



2020年8月14-20日 CHINA DAILY, Global Weekly LiMin/China Daily




对于刚刚开始练习精读的朋友们来说,精读文章的篇幅不宜太长。在水平逐渐提高后,可以不断提高所选文章的难度。CD君这次就以中国日报8月14日的文章Deserted deer cub being cared for before release(“被遗弃的麋鹿宝宝在放归前得到悉心照料”)为例,给大家介绍一下自己是怎样精读的。


Deserted deer cub being 

cared for before release

A staff member of a rescue center feeds milk to a deserted milu cub found near East Dongting Lake, Hunan province, on Aug 7. CHEN SIHAN/XINHUA

CHANGSHA-When he was only five days old, Guoguo was found deserted on an embankment.

'He was lying in the grass when patrollers found him, and he was quite fragile,' says Li Zheng, head of the East Dongting Lake Milu Conservation Association.'We did not know if he could make it.'

Guoguo is a milu deer cub, deserted by his mother on an embankment of the Dongting Lake, China's second-largest freshwater lake, in Central China's Hunan province, on July 5 when continuous downpours pushed up water levels as China entered the rainy season.

'The mother probably gave birth to him on the embankment, but was scared away by the rising floods and people patrolling the embankment,' says Li, 47.

Milu, also known as Pere David's deer, are endemic to China where it bears the nickname sibuxiang, or 'like none of the four', for its unique features-a horse's face, a donkey's tail, cow-like hooves and a stag's antlers.

The wetland deer species has been placed under A-level state protection after being overhunted and habitat loss led to its near extinction in the early 20th century.

After sending the baby deer to a local milu deer rescue center, Li uploaded the photos of the fawn on his social media, through which one of his friends in the United States saw the pictures and contacted him.

'She wanted to help raise the deer until it fully recovers,' Li says.'So she kept sending milk powder to us and asked us to update pictures and videos of the deer.'

Since the child of Li's friend is named Guoguo, or 'little fruity' in English, they decided to name the deer Guoguo as well.

The road to recovery was not easy for Guoguo.

'When we discovered him in the grass, he only weighed about 5 kilograms, which is quite low for a milu deer,' he says.

When Guoguo arrived at the rescue station, he was so thirsty that he consumed a lot of water and milk.

'Since he was really weak, we decided to inject glucose into him and let him rest,' Li says. 'We also concluded that he was about five days old.'

After about a month of recovery, Guoguo has grown to more than 20 kg, and is 'getting increasingly stronger each day'.

'We have volunteers that take turns to feed him,' Li says.

Guoguo eats eight times a day, and for each meal, he consumes three bottles of milk, with each bottle containing about 280 milliliters of milk. He could finish a bottle of milk within 10 seconds, Li says.

'He needs to eat every three hours, and if he doesn't get enough food in time, he cries,' Li says.

Guoguo will spend a year at the rescue station to fully recover and learn to adapt to the wild.

'We will release him into the wild next year,' Li says.

Li and his peers have been protecting the milu deer groups around the Dongting Lake for many years.

'I started out in 2015, and established the East Dongting Lake Milu Conservation Association a year later,' Li says.

Li grew up in the city of Yueyang near the Dongting Lake and has always heard stories about milu deer since he was a child.

'Everybody here knows the milu deer as a sacred animal, but I did not really get to know them well until a few years ago,' he says.

In 2016, a huge flood lashed the Dongting Lake, and many milu deer were hurt. Li and his volunteer friends rescued many of them from the flood and released them into the wild after they recovered.

'After we released them, they would come back to visit,' he says.

The number of wild milu deer has been rising around East Dongting Lake, from 65 in 2012, to 146 in 2017, although the increasing rate is lower than those in captivity, according to official figures.

The milu deer around East Dongting Lake usually give birth from early March to late May, and the water level in the Dongting Lake usually rises in May. As their habitats are swallowed by floodwater, the milu deer groups have to search for new habitats. Though milu deer can swim, some fawns are too small or too weak and often drown during the migration period.

Li's friend Song Yucheng has been rescuing the milu deer at the rescue center.

'We currently have 14 milu deer that we rescued at the station,' says Song, 39.

Song says that a variety of factors in the vicinity often harm the milu deer.

'Sometimes they are scared by people, so they run and hurt themselves during the process,' Song says. 'Sometimes their antlers are entangled by electric wires or garbage.'

To help protect the milu deer, volunteers like Song and Li are promoting protection knowledge among the public, enhancing patrol in the area and trying their best to save as many as possible.

'The milu deer are sacred animals, and it is our responsibility to protect them,' he says.

Step 1 细品题目。

新闻报道的题目中往往浓缩了整篇文章最吸引人的核心事件。不同于中文标题多用动词,英语新闻的标题往往化动为静,比如Deserted deer cub being cared for before release这个题目,就用了动词的非谓语形式,将be动词转化为现在分词being。这样一来,题目就从一个句子“Deserted deer cub is cared for before release.”变成了一个以“deserted deer cub”为核心的名词短语,而“被照料”成为了修饰这个名词的定语。

从这个题目中,我们可以学到非谓语动词这个语法点,还能get到“deserted”“cub”“care for”“release”这几个词汇表达。最重要的是,我们了解了这篇文章的核心内容:这篇新闻讲的是一只被遗弃的小麋鹿得到照料的故事。

Step 2 通读文章。



Step 3 查单词。

查字典的时候,不仅要关注中文词意,最好也看一看单词的英文解释,从中补充一些单词的语境含义。比如文中,说这只麋鹿宝宝“consumed a lot of water and milk”。Consume这个词的中文意思是“消耗,消费”,那么在这里如何解释呢?

我们再看一下英文词条,发现有一条解释是“(formal)to eat or drink something”。这就解答了我们的疑惑,原来consume这个词可以表示“吃”的意思,是一种比较正式的用法。


还可以积累一下这个词的相关搭配,看几个句子体会一下。比如,有个说法叫“be consumed with something”,“被…消耗”,也就是被某个念头、想法、感觉占满的意思。看个例句: 

I was consumed with anger. 


consume的词根是“sumpt, sum”,这个词根来自于拉丁语,表示“to take, to use, to waste”,同样词根的词还有presume,assume,resume等等。Con这个前缀表示“共同、一起”,同样带有这个前缀的词还有connect,contend等等。



Step 4 攻克长难句



拆解句子结构后,我们发现这个句子的主要结构就是“Li uploaded the photo of the fawn”,“李上传了小鹿的照片”,其他的部分都是修饰成分。句子的主要意思就很清晰啦。

Step 5 练习。



比如“When he was only five days old, Guoguo was found deserted on an embankment.” (果果出生五天后,被人发现被遗弃在堤岸上。)

可以改写成主动语态加一个宾语从句:People discovered that the five-day-old Guoguo had been deserted on an embankment.

也可以变成倒装句,加上一个定语从句:On the embankment was Guoguo, a deserted deer cub that was only five days old.

此外,我们还可以用在文章中学到的词汇和短语造句。比如我们在文中学到了scare away这个词组,就可以在脑海中设想一个适用的场景,练习用这个词组造句。比如:The scarecrow scared away the crows. 稻草人吓走了乌鸦。













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