

有随机的两位老师在不同的电脑屏幕上各自独立地评 阅一次,称为双评。如果二位老师评分的平均分相差 6 分以上,电脑自动交给第 三人评阅,称为三评。然后取相差在 6 分以内二人有效分的平均分,如三个人改 的分数都相差很大, 也就是说二人给的分差不在 6 分之内,那么电脑就会自动交 给第四个人一般是质检组的来仲裁, 当然出现四评的情况不多。 由于是网上双评, 任务比较重。负责人(组长)对于评卷质量不高的,要找其谈话。每位老师平均 每分钟阅两份试卷。 第二,阅卷标准。
2010 年普通高考评卷英语作文评分细则 分档 极优档 优秀 26~29 百分制分数 100 97 93 90 87 良好 22~25 83 80 77 73 一般 18~21 70 67 63 60 较差 13~17 57 53 50 30 分制 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15

标准 书写规范;覆盖所有要点,内容充实;词 汇丰富,有修辞意识 紧扣主题;覆盖所有要点,内容充实;语 法结构多样, 词汇丰富,显示出较强的语 言运用能力。语言小错(拼写,标点,用 词等)不超过 6 处。 紧扣主题;覆盖所有要点,内容较充实, 语言有少量错误,但基本不影响意思表 达。 紧扣主题。基本覆盖所有要点,能够表达 基本内容; 语言错误已影响了部分意思的 表达,但多数句子基本正确。 内容不完整,要点不全,行文不连续;语 言错误(尤其是大错)较多,多数句子基 本正确。

47 43 差 6~12 40 37 33 30 27 23 极差 0~5 20 17 13 10 7 3

14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 只能写出与内容相关的词语, 没有有效信 息; 抄写其他文章或只写出与作文无关的 内容。 内容混乱或主要内容偏离主题, 能够写出 少数与内容相关的可读句。

注意事项: 1.评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定是否及格线。 2.词数少于 120,从应得分中减去 2 分。 关于大错、小错的问题: 1.小错:单词拼写、冠词、大小写、标点符号错误。 2.大错:搭配错误、词语用错(介词、名词、动词、形容词、副词) 、时态、语态、主 谓一致、非谓语动词、句式等错误。 评分时根据分析法判断文章: (Contents) 分, (Language) 分, (Style) 内容 6 语言 20 结构 4 分。要服从三个标准:Completeness (完整性),Fluency (流畅性),Beauty (可读性)。 本次作文内容上有三个要点:歉意,解释原因,另约时间,另外可适当增加细节。 2010 年高考阅卷分类标准卷 A I’m very sorry that I can’t visit Beijing with you the next weekend. I know that you have been expecting the trip for so long and you want my company. It is really a pity. Next Sunday, the English competation will be held in my hometown. You know that I’ve been practice so hard to improve my oral English. I hope I can have the best performance and get into the next round. You always say that “Where there is a will, there is a way.” I can’t agree with you more. The final competation will be held in Shanghai, I hope I can see you there. Will you be free on July 5th? If you don’t have any other schedule, we can visit Beijing together then. By the beginning of the Summer vocation, there will not be too many visitors so we can enjoy ourselves better. I’m looking forward to your letter and the trip. (26 分)

B I feel so sorry that I can’t travel to Beijing with you next weekend. I know that you have a


great desire to pay a visit to Beijing to enjoy its unique culture. But, sorry, I can’t be with you. As for the reasons, I am informed that the SAT is to be held next week, for which I have prepared for quite a long time. You know, it’s vital for me. Besides, I have dream that I could study abroad when I was a young boy. Now, the chance is coming. So I can miss it at no time. If you were me, you could grasp it as I do. As last, I want to make another appoint with you. We could go there next month when it will be not so hot. Believe me, we will enjoy a nice trip! (26 分)

