


Why China is considered one of the five major victorious nations of World War II?



Amit Meltzer, Old guy from Israel, curious about many things.(以色列老人,怀有一颗好奇心)

Answered May 31, 2016

China took the brunt of Japanese onslaught and tied down the majority of Japan's land army fir the entire war.

Without China's stubborn resistance, most likely India would have fallen in 1942 and the U.S. would face thrice as many soldiers on its Pacific drive.

China's contribution to the war effort is usualky marginalized in WW II history because they didn't win outright, but their importance was recognized by the Allies at the time. They earned their place at the powers table, unlike France.

5.5k Views · 185 Upvotes




Bo Wang, works at Library! (2015-present)

Answered Sep 3

Why don’t you think in the other way around?

This map is 1940’s China. The major cities almost were occupied. If in this year, China surrendered. Japan could deploy their soldiers to two directions. One went north to fight USSR with German together.

This was the situation of 1941–1942 USSR. (One year for Japan depoly) In fact, USSR and German both reached their limits. The Japanese soldiers from the east would be the last straw that breaks the Soviet Union camel's neck.

What's more, after USSR and China failed. Japan didn’t face a heavy pressure of logistic service any more. The pearl harbor may keep calm. And I thought America may not declare WAR to the Axis in 1941 and became nutreul.





1941 South Asia.

(All pictures above from Google Image)

The south Asia would be in danger. In the real history, 1942, Japan occupied Burma. Without Chinese troop resistance in China and Burma, in the assuming world, Japan troop may fight in India terretory in 1942.

If USSR, India and China surrendered. The Asia and Euro would belong to the Axis.

You should know that I didn’t add the surrendered Chinese soldiers into Japanese troop and I also didn’t assume Chinese strategic goods will be used by Japan. If these two points added into Japan, I don’t think the Allies can win.

At that time, both sides used up their energy. Could you image, China surrendered and joint the Axis. Yeah, maybe P5 will be P4 (America Japan German Italy)

6.7k Views · 95 Upvotes







Ken Man

Answered Sep 1

Well let’s see…

If we rank the Allied and Soviet powers by the number of Axis KIA, we have:






So I think the better question is:

“Why France is considered one of the five major victorious nations of World War II?”

37.2k Views · 732 Upvotes




Gwydion Madawc Williams, Read a lot about this

Answered Sep 2

The Second Sino-Japanese War - Wikipedia tied down more than a million Japanese troops.

Also the USA insisted on boosting China, anticipating it would in time become a Great Power. And not expecting US influence to be repudiated.

4.1k Views · 44 Upvotes



Greg Blandino, works at Beijing, China

Answered Sep 21

This is an interesting political story that shows how much things have changed in the intervening years. At the end of World War II there were actually three “superpowers” left: the British Empire, which might have been able to survive given enough financial support, the US, and the USSR. There was an obvious power imbalance between the three by the end of the war, where Stalin and Roosevelt started to freeze out the British Empire when discussing the new world order that would emerge post-war, as well as the future composition of the UN. Remember, at the time the Allied forces were called the United Nations from 1942 on, and it was based on the concept of the Four Policemen favored by the US state department.


Churchill and the British objected to the inclusion of China, as it would weaken the logic behind the British Empire, as well as his questioning of the efficacy of the Chinese war effort in this period and it’s stability as a nation when it was in the midst of an ongoing civil war. It also viewed China as a ready ally for the US to help the US supplant the British Empire, especially in East Asia. Churchill objected to China’s inclusion as a “major power,” which resulted in it being sidelined from discussions about the post-war order. There was also Soviet reluctance to support this as it was getting a lot of Lend-lease supplies shipped through Japanese waters, and didn’t want to jeopardize Japan’s neutrality this by supporting China openly.


Churchill and the British Empire then pushed for France to have its empire restored and allowed a place at the table. The French would have colonies and would likely provide a counterweight to China and the US in East Asia when it came to decolonization. The US agreed in return for the British dropping their objection to including China. Thus the Four Policeman became five, which eventually resulted in the current composition of the security council of the UN.


This was a bunch of sound and fury signifying nothing on the British part, as American financial dominance post-war meant the empire was bankrupted and aid extended for rebuilding on the condition it was dismantled with the US getting a privileged place at the table at these newly opened markets, with an industrial base that was untouched by war and at peak efficiency, with a labor force basically unharmed by war. But, this political maneuvering allowed both the French and the Chinese to be politically considered “one of the five major victorious nations of World War II.”

In an interesting “might-have-been,” Brazil was put forth as a possible 6th UN Security Council Member by the US, but was nixed by both USSR and the UK.

781 Views · 7 Upvotes



Chris Guerrieri, IT Guy

Answered Sep 3

Because they are one of the 5 major victorious nations of World War 2. They contributed millions of soldiers and fought the Japanese tenaciously, tying down millions of Japanese soldiers that could have been used elsewhere. Its true that they won very few battles and usually lost 2 or 3 men for every Japanese soldier they killed but they never considered surrender and were a firm ally. I think the Pacific war would have been a lot tougher without China tying down nearly half the Japanese army. China and America made a great team with the Chinese taking on the Japanese on land and the USA destroying the Japanese navy and preventing the supplies from their conquests from reaching Japan. China is one of the big 5 because China earned it and belongs there.

2.6k Views · 79 Upvotes


Rhiannon Jones

Answered Sep 15

China played a big part in Asia, if any of the 5 victorious nations should be questioned it's France, China did a lot even if it is Sadly not widely discussed in the history books particularly considering how early their war started

286 Views · 3 Upvotes


Lucius Crassus, been studying roman history for some years

Answered Jun 18

well, it’s because they fought the japanese and all, but mostly because they were still standing at the end. So they were victorious because most nations were ruins at the end of WW2 (italy, japan, germany, france, england…)

2.4k Views · 6 Upvotes · Answer requested by Jozef Hrachovsky


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