

Be a Coaching Style Team Leader

Be a coaching style team leader

A system coaching approach to high performance

No doubt you’ve read business articles on how to be a coaching style leader. Or maybe you even followed a course on this topic at our, or another company specializing in learning and development. Today we would like to bring in a new perspective: how to be a coaching style TEAM leader.

Leading teams is about working with a larger system and what we learned over the years is that the relationship between all individuals is key, and also the area where you can realize the most profound transformations.

Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success!                          --Henry Ford

For our team coaching projects we often used an approach called ‘ORSC’. ORSC stands for Organization & Relationship Systems Coaching.

ORSC is a groundbreaking model for when you are coaching teams in a business setting. Of course it can also be used in other settings like larger communities, partnerships and even couples. In this article we focus on using ORSC for coaching teams in a business setting.

The new perspective that ORSC brings in is that you are not working with the individual team members. You are really coaching on the relationship level and the focus is on using the collective wisdom of the team.

When using the ORSC principles for coaching your team you have 3 tools at your dismissal. Let’s discuss them in more detail:

  • Explore and map the role emotions playand help the team to deal with these emotions

  • Create a generate force within yourteams: help them to create something together that they would never be able toachieve on their own.

  • Develop structures to ensure the teamperforms at a high level during a long period of time in a sustainable way. It’show we call it: “where the rubber hits the road”. 

Coaching techniques like deep listening, curiosity, championing, challenging and of course asking powerful questions are your buddy when using these 3 tools.

At Schouten we have been working with teams for over 36 years. And we continue to be surprised and delighted by the immediate and long term impact this work has on the professional, and personal lives of our clients. You want to know how you can get the most out of your team?

Join ORSC fundamentals on 8th December in Shanghai.

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