








We are running out of time. What are you going to do, with the time you have left? I say, that if you don't reposition yourself, you could miss the best time, in Life. 

In this season of Life. Because we have got to change the way we think. We have got to change the way we function. We have got to change the way we deal with issues. 

And the reason that you have to begin to reposition the way you think and the way you function and the way you feel is that we many times are stuck between the lines of limited thinking and limited people and limited ideas and limited Philosophies and there is something creative inside of you saying let there be! 

You need to walk into a situation where you've been locked up and tied up and tangled up and say let there be light let there be feelings let there be books let there be change in the City. 

You have tried 4,5,6,7,8,9,10 different things. each, you worked on ninety days or so and then it didn't work How can you be a leader, with a ninety day test? Of course it didn't work. 

You didn't stick to it long enough. You didn't fight hard enough. You didn't do what it took to win, and rather to correct it and get it right. you walked away from it and tried something else. 

And for the last 10, 15 years in your life, you've been on the run. From one thing to the next thing, to the next thing, trying to make all the stuff work. Stop It! Stand Still! 

You have to have the courage, to live with the pressure, and the criticism, new levels brings new devils, you have to be tough. You have to be tough to be able to stand it. its tough keep your kids encouraged while you're secretly worried to death yourself. its tough get ready for a birthday and don't have a birthday Gifts. its tough is not being able to get the light bill paid and the water bill paid. It's tough! 

But what do we do with these Moments? Do we just have them and go back Home. and wait for the next one. Almost like junkies getting a fix Or Smokers smoking a cigarette Are we just habitually addicted to moments, without being able to take that moment and use it strategically to do something in our lives You do not have to accept it the way it is! Somewhere down inside of you there is creativity. We got to break out of the barriers and the limitations, and get outside of the box. Something is about to happen in your life. 

You got to take it one day at a time. And when you get to end at day, you say: I'm not finished! But I've done everything that I was supposed to do for that day, for that time, for that season. 

Your season is shifting. You will be able to do now in a way, that you have never been able to do it before. You haven't sung your best song. you haven't create your best seminary yet. You haven't thought your greatest thought. You haven't written down your greatest Idea. You haven't dreamt your best dream. Maybe you haven't laughed your best laugh. You haven't had your greatest day yet. Its somewhere inside of you! You're a miracle looking for a place to happen. 

You have got all kinds of things locked up inside of you, that are about to come forward for such a time as this. The time is right! The stage is set! The conditions are in order, and something awesome is about to happen in your life! 

Don't let ANYBODY tell you you're too young! Don't let ANYBODY tell you you're too old! Don't let anybody tell you you're finished! Every day you wake up IN THE MORNING, it's a sign, the best is yet to come. 

THIS is my moment, and I am determined to live it! The mind is a battleground. The fight is in your mind. Are you ready, for the next level?


1.Wipe the slate clean既往不咎

例如:Let's just wipe the slate clean for the new year.


2.from scratch从零开始,白手起家

例如:He built the company from sratch.


3.back to the drawing board 从头来过,从新开始

例如:They rejected our proposal, so it's back to the drawing board.


4. turn over a new leaf翻开新的一页

例如:I decided to turn over a new leaf and stop worrying so much.


5.make a fresh shart崭新的开始

例如:It is never too late to make a fresh start.


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