

    1. 阅速速度概述
    2. 提高阅读速度的因素
    2.1  提高阅读心理运动技能
    2.1.1  注重眼睛与大脑的协调作用
    2.1. 2  注视点与识别幅
    注视点(eye focus)是眼停瞬间眼睛实际注视的目标。在正常观看静止物体(印刷文字)时,眼睛交替地进行跳动和注视两种运动。跳动时,眼睛在扫视;注视时,眼睛则瞄准到视野中的一个固定焦点,接受视觉信息。眼睛的扫视运动是短暂的,而注视(眼停)时间较长。既然眼停时间长,那么阅读时视线应集中在什么位置?下面我们来看看注视点的问题。
    在读answer this question这三个词时,一目一词的读者先把注视点集中于第一个词answer上,然后集中于this,最后才是question。这种阅读方式不仅影响阅读速度而且影响阅读理解。每一个词在大脑中闪现一遍,阅读难以形成完整的概念。这类读者其实是在通过一个个的字母形状的辨认来读词的。
    一目两词的读者把视线集中在answer this上,大脑同样得不到完整的概念。其实这些读者还是在逐词阅读,只不过是从通过辨认字母形状阅读词的阶段过渡到了直接识别词的阶段。要提高阅读速度就必须努力改掉一目一词的习惯,逐步养成一组词视读(phrasal reading)的习惯。所谓一组词视读,是按照意义单位或意群(sense group)将句中的词自然分开,一组组扫描,用目光捕捉词组的信息。
    眼睛注视焦点词的同时所能吸收左右两边词的范围叫做识别幅(recognition span)。每次注视到的焦点词两边的词越多,识别幅越大,阅读速度越快。因此我们应加强对注视点和识别幅技能的训练。
    My brother
    takes care of
    the vegetable garden. (SB1, L2)
    filled a cup with
    some of the petrol, some of the castor oil
    and some of the vinegar. (SB1, 1.6)
    The population
    in and around San Francisco
    is now ten times
    more than it was in 1906. (SB1, L27)
    But he had many enemies-
    slaver owners in the south
    and rich people in a big city
    who had grown rich
    on the work of the slaves. (SB1, L50)
    Before the days of television,
    they used to be shown
    all over the country
    before the main film was shown.  (SB2, L2)
    In some Asian countries,
    you must not
    touch the head
    of another person. (SB2, L10)
    Even his way of
    walking down the street
    and turning the corner
    could be recognized
    as his own.  (SB2, L18)
    Old stamps
    that have not been used
    are usually more expensive
    than used stamps. (SB2, 1.9-3)
    In 1756
    the Seven Years War
    between Britain and France
    broke out
    and Cook joined the navy. (SB3, L6)
    The captain
    stood at the edge of the ship
    once it was safely tied up
    to the wall of the port
    and received the thanks
    of the passengers
    as they hurried off the ship. (SB3, L31)
    2.1.3  眼睛自左向右运动
    2.2  克服不良阅读习惯
    回视,也叫返读或复视。一般来说,我们在阅读时,对于已读过的内容感到拿不准就会有再度倒回来阅读的现象。这种现象是不可避免的。但是如果我们在阅读中多次返回重读,  既会影响速度,也会影响理解。这种习惯多是由于缺乏信心,担心遗漏信息所导致。因此克服这一不良习惯的途径首先是应该选择难易程度合适的阅读材料,另外要知道对一篇阅读材料的理解不可能达到百分之百,尽善尽美。
    2.3  掌握有关阅读技巧
    2.3.1  略读法(skimming),跳读(skipping and reading)或浏览(glancing)
    这是一种十分常用的快速阅读技巧。大家都知道我们在阅读某些材料时必须逐字推敲和品味,如一首诗歌,阅读时我们通常把阅读理解放在第一位,对于阅读速度的要求则放在了次要位置。而当我们阅读一篇材料,如报纸、杂志、论文等,仅仅想了解它的大概意思时,则需要以尽可能快的速度进行阅读,就如同从飞机上鸟瞰地面的明显标志一样,迅速获取文章的主要或中心意思(main idea)。
    1.利用印刷信息(topographical information),如书名或一篇文章的标题、副标题、小标题、斜体字、黑体字、表格、插图、脚注、标点等对阅读材料的基本结构进行总体性预测略读,了解作者思路、文章展开方式及细节间的相互关系;
    3.注意阅读每段的主题句(topic sentence)和结论句(conclusion sentence),以抓住段落大意,其他细节可以略去不读。
    1.略读段落中心思想(skimming paragraphs for main idea)
    Abraham Lincoln, the son of a poor family, was born in Kentucky, USA, on February 12th, 1809. As a child he used to work hard and help his father on the small farm where they lived. His mother, who loved him very much, died in 1818. Happily for him, his father's second wife was kind to him tm. When she saw that Abraham liked reading, she did all she could to help him. But the family was so poor that the boy could not get many books. He spent very little time at school, perhaps no more than a year in all. (SB1, L50)
    The paragraph is about Abraham Lincoln's
    a. poor family
    b. early education
    c. childhood
    In their personal lives people will also use computers more and more. Instead of going to the bank, they will use a computer and a telephone to change money and to pay their electricity bills and so on. Houses will be controlled by a central computer. Lights will go off if no one is in the room. The idea that computers can recognize human voices surprises many people. You will be aim able to telephone home half an hour before returning and, by speaking into the telephone, you will be able to tell the computer to turn on the heating and the hot water. The computer will recognize your voice and carry out the instructions. (SB2, L66)
    The main idea of the paragraph is that
    a. computers will be used more and more in our houses
    b. computers will be used more and more in our personal lives
    c. computers will be used to recognize human voice
    European countries are now making an active effort to reuse materials more than they used to. This is called recycling. Materials such as paper, glass or metal are collected, sorted, treated and used again. Old newspapers are recycled. The ink is taken out by a special technique, and new paper is made. Oil from factories and motor oil can be treated and reused. In many cities in Europe rubbish is collected separately. Empty glass bottles are collected, and the glass is broken and reused for making new bottles. (SB3, L23)
    The paragraph is about ________ materials.
