

Massage Therapy: What You Need To Know
What is massage therapy used for?
Massage therapy is used to help manage a health condition or enhance wellness. It involves manipulating the soft tissues of the body. Massage has been practiced in most cultures, both Eastern and Western, throughout human history, and was one of the earliest tools that people used to try to relieve pain.
What are the different types of massage?
The term “massage therapy” includes many techniques. The most common form of massage therapy in Western countries is called Swedish or classical massage; it is the core of most massage training programs. Other styles include sports massage, clinical massage to accomplish specific goals such as releasing muscle spasms, and massage traditions derived from Eastern cultures, such as Shiatsu and Tuina.
Do massages help pain?
Massage therapy has been studied for several types of pain, including low-back pain, neck and shoulder pain, pain from osteoarthritis of the knee, and headaches. Here’s what the science says:
Low-Back Pain
Neck and Shoulder Pain
Osteoarthritis of the Knee
Can massage help cancer patients?
With appropriate precautions, massage therapy can be part of supportive care for cancer patients who would like to try it; however, the evidence that it can relieve pain and anxiety is not strong.
Massage therapy, with or without aromatherapy (the use of essential oils) has been used to attempt to relieve pain, anxiety, and other symptoms in people with cancer. A 2016 evaluation of 19 studies (more than 1,200 participants) of massage for cancer patients found some evidence that massage might help with pain and anxiety, but the quality of the evidence was very low (because most studies were small and some may have been biased), and findings were not consistent.
Clinical practice guidelines (guidance for health care providers) for the care of breast cancer patients include massage as one of several approaches that may be helpful for stress reduction, anxiety, depression, fatigue, and quality of life. Clinical practice guidelines for the care of lung cancer patients suggest that massage therapy could be added as part of supportive care in patients whose anxiety or pain is not adequately controlled by usual care.
Massage therapists may need to modify their usual techniques when working with cancer patients; for example, they may have to use less pressure than usual in areas that are sensitive because of cancer or cancer treatments.
For more information, see NCCIH’s fact sheet on cancer.
Can massage be helpful for fibromyalgia symptoms?
Massage therapy may be helpful for some fibromyalgia symptoms if it’s continued for long enough.
A 2014 evaluation of 9 studies (404 total participants) concluded that massage therapy, if continued for at least 5 weeks, improved pain, anxiety, and depression in people with fibromyalgia but did not have an effect on sleep disturbance.
A 2015 evaluation of 10 studies (478 total participants) compared the effects of different kinds of massage therapy and found that most styles of massage had beneficial effects on quality of life in people with fibromyalgia. Swedish massage may be an exception; 2 studies of this type of massage (56 total participants) did not show benefits.
For more information, see NCCIH’s fact sheet on fibromyalgia.
Can massage therapy be helpful for people with HIV/AIDS?
There’s some evidence that massage therapy may have benefits for anxiety, depression, and quality of life in people with HIV/AIDS, but the amount of research and number of people studied are small.
Massage therapy may help improve the quality of life for people with HIV or AIDS, a 2010 review of 4 studies with a total of 178 participants concluded.
More recently, a 2013 study of 54 people indicated that massage may be helpful for depression in people with HIV, and a 2017 study of 29 people with HIV suggested that massage may be helpful for anxiety.
Does massage help baby growth?
There’s evidence that premature babies who are massaged may have improved weight gain. No benefits of massage for normal full-term infants have been clearly demonstrated.
A 2017 research review analyzed the results of 34 studies of massage therapy for premature infants. Twenty of the studies (1,250 total infants) evaluated the effect of massage on weight gain, with most showing an improvement. The mechanism by which massage therapy might increase weight gain is not well understood. Some studies suggested other possible benefits of massage but because the amount of evidence is small, no conclusions can be reached about effects other than weight gain.
A 2013 review of 34 studies of healthy full-term infants didn’t find clear evidence of beneficial effects of massage in these low-risk infants.
What are the risks of massage therapy?