C I am so sorry to write to tell you that I will have no chance to visit Beijing with you, which embarrasses me very much. Reasons are as follows. Firstly, my mother is ill. She has a badly cold and I don’t know whether she can pick up next weekend. If not, I have to stay at home to look after my mother. Secondly, I will have a text next weekend. So I have to use time to prepare for it. What’s more, I am very busy recently. Lots of things need doing. So I am sorry to tell you that you have to put off the plan to Beijing. However, I am free I have dealt with all things. So we can visit Beijing next month. I think we will have a comfortable holiday next month. (22 分)

D We had a plan to visit Beijing next weekend, but I feel so regret. As a matter of fact, I can’t keep my words, It happened so suddenly that I couldn’t tolerated it when I got the news, My mother had a traffic accident yesterday. Now, she was in the hospital and I must look after her all the day and the night. But I won’t forget our promise, I think if we can’t enjoy ourselves next weekend, we can choose other time, I’ll be free next month, if next month reachs, please make a call to me, I will make a new schedule with you. I’m sorry to tell you that, and I wish you can enjoy your next weekend even without me. (20 分)

E I’m Li Hua. I’m very sorry to say you. Recently I have do some information things, so I will can’t go to the trip of Beijing on next week. Please you don’t agree. However, we do plan on next month to go the trip. Do you thik? At the end, we are meeting next mouth. (6 分)


阅卷中的一些典型错句 I’m hear from you will go to Beijing. I’m afiad not play with you. I hope meet you earlier. When that time, the flower will open, the weather become warm. If agree, please call me. I express my apologize for you. I know you are a people who is very kind. Do you know I? I’m your friend. I’m sorry that we will not get together go trip to Beijing next week. I will not and you go to Beijing. I because have a lot thing. I beg for pardon me. I hope you to understand me. I will be forward coming Beijing. I will be forward of / on coming Beijing. I should express my sorry to you. You know my brother, he studies in a school. We can pay a visit to Beijing on an another day. If you are convenient to go to Beijing ….. I very sorry to you . Don’t feel disappointing. I couldn’t travel Beijing next weekend. I couldn’t visit to Beijing next weekend. As is known to you that our family member have a meeting. I’m sorry for I can’t go to Beijing with you. I feel very regret. But I want go to Beijing with you. If you not have enough time. My mother have illed, I must with her now. … there will have a important exam in the next week. I’ll be graduated this year. Because my grandmother was illness. Looking forward your reply and I must to say “sorry”. We will meeting another times. Because my English spoken is very badly, so, I’m very sorry. I have a bad news to tell you.

