


现场翻译:杨   琳

整       理:吕宏蓬

编       辑:王辰光

审       校:杨露晨、王   莉

按:2016年4月22日,北京中医药大学研究生会联合同有三和中医,邀请到当今五行针灸大家Nora Franglen及龙梅、Guy Gaplen在北京中医药大学现场讲座。讲座中Nora结合自身经历,讲解自己与五行针灸的缘分,并生动讲解五行针灸对人性的认识,与五行人的相处,提及五行针灸帮助人们更好地认识自己与他人,认识五行背后的道、阴阳等层面,让人与人的相处更加和谐,更多包容。


It’s good to get a little snapshot, a little photo in your mind of what you’re looking for in the element and what you’re looking for in yourself. Because when you’re looking at another person, you’re also needing to look at how you feel in yourself, how is that person making you feel, is the easiest way of trying to work out what the element is in another person. Because they had an energy field that comes towards you and affects you.


You may have noticed that I have to sit forward. I don’t think I will talk to you like this(后倾状). And why is that? It is because the fire element, my element is yang. Therefore, like fire in summer, I need to move and move forward and also I need to relate you. Because the fire element’s got the heart in the middle and a heart wants to love everybody. If I had time, I would smile at every single person in this room. I did smile at those many people who are smiling at me, because a lot of people who are smiling at me and I think those are fire people. So being with another fire person is a bit like having a bonfire or party, we all like this and it’s very hot, too hot for other elements.


Metal, which is autumn, many will sit back. I wonder if you will, Guy? Because metal is taking things in, it has to sit back, keep things in and try to work out the value of things. Metal decides what is valuable and what is not valuable.And the fire people will be laughing a bit now, will not be thinking too much about do I believe or not in what Nora saying, they will just be enjoying laughing. The metal people would be thinking now is what Nora saying something worth listening to. And it’s got the emotional grief in it, sadness, because it’s the end of the year, and things pass and you can’t keep them. Autumn is the season when you feel sad because the year has finished.



So if a metal patient comes to see me for treatment, I always feel that I was being judged a little bit, I have to be careful with what I say. And the moment I feel that I say to myself could this patient be metal. Of course we add the other sensory signals, the color of the element, the sound of the element, the smell of the element and the emotion of the element. So there are these sensory signals, the signs that the body emits through the color of the skin, the sound of the voice, the smell of my body and the emotion I’m giving, all of those are pointing to one element.


And I told you about me spreading a shadow of fire around me, and I have to be careful that I don’t throw that shadow on the people and sort of hope that they’re fire because I get on very well with fire. So if a patient is fire, I laugh and I have a very lovely time. But they may not be fire, it may be me sending a signal across over the patient, and the patient smiling like that but not wanting to really.


And each element have a sort of space it takes up in life so our body does certain things according to the element we are, we shape the space around us. Fire is like fire, it flickers, you know, I move quite a lot. You may notice I’m back and forth and talking like this. I move a lot. And Guy is much stiller and has a very clear space and needs space between me and him.


And if I find that difficult I have to just accept. That’s because my fire wants to burn his metal. And there are many times when I thought Guy would cut me with a knife like metal does.


And wood has very clear boundaries, it wants to fit in with the pattern and it wants to know that you’re fitting in with the pattern. If you don’t it gets angry. Because it wants to move forward and it needs a shape to move forward like a bud needs a shape.

And then we got earth, which is the center of everything, and earth needs to feel that it’s surrounded by things. It’s almost like you feel you need to put your arms around it.


And the final one is water, which has very few boundaries, you don’t know where water begins and ends. It’s emotion is fear and when people are frightened they try to hide their fear. And as we know water can become steam or ice or snow, it changes shapes.


So I am just giving you a little snapshot of each element and how I have certain relationships to the elements which everybody else would have different relationships. So each of us will feel different in the presence of different elements. But we’ll have to gradually learn to work out our own reactions: how do I feel with this person, when I am with wood how do I feel, when I am with fire how do I feel. That’s the most important diagnostic tool as well as trying to look at the color, the sound, the smell. All those feelings we have to learn to feel with our senses, but the biggest sense is how does this person come towards us.


That is a rapid journey round five elements acupuncture, it’s a quick journey,five-minute talk on ancient elements and you could spend a lifetime learning about them. But if you’ll never do anything more, then stop and beginning to look around in each other, your family and your friends and try to work out a bit why they are different from you. What about you, what is your element. When you have given yourself a bit of time doing that, it’s fascinating.


One of my students who never completed the training says he uses everything he learnt in two years in his business life because he knows how to deal with his clients. He said it’s taught him the most about human being. So you as Chinese people already half way there to understanding the elements, you should do the other half and try to see them in people, and even if you never pick up a needle and do anything with it, you will be better people because you’ll be nicer to each other.



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