The risk of harmful effects from massage therapy appears to be low. However, there have been rare reports of serious side effects, such as a blood clot, nerve injury, or bone fracture. Some of the reported cases have involved vigorous types of massage, such as deep tissue massage, or patients who might be at increased risk of injury, such as elderly people.
What are the requirements to become a massage therapist?
In states that regulate massage therapy (45 states and the District of Columbia), therapists must get a license or certification before practicing massage. State regulations typically require graduation from an approved program and passing an examination.
Some massage therapists obtain certification from the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork. To do this, they must meet specific educational requirements, undergo a background check, and pass an examination.
NCCIH-Funded Research
NCCIH-sponsored studies have investigated various aspects of massage therapy, including
Whether massage therapy can be helpful in preventing and treating repetitive motion disorders
If massage can be helpful as a component of a nondrug approach to pain management in veterans
If massage therapy can target sensory pathways that can help people with ankle sprains avoid chronic ankle instability (which can affect as many as 40 percent of people who experience this type of injury).
Massage Therapy Techniques Guide: The Many Types of Massage
Posted on December 5, 2018 by A. Rothstein
As a massage therapist, it is crucial to understand all of the different types of massage and how the massage techniques help benefit clients.  During a massage therapy program at your local vocational school, you will learn about different types of massage techniques, including hot stone massage, Swedish massage, deep tissue massage, reflexology, prenatal massage, sports massage, Thai massage, and Shiatsu massage techniques. Laying down a strong foundation of massage therapy education allows you to help clients be happy and healthy.
Hot Stone Massage Techniques
Hot stone massage techniques treat stress, tension and muscle soreness. Additionally, this type of massage improves metabolism and blood circulation. One of the most significant benefits of hot stone massage is that it stimulates muscle relaxation. Stones are heated using water. Once they reach the ideal temperature, they are placed strategically on the body. The direct heat provided by the stones is helpful for relaxing muscles. The stones are also useful to increase circulation, reduce stress, alleviate pain, and boost relaxation.
Swedish Massage Techniques
Swedish massage is one of the most popular types of massage therapies. The techniques used in Swedish massage provides total body relaxation. Massage therapists who provide Swedish massage use long strokes to help flow blood back to the client’s heart.
In addition to being a fantastic massage for relaxation, Swedish massage techniques are beneficial to increase oxygenation in the blood, to lessen toxins in the blood, for boosting the circulatory system, and soothing tension.
Deep Tissue Massage Techniques
Similar to Swedish massage, deep tissue massage techniques uses more pressure. Deep tissue massage is great for anyone with chronic muscle tension. This type of massage therapy reaches deep muscle layers and tendons. Deep tissue massage helps to lower blood pressure and stress hormones. Additionally, deep tissue massage is conductive for triggering serotonin and oxytocin, known to be mood-boosting hormones.
Reflexology Massage Techniques
Reflexology massage therapy techniques involves massaging the client’s feet, calves, and upper legs. The massage techniques reflexology relieves pain in the toes, ankles, arthritis, and plantar fasciitis. Additionally, it lessens stress and anxiety throughout the body. As a massage therapist, it is critical for clients to communicate any discomfort during their session. Stretching and rest after the reflexology massage is beneficial. Reflexology massage, when done regularly, offers long-term benefits of feeling better and healthier.
Prenatal Massage Techniques
Prenatal massage is an ideal addition to a pregnant woman’s prenatal regimen. Prenatal massage helps alleviate common discomforts of pregnancy including back and neck pain and stiffness, headaches, leg cramps, and swelling. For expecting moms, prenatal massage is helpful for reducing stress on joints and improving circulation. Other benefits include relieving anxiety or depression caused as a result of hormonal changes in the body.
When performing prenatal massage, extra care is required. Clients should be as comfortable as possible with bolsters, pillows, or cushions with a focus on easing strains in the pelvic area and lower back. As the massage client progresses through their pregnancy, the massage techniques can be adjusted. Prenatal massage also helps to release blood toxins and increase the production of serotonin.