针对我在阅卷中的亲身经历和体会, 在此我对我的同行们和同学们提出几点 建议。


1. 英语书面表达书写的艺术性十分重要。尽管从评分的标准卷来看,对于 书写的要求不高, 但从评卷任务的繁重和速度要求之快这两方面来看,书写的影 响还是有的。在这种批量阅卷的方式下,成品作文卷面整洁、文字美观、段落布 局合理至关重要。 因为评卷老师在有限的时间里必须快速评卷,面对如此改卷速 度,考生在答卷时就要有技巧,尽可能博得老师的好感。 首先,卷面要整洁,字迹要工整,层次清楚。 其次,概念要准确、 叙述要简明,让人一看就明白。高考改卷,由于时间太紧, 很多老师不得不寻找捷径。有个别老师改卷只凭第一印象,第一印象好常常就给 打高分,当然不是每个老师都凭感觉打分,但给老师一个好印象却肯定是很重要 的, 有时一个漂亮的开头可能就奠定了高分的基础,另外写得别出心裁、个性鲜 明、出彩,也是作文拿高分的策略之一。我在阅卷的过程当中,有的卷面的整洁 美观,令人称奇,一个单词甚至连一个标点都不改动。文章布局合理,文字大小 合适,间距悦目,加上自始至终书写优美。如果这篇文章的语言表达正确而流畅 的话,一般就是良好以上了(22——29 分)。书写认真的要比书写差的在内容相 当的情况下平均高出 2 至 3 分。另外还有一些试卷由于字迹太轻或是字体太小, 甚至涂改的很乱,也没有分层次段落,这样在电脑屏幕上就更不清楚了,在老师 紧张阅卷的情况下这样的试卷非常影响老师的心情,故得分就大大折扣了,即使 是作文内容相当的情况下卷面好的要比卷面差的能高出不止是 2-3 分,甚至还 多。所以,平常的学习同学们要及早地开展书法训练,老师也要不断地在这方 面加强要求和督促,直至学生养成良好的书写习惯。这一点是非常重要而又必 要的。 字数的要求,“词数少于 120,从应得分中减去 2 分”,从与阅卷组的专家的交 流来看,他们主张“写长法”,也就是说在平时的训练中,可以写长,不要局限 于 120 词左右,可以再长。专家这样说“能写长的学生,一定能把作文写短”, 所以写长了的作文是不扣分的。 2. 语言的表达风格也会影响评卷人对你的得分。在评阅的试卷当中,发现 很多学生作文通篇都是简单句的居多, 能用复合句并且能用高级词汇表达思想而 特色鲜明的试卷占少数。 当然文体决定了语言的选用, 因为今年的作文文体要求 是书信,所以应偏重于口语化的语言。不过,在阅卷过程中能适当使用上几个较 好的复合句的,当然是能得到高分的。 英语书面表达倾向于复合句式,能用复合句式表达思想,既是学生英语水平 的体现, 又很好地体现了英文书面表达的风格。所有的评卷老师都是倾向于复合 句式的表达。如果两篇表达了同样思想的文章,一篇简单句居多,一篇复合句居 多,后者的得分要高于前者。 3. Chinglish 表达法甚至是有些同学用汉语拼音来替代个别不会写的单词, 严重影响了得分。不会写的单词,完全可以换一种说法,绝不可用汉语拼音来替 代。 还有些考生英文不会乱抄一段别处的文章夹在中间妄想蒙混过关,结果都是 适得其反,得分更低,因为根本就没有那样不负责的老师不看试卷内容就打的。 功夫下在平时, 只要你能写出一些和题目有关的正确句子甚至是少数与内容相关 的词语就可以拿到 2-10 分的。

2010 年普通高考评卷英语阅读表达评分细则


76 题: 把握 3 个得分点:benefit (advantage); family (together); diner (eating) 3 分: Families benefit from eating together. / Having dinner together is beneficial to families. Family dinner is beneficial / helpful (to family members). 此处 to family members 可省略。 Eating together is beneficial / helpful to family members. 此处 to family members 不可省略,如 省略应扣 1 分。 Family members benefit from family dinner / eating together. The benefits / importance of family dinner. Children benefit from family dinner / eating together with parents. Having dinner together is important for family. Family dinner benefits children. (文章大意题,主要考虑孩子受益更多。开头字母不大写也可接受,不一定非要扣分) 2 分: Have dinner together is benefit for family. (此句中主语有语法错误) Eating dinner together affects children. (此句没有体现“影响的好、坏”) The benefits / importance of eating together. (此处没有体现出对谁的重要性,因此扣 1 分) Eating together is beneficial / helpful. (此处没有体现出对谁的重要性,因此扣 1 分) Parents benefit from eating together / family dinner. (此处重要性的对象 Children 不准确,因此 扣 1 分) Children benefit from eating together. (此处没有体现出与谁 family 共同进餐,因此扣 1 分) 1 分: Having dinner together. / The good of family together. (只体现了一个点) Family dinner / eating together. 0 分: 写出不相关的内容。 本题超出字数限制(8 个词)扣 1 分 77 题: Eating together helps families achieve open communication and build stronger and healthier relationships. 找对并抄写全句或用英语指明 the first sentence in paragraph two 均得 3 分。 找到本句,但只抄写半句的,中间使用省略号代替或多抄其它句扣 1 分。 出现两次以上拼写错误或者漏抄 2 词以上者,扣 1 分。 78 题: 把握 3 个得分点:no, not 等否定概念;family dinner / eating together; benefit (一起就餐达不到预期效果/)


