






  1. 先天性瓣膜異常:瓣膜閉鎖不全

  2. 長期站立

  3. 家族遺傳

  4. 懷孕、過胖


但是,下肢靜脈曲張的真正致病原因至今仍然不明,靜脈血管的管壁強度可能與遺傳有關 ,因此,久坐久站等長時間保持一個姿勢只可說是下肢靜脈曲張的誘因之一。



Rolling And Rocking(滚背摇晃)

Rocking and rolling is a unique kind of pose that will help to provide necessary kind of solution for people suffering from varicose veins. This pose mainly provides perfect relief to the hip zone, buttocks as well as entire back portion. It also helps to remove the extra fat from waist.

Raised Leg(举双腿90度或者倚墙壁)

Raised leg is one type of perfect pose in Yoga that can provide best solution for varicose veins issue. This is a very common pose that can be done without much perfection. You can lie down on the mat and start raising your legs towards the sky. This pose is helpful in stretching the entire stomach and thigh muscles. It helps in proper blood circulation in the legs and thus avoids the varicose veins.

Leg Lock卷腿

Leg lock is another kind of Yoga pose that is mainly intended to release the gas present in the abdomen. It is very easy to perform and is beneficial for the entire joints. This particular yoga pose is very perfect for people with varicose veins and gastritis. Practice it regularly to release the blood that gets trapped in the veins.

Cow Face牛面式

Cow face pose in Yoga is also known as Gomukhasana. This particular kind of pose teaches you to properly stretch the shoulders as well as arms. All kinds of tension present in the shoulders are removed and the person can take proper breath with any issues. The sitting bones need to be on floor and knees over each other. It is one of the best solutions for varicose veins.

Wind-relieving Pose(风缓解体式)

Wind-relieving pose is a very perfect kind of Yoga pose that is quite beneficial to cure the problem of varicose veins. This particular posewill help to return the venous blood to their original position. It will help to release the cramp and tiredness. The joints in the hip and knee are also loosened. Make sure to practice this asana to get desired kinds of results.

Standing Forward Bend站立前屈

Standing Forward Bend is one type of Yoga pose that can provide better results for varicose veins problem. People who are suffering from this issue can practice this Yoga pose to attain proper results. In this particular kind of Yoga pose, you need to catch hold the toes with hands. It will be slight problem during initial time but will become easy with passage of time. Ligaments and tendons are well stretched in the thigh and proper flow of blood is ensured.

Shoulder Stand Pose肩倒立

Shoulder stand pose is one type of Yoga pose that is generally done for raise the Kundalini Shakti. Practice of this kind of Yoga pose will surely cure varicose veins, but will also ensure to cure various other types of problems. Lay down on the ground by facing towards sky. Slowly try to raise both legs on upward direction by keeping the head intact. Support the waist with the hands to stay in that position for few minutes.

Seated Forward Bending坐立前屈

Seated forward form of bending will help to properly stretch the spine and back portion of the legs. First try to sit in a regular pose with your leg straight on the floor. Then slowly try to stretch the hands to reach near the toe and finally touch the ground. Keep your head slightly bent to touch the knee. It will help to release the pain from the back portion of the leg and avoids varicose veins issue.

Fish Pose鱼式

Yoga has immense power in it that can be realized by practicing various poses of Yoga. Fish Pose is one type of pose that is very perfect for curing the blood that is trapped in the veins. It is also perfect for people who are suffering from cough and chest congestion problem. One has to perfectly take the precision and then practice this Yoga pose as it needs assistance to perform during initial time.



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