Sports Massage Techniques
Sports massage is ideal for all athletes. Sports massage is used to treat sore, stressed, or overused muscles. In recent years, sports massage has gained popularity as part of training programs.
Use of sports massage techniques is often helpful to prepare for events, as well as recovery. Athletes may benefit from sports massage through increased flexibility, improved endurance, reduction in fatigue, and mental clarity. Sports massage uses a techniques and massage tools to help the client achieve objectives, such as relieving aches and pains, warming up their muscles, or assisting the athlete deal with stress or anxiety before a game or event.
Thai Massage Techniques
Thai Massage differs from other types of massage techniques in the fact that the massage therapist doesn’t use any oils. Thai massage clients wear comfortable, loose clothing and lie on a firm mattress or mat placed on the floor. The client poses in a variety of yoga-like positions throughout the massage. The massage therapist uses rhythmic pressure to relieve stress and soreness. Thai massage may be administered in either a one-on-one setting or in a group setting, where multiple people receive Thai massage therapy at the same time.
Shiatsu Massage Techniques
Shiatsu massage is firmly rooted in Japanese medicine and tradition. This type of massage uses manipulation and uses stretching, acupressure, and Western massage to offer holistic healing to the client. Shiatsu massage therapists apply pressure to correct places on the body to treat a variety of issues. Shiatsu massage is great for improving mental and physical well-being, managing pain, and treating disease.
Holistic massage therapy treats the entire body, instead of focusing on one area. Acupressure taps into pressure points using energy pathways in the body. Instead of using needles like acupuncture, shiatsu massage therapists use their fingers to percuss these points.
Shiatsu massage is useful to treat many ailments. This massage technique improves circulation and promotes a healthier immune system. Shiatsu massage treats symptoms including stress reduction, indigestion, nausea, constipation, chronic pain, depression, migraines, muscle pain and arthritis. As a holistic approach, Shiatsu massage is a comprehensive treatment. It increases vitality, physicality, and lifts the client’s mood and emotional well-being.
The Benefits of Massage Therapy
According to the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA), 87% of individuals view massage as being beneficial to overall health and wellness. The demand for massage therapy and its benefits will continue to grow, as well as the demand for more professional massage therapists. There are many different benefits that a client may notice, including:
There are also many disorders that massage therapy can help relieve including:
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome – a painful condition of the hand and fingers caused by compression of a major nerve where it passes over the carpal bones through a passage at the front of the wrist. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome may be caused by repetitive motion.
Fibromyalgia – a chronic disorder characterized by widespread pain, fatigue, and tenderness.
Lower Back Pain – caused by injury to a muscle or ligament in the back.
Migraines – a recurrent throbbing headache, often accompanied by nausea and disturbed vision.
Osteoarthritis – degeneration of cartilage and the underlying bone. Osteoarthritis causes pain and stiffness in the hip, knee, and thumb joints.
Sciatica – pain along the sciatic nerve, which runs down the legs from the lower back.
Tennis Elbow – inflammation of the tendons of the elbow caused by overuse of the muscles of the forearm.
Where a Massage Therapist Can Practice These Massage Techniques
A massage therapist has many opportunities to help clients with massage therapy. These locations include clinics, spas, resorts, cruise ships, physical therapy centers,  or medical facilities to support healing. With the help of franchised clinics and spas, massage therapy has become mainstream. Access to affordable massage therapy has spawned an increase in clients looking for massage therapy.
Self-employment gives massage therapists the freedom to work on their schedule and travel to clients. Many massage therapists work on-site at offices or in client’s homes. They have the ability to work on their own schedule and build a business.
Did this information interest you in becoming a massage therapist? If you are interested in the healing powers of massage, you can begin your career in massage therapy at Minnesota School of Cosmetology. Our short-term massage therapy training program is designed to be completed in as little as 13 months with full time enrollment. Our massage therapy training program is designed as a holistic program that will prepare students to focus on body mechanics of their clients as well as develop positive habits for the therapist. Together, those two areas will provide a foundation that can lead to longevity in the career field.
