


The knee is the largest joint in your body and one of the most complex.Your knee ligaments connect your thighbone to your lower leg bones.Knee ligament sprains or tears are a common sports injury.In the past, injuring more than one knee ligament would put an end to future sports activities.Today, many athletes are able to return to high level sports following multiple ligament injuries.


Anatomy  解剖学

Three bones meet to form your knee joint: your thighbone (femur), shinbone (tibia), and kneecap (patella).


Bones are connected to other bones by ligaments.


There are four primary ligaments in your knee.


They act like strong ropes to hold the bones together and keep your knee stable.


Collateral Ligaments  侧副韧带

These are found on the sides of your knee.The medial collateral ligament is on the inside and the lateral collateral ligament is on the outside.They control the sideways motion of your knee and brace it against unusual movement.


Cruciate Ligaments  十字韧带

These are found inside your knee joint. They cross each other to form an 'X' with the anterior cruciate ligament in front and the posterior cruciate ligament in back. The cruciate ligaments control the back and forth motion of your knee.

这些都是你的膝关节内找到。 它们彼此交叉形成“X”,前十字韧带在前面,后十字韧带在后面。 十字韧带控制你的膝盖的来回运动。

Description   说明

Because the knee joint relies just on these ligaments and surrounding muscles for stability, it is easily injured. Any direct contact to the knee or hard muscle contraction — such as changing direction rapidly while running — can injure a knee ligament.

因为膝关节仅仅依赖于这些韧带和周围肌肉来稳定,所以它容易受伤。 任何直接接触膝盖或硬的肌肉收缩 - 如跑步时快速改变方向 - 都可能伤害膝盖韧。

Injured ligaments are considered 'sprains' and are graded on a severity scale.


Grade 1 Sprains. The ligament is mildly damaged in a Grade 1 Sprain. It has been slightly stretched, but is still able to help keep the knee joint stable.

1级扭伤。 韧带在1级扭伤中轻度受损。 它已经轻微伸展,但仍然能够帮助保持膝关节稳定。

Grade 2 Sprains. A Grade 2 Sprain stretches the ligament to the point where it becomes loose. This is often referred to as a partial tear of the ligament.

2级扭伤。 2级扭伤在韧带拉伸的地方有点松动。 这通常被称为韧带的部分撕裂。

Grade 3 Sprains. This type of sprain is most commonly referred to as a complete tear of the ligament. The ligament has been split into two pieces, and the knee joint is unstable.

3级扭伤。 这种类型的扭伤通常被称为韧带的完全撕裂。 韧带已分裂成两片,膝关节不稳定。
It is possible to injure two or more ligaments at the same time. These multiple injuries can have serious complications. They can disrupt blood supply to the leg. They can also affect the nerves that supply the muscles of the limb. In severe cases, multiple ligament injuries may lead to amputation.

有可能同时损伤两个或多个韧带。 这些多发伤可能有严重的并发症。 他们可以破坏腿部的血液供应。 它们还可以影响供应肢体肌肉的神经。 在严重的情况下,多个韧带损伤可能导致截肢。

The MCL is injured more often than the LCL. Due to the more complex anatomy of the outside of the knee, if you injure your LCL, you usually injure other structures in the joint, as well.

MCL(内侧副韧带)比LCL(外侧副韧带)受伤更频繁。 由于膝盖外部的更复杂的解剖结构,如果你伤害你的LCL,你通常会伤害关节中的其他结构,以及。

Treatment    治疗

The individual with a suspected multiple ligament injury needs a thorough examination by an experienced physician. Depending on the injury, the orthopaedic surgeon may call in other specialists such as a vascular surgeon or microsurgeon.

具有疑似多韧带损伤的个体需要有经验的医生进行彻底检查。 根据损伤,整形外科医生可能需要其他专家,例如血管外科医生或微血管外科医生。

In contrast to treatment for single ligament tears, surgery for combined ligament tears is often performed soon after the injury. This is done even though early surgery — before inflammation has resolved — poses an increased risk of arthrofibrosis (a scar forming in the joint). More than one operation may be required when treating multiple ligament injuries.

与单韧带撕裂的治疗相反,联合韧带撕裂的手术通常在损伤后不久进行。即使是这样做,早期手术 - 在炎症已经解决之前 - 关节纤维化的风险也会增加(在关节中形成瘢痕)。当治疗多个韧带损伤时可能需要多于一次手术。

Outcome  结果

Results from multiple ligament surgery are not as consistent as single ligament injury.


In the past, a multiple ligament injury prevented people from returning to sports activities. Today, it is possible to return to high level sports, although there is no certainty of it.


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