星星之火足以辽源,把枯竭已久的爱情给予生命,所以仓促的决定结婚。等到真的结婚后,爱情降温,才慢慢的发现其实妻子的身上 有着许多前任女友的影子,他比较爱的人其实还是
前任女友,可是他娶的却不是她。 这样的情节不知道是不是也在别处同样上演着?

It is the essence of human beings to neglect the old when excited by the new favorite. Having got married, he comes to understand that the previous love dies not because the feeling is gone, but the long years wear love out. The new girl ignites new love, and the sparkle set off a loving flame, giving life to the long-withering love. Consequently decision of marriage is made in a haste. After marriage, love cools down.  He comes to know that there is his ex on his wife.  He loves the ex better, but whom he married is not her. Is this story, I am wondering, being played over and over again?

学生时代的爱情很单纯,出社会以后总想等工作稳定以后再结婚,工作稳定以后又想等有一点积蓄买车子、买房子以后再结婚,等着等着,等到爱情被时光给消磨,等到第三者介入点燃了对方心中激情的火苗,干柴烈火不可收拾以后,曾经在年少 一起织梦的理想全都抵挡不了新鲜感的激情,所以琵琶别抱,到最后步入礼堂的都不是在一起同甘共苦、共同经历过寒、暑,等当兵的人。

Love on Campus is quite pure. After you secure a job, you want to wait until you have stabilized work before getting married. Now that you have a stable work, you want to wait until you have enough money to buy a car, a house. You wait and wait. Over your long hesitation love is being worn down, and when a new one jumps into your life, you cannot resist the burning hot excitement, and the dream and hope you hold with the loved one are no match to the flooding thrills from the new favorite.  Therefore, my friend, do not wait.  Do not dishearten yourself and the one you loved. We do not want to see the fact that the one who walks into the wedding with you is not the original one, to whom you swear to love all your life.

所以奉劝各位女孩子, 如果对方真的是你想结婚的对象,不要想着有房子有车子有金 子,有了一切再结婚。 现实是,等他有了一切,他的身价暴涨是有价值的单身贵族,他必需要面临的是更多的诱惑,妳长久以来的等待与年轻时许 下的山盟海誓都难以抵挡诱惑排山倒海的来。 就像我现在若不嫁他,非得等到他有车子有房子还有存款时再结婚,那时新娘有极高的可能不是我。因为要等到什么都有还要几年? 有能力的男人就像酒愈久愈香醇,女人则像面包一样有赏味期 限,青春是女人的天敌。如果我是他,等到我三十五岁,什么都有是个有上千万身价的黄金单身汉,我并不需要一个很有能力而年过三十的女人来帮衬我,我宁可选个如花似玉,年轻貌美的女生,也许没有什么 工作能力,至少发挥了赏心悦目的功能,一个真正有能力的男 人,不会在乎一个女人是否能在他的财富上加乘。遇上对的人,莫等待莫蹉跎,也许没有房子没有车子,只要他 认真上进,他就是张有潜力的积优股,早点进场获利更高。

Let me ask all girls, if he is truly the one for you, please not wait until he owns a house, a car and lots of money before making the decision to marry him.What's always true is that he will be confronted with more allurement when he has everything and his value grows.  The commitment and waiting, the oaths you made with him when young become so easy to crash when all sorts of temptations come inundating him. Just like me, for instance. If I don't marry him now, and must wait until he has a car, a house and lots of money, very likely the bride would not be me. How many years do I have to wait before he has everything? A truly capable man is like a bottle of wine, the longer we keep it, the more fragrant and delicious it becomes.  But women are like bread, which unfortunately has shell life. Youth is the natural enemy of women. If I were him, I wouldn't need a woman, very capable as she is but older than 30, to help me when I turn 35 and still stay single as a multimillionaire.  I would rather marry a super pretty girl, who may be poorly skilled but at least appeals to my eyes.  A man, if truly capable, would not care if a woman will double his wealth.  If you have met the right one, do not indulge in vagrancy.  He may not have a house, nor does he have a car, but he is a big potentially good stock as long as he is serious, dynamic and ambitious. The better you buy it, the more profit you will make.

也提醒各位男士, 如果对方真的是你想好好疼爱的女人,别让她等太久,有她一起陪你奋斗应该是很美好的一件事除非你心中有其它的想法,否则别让爱情等太久,把真爱都磨掉了!虽然听起来很残忍,但 身边的家人朋友都有类似的例子。 真爱,就不要等,除非是不想结婚......

Here with I also want to remind all men.  If she is truly the one you want to take care of all your life, do not let her wait too long.  It should be quite a pleasant thing to have her company in your endeavor for career success, unless you want to change your mind. Waiting too long wears out true love, which sounds a bit too cruel but very true.  I've witnessed such sort of failed love amongst my family members and friends. 

If you truly love, and if you want to get married, do not wait! 

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