Reduced muscle tension
Increased relaxation
Reduced muscle tension
Increased range of motion
Improved soft tissue function
Decreased muscle stiffness and fatigue
Improved blood circulation
9 Easy Massage Techniques to Use at Home
If you’re wanting to give that special someone a massage, you may need to brush up on your skill set and learn some effective massage techniques. Unfortunately, it can be difficult knowing where to start when it comes to learning the best massage moves.
While many professionals are certified and have studied how to give a good massage, you may not want to jump into full-fledged massage classes just yet.
Luckily, once you learn the massage tips listed below, you’ll be well on your way to giving a proper back massage. Additionally, there are also some great shoulder and neck massage tips that you can use at home to give a great neck and shoulder massage.
Read on to discover these 9 easy to use massage tricks and tips.
How to give a killer massage
If you’re ready to do a perfect massage at home, there are a few general points you should keep in mind when using the simple massage techniques below.
For one thing, make sure that you don’t rub too hard or too fast as you may risk irritating your partner’s muscles. Perform slow even strokes with the palms of your hands, thumbs, and the fleshy part of your fingertips.
Also, don’t just focus on the upper back. Make sure to hit other sore spots such as the lower back, the neck, the back of the head, and the hands and feet.
Massage Patient Comfort
Some particularly tense people may be uncomfortable with getting a massage and have difficulty fully relaxing, even at home. There are a few ways to make your partner more comfortable.
When giving massages, you should consider adding some ambiance to the area where you will be giving the massage. You may choose to add some aromatherapy and essential oils to your massage session.
If your partner is lying on their stomach, don’t forget to give them a proper face rest. You may try positioning some pillows comfortably.
You may also choose to place a hot towel on your partner’s back. This will help support the shoulder and back and will ease the muscles.
5 minute massage
If you and your partner don’t have time for a full-sized massage session, you can still give a great massage in just 5 minutes. There are several steps to follow when giving a 5 minute massage.
Use forearm compression. Rest your forearms on your partner’s shoulders, close to the neck. Keep your palms down and let the fleshy part of your forearm lie on their muscles. Let your weight go straight down onto their shoulders. Don’t push forward.
Hold for several seconds and then lift your arms slowly and move them along the shoulder one inch. Push downward again. Move along until you get to the bony part of your forearm, then repeat from the starting position.
Rub their shoulders. Move to your partner’s side. Touch the tip of their shoulder with your fingers and move slowly toward their neck until you feel soft muscles. Place your thumbs on the soft spot. Place one thumb on top of the other for reinforcement. Press straight down with your thumbs, slowly.
Hold the thumbs on the muscle for a few seconds, then slowly ease the pressure. Move a thumb width towards the neck, and repeat. Once you reach the neck, go back to the starting position and repeat. Then, repeat on the other shoulder.
Massage their neck. Stand on your partner’s side. While standing to the right, make a C-shape with your left hand. Place it on the back of your partner’s neck. Press gently into the neck with fingers and thumbs.
Maintain a small amount of pressure while doing a soft circular kneading action with your hand. Do 5 motions for each spot, then move up and down the neck and repeat. Don’t pinch the skin or slide your hand excessively. Most of this technique should consist of finger movements.
Use gentle brushing motions along your partner’s head and back areas, as though you are picking lint off. Use both hands at the same time or alternate the two, creating an even feeling on your partner’s back areas.
The above technique should take approximately five minutes.
Deep tissue massage
Deep tissue massage techniques help to relieve tension deep in the body’s musculature. When giving a deep tissue massage you should know basic human muscle anatomy. You should know how to apply intense pressure without causing pain.
Professional massage therapists have a lot of training, but you can still do a great job at giving a deep tissue massage at home.
First, read up on basic muscle anatomy of the back. Visualize the back muscles when performing these techniques.
Apply massage oils to your partner’s back. Position your forearm crossways on your partner’s back and run up and down. Lean in with your weight, letting your forearm slide down. Slide it back up. Avoid pushing down on the bony surfaces and the spine.
