



然而,表达中国“春运”,你也来来回回就只会说China' s Spring Festival travel rush,known as Chunyun in Chinese几个单词而已吗?

英语“春运”的“拓展”表达,你还会说什么?说多少? 这才是你的“英语口语”,考四六级考研,考雅思托福口语和写作时需要加强的地方。 我们一起来看看,英语“春运”除了说China' s Spring Festival travel rush(in China),known as Chunyun in Chinese之外,还有哪些模板式固定报道的英语用词可以供我们记忆和“英语口语”训练?

1) “读”英语:

World's biggest travel rush begins in China Passengers queue up to board trains at Hangzhou East Railway Station in Hangzhou, in China's eastern Zhejiang province on February 1, 2018, as travelers begin their annual trek home for the Lunar New Year holidays.

World's biggest travel rush kicks off in China By China Daily

China kicked off the world's largest annual human migration yesterday, with the start of the 40-day Spring Festival travel rush also known as chunyun.During this period, hundreds of millions of Chinese cram onto trains, buses, planes and boats to return to their hometowns for Chinese New Year, or use the week-long holiday for travel.

The Spring Festival (Feb. 15 – Feb. 21, 2018) travel rush season is a special period in China. The Chinese transport system faces huge pressure from high levels of traffic due to tens of millions of people hurrying home to spend the Spring Festival with their families.

During this time of year, it’s very hard to book and purchase tickets, especially train tickets.

2) 说“春运”英语:

1. 读到World's biggest travel rush begins in China时,说“春运”英语:

Well, Spring Festival travel rush in China is the biggest/largest travel rush in the world.

OR: The world's biggest travel rush is in China during its Spring Festival aroubd February each year. 这些说“春运”英语的“英语口语”你会说吗?

2. 读到Passengers queue up to board trains时,说“春运”英语:

Well,during the Spring Festival travel rush,you can see many many passengers/travellers queue up/line up/wait in long lines(排长龙阵) to buy a ticket ,or board/get on trains.



3. 读到as travelers begin their annual trek home for the Lunar New Year holidays时,说“春运”英语:

1. trek是个难词,但一旦学会用又是和个“好词”:

When we trek, or When we begin our trek, or During our trek, we usually travel slowly ,ir with great difficulty,or hardship(艰难艰辛又缓慢的旅途,这就是“跋涉”啊,用来形容“春运”再好不过了。)

2. Going home during the Spring Festival travel rush is really a trek for me,difficult to get a ticket,a long and crowded trip on the train.

3. Well,Spring Festival travel rush is really a trek for Chinese home-goers. Spring Festival travel rush is really a trek

4. 读到World's biggest travel rush kicks off in China时,说“春运”英语: Well, when the Spring Festival travel rush begins, we can also say the travel rush kicks off(原指足球“开踢,开波”)

5. 读到China kicked off the world's largest annual human migration yesterday时,说“春运”英语: Well, Spring Festival travel rush us also called the world's largest annual human migration(春运的代名词:世界上每年一度的人类大迁徙!这个表达很重要)

我们也可以这么更加“通俗”的给国外介绍“春运”(Chunyun): Chunyun in Chinese means Spring Festival travel rush, or we can call it China’s “Spring Festival Migration during Chinese Lunar New Year.

把“表达”成:春节大迁徙(Spring Festival Migration)是最容易理解Chunyun含义的,当然这个Migration(迁徙)前还应该加上human(人类)二字意思更明确。



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