


现场翻译:杨   琳

整       理:吕宏蓬

编       辑:王辰光

审       校:杨露晨、王   莉

按:2016年4月22日,北京中医药大学研究生会联合同有三和中医,邀请到当今五行针灸大家Nora Franglen及龙梅、Guy Gaplen在北京中医药大学现场讲座。讲座中Nora结合自身经历,讲解自己与五行针灸的缘分,并生动讲解五行针灸对人性的认识,与五行人的相处,提及五行针灸帮助人们更好地认识自己与他人,认识五行背后的道、阴阳等层面,让人与人的相处更加和谐,更多包容。

And why that is because in the elements, according to what I learnt, is a truth that one element seems to pick out each of us, it is as if the element prints us like an elemental DNA to attach ourselves to one element.It’s one way of explaining why we are all different from each other.We are all made up of five elements. They create our organs, the pathways of energy. So in all of us, everyone in this room, has got five elements running through them creating them.


But for some reason which I don’t know why, each human being has been given a special relationship to one element.If you read Neijing, it can be the element that begins to grow ill,makes you ill a little bit that causes the diseases.Like you got your liver or your wood element a little bit weak or your earth element a little bit strong.But it does seem that it is not just a negative thing when we grow ill and one of the elements collapses and makes us weak, it does seem as if it also make us grow strong.


In other words, the elemental DNA gives a shape to each of us like a print upon us the moment of conception. Somehow the elements move around and one of them prints us in a way that shows we are all different from each other.I’ve worked with these elements for thirty-five years and that’s all I do: I just try to find the element which is the big element for this patient of mine and I call it the guardian element to look after the patient. That’s all I do for practice.And nothing in those thirty-five or so years has told me that it is not a profound truth. It is a truth if I find the element which is that patient’s element, they get better.


And I was saying this universal principle to you in the university here, it’s terribly simple to do five elements acupuncture: find the element and treat it.My great master J.R. Worsley who brought five elements to the west always said that a child could understand this. It is so simple that a child could understand it. And it’s adult who makes it complicated.And Chinese children should understand it much more quickly than English children because you learn about the elements all the time.


But I don’t think you’ve learnt to apply it to yourselves.I don’t think that people usually look at themselves and think “today I feel angry, what’s going on in my wood element?” or “today I feel really sad, what’s going on in my metal element?” I don’t think people do that.Or do you do that? Doesn’t look like it…


We, as five element acupuncturists, spend all our time thinking about the elements inside us.And then we look at everyone around us and we look at the elements inside them.So each person we meet is a lesson.And the biggest lesson is ourselves.And why that is is because we as human beings cast a shadow over everybody who comes near us, we always cast a shadow over people.


My element is the fire element, and my element that I cast around me is like fire.You may have noticed when I got up and started to talk, before our last lady introduced us, and when I made a mistake I started to laugh because I can’t stop laughing if I made a mistake. Because I’m fire.Guy, if you make a mistake what would you do?(Guy: Probably quite silent.) He wouldn’t be happy, he would be silent. Because he is metal.


I always think that it is an absolute truth, nobody can convince me that it is not true, because I see the elements of the people I meet and treat the elements of the patients I treat and the element makes the person get better. It’s through the elements that make them get better, not through drugs or lots of different acupuncture points. The element is a whole, say, tries to help this person be true to themselves, trying to get them the real feeling that they know who they are.


It seems simple to say that’s all we do. All we do is trying to find the element of the person who comes to us for treatment, and then treat only the element, with a few other points. But the whole emphasis is we hand over control to that element, and say: If you are the right element, are you going to transform that person’s life and bring them back almost like they’re reborn?


 I’m not trying to persuade everybody here that it is truth. Just because I know it’s a truth doesn’t mean you have to believe that it’s a truth but it does seem to work.The lovely thing is that patients say things after they’ve been treated on their elements, they say lovely things like: I know who I am.


If you treat any element it helps us all. They could be all like a bit of wood, a bit of earth, a bit of fire, a bit of metal and a bit of water, we all need a bit. Because we got those organs in our body and those elements are there inside us. But if you go on too long on the element that is not the patient’s element, they just don’t get any better, they never get worse. It never makes people get worse. You can’t make a person worse by treating with the five elements acupuncture. They just say “what’s happening, why am I here?”


It’s a great fun to watch television. What do young people do now? They don’t watch television, they look at their mobile phones. I haven’t got a moblile phone, I look at television. And you can see that the famous people are under stress. And we spend a lot of time trying to diagnose the elements from television.We were told that there was no booklet for five elements acupuncture. We had no books. It was just looking at people.Well of course we have to learn points, we have to learn the names of the elements and we have to learn the anatomy and basic medical science. But we didn’t read a lot of books about points, we look at people in life.


And one of the big things that we were taught and I always think that is lovely was that the most important thing is the relationship with our patients.Because if you don’t have a good relationship with somebody else, they keep their mask on.And all of us sitting here, you and me, have our mask on.Some of you may have a broken heart, somebody’s mum may be very ill, maybe their dog is very ill. Maybe they find it difficult in studying and they feel that they will never get to the end of the course.But on the whole we try to keep those worries to ourselves. And we have learnt to do that because when we were children we were told not to express strong emotions.There were a lot of emphasis on parents and on children to behave properly.


If you watch little babies, they know exactly if they don’t like somebody who comes close to them. Because babies have very good instinct of knowing what’s going on around them. They can feel the atmosphere. But we lose that instinct as we get older because that instinct is often suppress by parents and by society. No little child is allowed to hit at parents or to shout at somebody in the street or to say “ I don’t like this person” or “I don’t want to eat this”. Babies all the time have to learn to suppress what they would like to do. So each element has gradually learnt to hide itself behind a social mask.


If you’re sitting in a classroom, you probably all smile at each other and nobody knows you’ve got a broken heart, nobody knows that you’re crying all night, nobody knows how angry you feel. You just smile in the classroom. It’s a mast so you are not showing who you really are.So the elements have to hide themselves because it’s too dangerous to show what they truly feel.


If I was sitting here and I wanted to hit Lin, I couldn’t do that, could I? If Lin wanted to hit me because she couldn’t understand what I am saying, she would still sit there and be polite. It’s a silly but serious example, we all have a social mask. And when you come to our acupuncturists, the five elements acupuncturists will try to see behind the mask.


It’s interesting that I see lots of patients when I come to China where I teach in Nanning. Very often the patients sit next to me and I talk to them. And their practitioner told me something about their life and their problems, and I with my experience would try to think what is the really difficult thing in their life.


A patient had problem with her period menstruation, you could spend a long time asking how long she’ve had these problems but I didn’t do that. I knew that she had divorced, her daughter was living with her ex-husband, and her new husband had a child not hers. So I just asked how difficult it is that you don’t see your daughter very often. And then she just collapsed and cried. And then straight away I forgot the period. They are just the symptoms of deep stress of losing her daughters.


Of course I was thinking about the period wondering why and where that was happening and which point maybe I should think about, but I was thinking much more which element had been so disturbed that she just cried in front of me as if her heart would break.And then we did some treatment, treatment on the element which I thought she was. And she looked different when she left.


So we are always very very happy if we could possibly let our mask drop and be whom we’d like to be. And the acupuncturists are happy because they see the elements exactly as they are when the person’s mask is dropped.Someone once asked me that it is a bit like psychiatrics, are you a councilor? But it’s not just that, you’re physically doing a lot as well.


So the trouble is that psychiatrists treat just the mind. It’s supposed to treat the emotions but it’s often just talking with your mind. Western medicine treats the body. And the lovely thing about acupuncture is it is able to treat all of those levels together.


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