Use fingertips and thumbs to check for individual muscles and boundaries which your partner says feel tense. Start applying pressure. Find areas where muscle mobility is limited and there are tense knots.
Apply gentle pressure to problem areas. Lean into fingertips and thumbs, but do not push with your shoulders. Don’t move too quickly.
Be communicative with your partner, and make sure that what you are doing feels good. If they are experiencing pain, stop.
Sports massage
A sports massage will target specific areas that an athlete uses regularly and has a specific goal in mind. This massage will help to develop a larger range of motion with muscles and aid recovery. Various techniques will help with a sports massage, but there are three main principles to keep in mind.
Consider the intention. What is the intention of the sports massage? The intention may be to promote blood flow, stimulate neurological pathways, increase strength, increase flexibility, or improve posture. The massage may be used as a warm-up or a post-game recovery.
Consider the techniques. What techniques will be used? You may choose to include a range of techniques including friction, vibration, shaking, compression, direct pressure, or cross-fiber friction.
Consider the timing. When will the massage take place? You may choose to give a sports massage for a pre-event warm-up or post-event recovery. The athlete may need a sports massage during a maintenance period or for an injury rehabilitation.
If you follow the three principles above, you will be well on your way to giving your partner a massage that will help their body and their game.
Trigger points
Trigger points are tight spots on the body that create pain in another area. A trigger point on the neck may cause pain in the back, for example. It is often easiest to perform a trigger point massage yourself.
When you identify a trigger point, it can be quite simple to begin. Rub the trigger spot with your fingers, thumbs, fist or elbow, whatever is most comfortable. Use a tennis ball or foam roller if you find it hard to reach an area. Press directly on the spot and hold down for 10-100 seconds. You may also apply small kneading strokes.
Pay special attention to pressure. Trust what feels right to you. Rub hard but not too hard. A little “good pain” is okay. By doing this correctly your trigger point should feel satisfied, and your body should feel more relaxed and relieved.
Massage oil
A massage oil is a great way to improve a massage and will allow your hands to glide smoothly over your partner’s body. A massage oil will work much better than body lotion.
The main use of massage oil is lubrication and the reduction of friction, but you may also choose to use a massage oil as a base for aromatherapy and essential oils.
When buying a basic massage oil, consider its properties. How much does it cost? How easy is it to clean? Consider its nourishing, moisturizing, and absorption properties.
Also, consider how it is processed. A great massage oil will be extra virgin cold pressed and will have a high level of purity, retaining natural nutrients.
Don’t push too hard
When giving a massage, apply the right amount of pressure. Find that sweet spot that allows some pressure without causing pain.
The best way to find a good middle ground is to communicate with your partner clearly so you will know exactly what they are feeling. Be sure to exert less pressure on bony spots and the spinal cord.
Swedish Massage
Swedish massage therapy goes beyond simple relaxation benefits. In addition to relaxing the entire body, Swedish massage can have the benefits of increasing oxygen levels in the blood, decreasing muscle toxins, improving flexibility, easing tension, and promoting circulation.
When giving a Swedish massage, there are five main steps.
Start with sliding and gliding motions and long sweeping strokes to soothe the muscles. Alternate between both firm and light pressures to break the tension of muscles and eliminate knots.
Knead the muscles for deeper massage penetration. Use thumbs and knuckles to knead your partner’s muscles and prepare their body for other techniques.
Use rhythmic tapping. Tap the sides of your cupped hands on your partner’s muscles. This will help to relax, loosen, and energize the muscles.
Rub your partner with the palms of your hands for friction. This technique will create heat and relax the muscles.
Use vibration and shaking techniques. Utilize your fingertips or the heel of your hand to shake your partner’s skin and muscle areas. Use a back and forth motion. This will loosen their muscles.
These are the best easy massage techniques to use at home to help your partner relax. Be sure to be careful and gentle when giving back massages and encourage communication to be sure that your partner is having the massage of their life and will thoroughly enjoy the relaxation you provide.
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