3 分: No family dinner can benefit / Family dinner may not benefit Family won’t benefit from having dinner together Nothing can be achieved They can achieve nothing It does no good / will not benefit Eating together is meaningless / useless Eating together will not benefit / does no good 2 分: It may even do harm to children Family dinner may achieve nothing It’s better not to eat together Parents achieve nothing 1 分: It is bad ( 主语不明确) Please don’t eat together (离题太远) 本题超出字数限制扣 1 分。 79 题: School performance, daily activities and attitudes toward life 每个短语 1 分,超字数(12 词)扣 1 分。 出现两次以上拼写错误或者漏词者扣 1 分。 80 题: 把握 3 个得分点: better chance (更好的机会); reduce possibility 减少可能性)alcohol, tobacco, ( ; illegal drugs 三个词的翻译。但即使有以上 3 个词,如整句话意义不符也要酌情扣分。 3 分: 父母也有更好的机会来减少孩子沾染烟、酒和毒品的可能性。 父母也更有可能降低子女染上吸烟、酗酒、吸毒等不良习惯的几率。 2 分: 他们也有更好的机会来减少孩子沉溺于酒精、毒品之中。 这样他们有很好的机会减少他们的孩子卷入酒精的迷惑,早恋或者是吸毒的可能性。 1 分: 他们也更有机会去辨别孩子将要包含巧克力和病了的可能。 他们同样有了一个能更好地提高孩子们喝酒和吸烟可能性的机会。 可接受的翻译:


illegal drugs 翻译为“非法毒品” get involved with 翻译为“养成??的习惯” “染指”等 they 翻译为“父母们” “他们”等

一、立足基础 所谓立足基础,一方面是立足基础知识,主要是基础词汇知识和语法知识。 基础知识的教学在至始至终贯彻着,不同层次、不同类型的词汇教学几乎是每节 课的保留项目。但是必须注意的一个问题就是:语法知识必须是高一、高二完成 的任务。 抓好一轮复习,夯实学生基础,抓好二轮复习,提高学生能力。 立足基础的另一层意思是立足基本技能。听、说、读、写、译五项语言技能 是新课程标准的明确要求,是历年高考试题考察的重点。高考是通过对语言技能 的考察来考察语言知识的。 针对听力试题难度不大但分值较高的情况,进入高三 的复习就必须坚持安排大强度的听力训练(日照,潍坊等地的老师说他们是进入 高三后几乎每天都练习听力),后期听力的训练更应逐渐加强,到了考前,听力 训练每天一次,一直坚持到 6 月 5 日。按照专家的说法:优秀生的听力应得到 28.5 分以上。除听力外,阅读技能一直是高考的重中之重,当然也一直是备考的 重中之重, 除了个别题目比较模糊之外,学生的常规阅读技能应付高考对阅读能 力的考察还是足够的。 汉英翻译与英汉翻译都是必须的。把课本上的 Workbook 上的翻译题再重新 回顾是很有必要的。 二、精选材料 基础知识的训练应遵循“循序渐进”的原则,基本技能训练材料“应采用少 做或不做模拟题“的策略,采用近五年甚至是十年来的全国各地的高考真题。 三、提高第二卷的得分 提高第 II 卷的得分的前提是必须有时间来做第 II 卷。 在历年的《山东省高考科目考试说明——英 语》中都附有这么一个表格, 我们要认真研究一下。 到底如何让学生科学地安排时间,把考试中的非智力因素 开发出来,也是非常重要的一点。
卷号 题目名称 听力 第I卷 语法和词汇 完形填空 阅读理解 第 II 卷 合计 阅读表达 写作 题目数量 20 15 20 20 5 1 81 计分 30 15 20 40 15 30 150 答题参考时间(分钟) 20 10 15 35 15 25 120

实际上在此表格中,我们可以把“听力”与“语法和词汇”两部分的做题时间匀出 5 分钟来给第 II 卷中的书面表达,这样争取书面表达有 30 分钟的时间,就可以提高第 II 卷的 得分,至少从卷面上少失分。

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