    a. used             b. reusing           c. making used
    2.略读文章的中心意思(skimming passage for main idea)
    例 1:
    At present about 38 % of the Chinese population smoke. 89 % of smokers are male. Every year, millions of smokers die because of illnesses which are caused by smoking tobacco.
    The Chinese government receives a lot of money from sales of tobacco; in 1989 it received about 24 billion 7uan. But in the same year, cigarette smoking cost the government even more money, about 28 billion yuan. Smokers cost the government a lot of money for two reasons.
    First, money is spent looking after people with illnesses which have been caused by smoking. Second, many fires are caused by smokers. People who smoke in bed often fall asleep while they are sleeping. The bedclothes catch fire and the whole house may be burnt down.
    China produces one third of the world's cigarettes. Each day, about 220 million packets of cigarettes are smoked by Chinese. This is good news for the tobacco companies, but bad news for the health of the nation. Every year, tobacco companies must persuade new people to start smoking cigarettes. This is because each year millions of smokers die from the habit.
    In Britain, which has a population of only 58 million people, 110,000 people die from smoking each year. The chance is that one smoker in four will die from smoking.
    In Britain, sales of cigarettes have been reduced by 30 % in the last ten years. Just under a third of the population now smokes, about 17 million people. In the 16--19 age group, 32% of women smoke and compared to 28% of men. However, in the 20--24 age group, 39% of women smoke and 38 % of men. The problem is that 300 people are dying each day from illnesses caused by smoking. Therefore, if the tobacco companies want to remain in business, they have to encourage more young people to start smoking. (SB2, L6)
    The main idea of this passage is that
    a. every year smokers cost the government a lot of money
    b. smoking may cause illnesses and cause people to die
    c. the government receives a lot of money from sales of tobacco
    d. less people in Britain than in China smoke
    在上面这篇文章中,作者主要谈到的是吸烟的危害--既会致病也会致命。仔细阅读第一自然段后便能得出结论,因而应该选择b。其他的选项虽然正确,但都只是课文中的具体细节(specific details),而非中心意思。
    The words 'gymnastics' and 'gym' come from the Greek language, for it was in Greece that Olympic competitions started. There are also records of gymnastics being performed in China and some other Asian countries. Modern gymnastics began in the nineteenth century. In 1811 an outdoor gymnastics centre for men was opened in Berlin where they could do body-building and exercises on a high bar and other pieces of equipment. At the same time, gymnastics, without equipment, was developed in Sweden as a keep-fit programme for schools.
    Dance is an important part of training as it prepares you for the types of movements required in gymnastics. One of the aims is to make the body stronger for jumps and turns for movements of balance. It also helps your body bend forwards, backwards and sideways, and improves the way you hold your body. In competitions women perform some of their exercises to music, so dance, gymnastics and music are all connected.
    To become a top gymnast, it is important to start when young. In fact, most gymnasts start with simple exercises while they are still at kindergarten. Girls are already performing in the competitions by the age of ten, and Olympic medals are often won by fourteen-or fifteen-year-old girls.
    Boys develop physically later than girls and so Olympic gymnastics medals are usually won by men between nineteen and twenty-five. Some pieces of equipment, for example the rings, require great physical strength and boys need to develop their bodies fully before attempting such difficult exercises.
    In competitions, gymnasts have to perform on different pieces of equipment. All gymnasts perform on the floor and jump over a 'horse' with four legs. Gymnasts have to show that they can move neatly and easily, hold a position steady, keep their balance while doing a handstand, and jump both forwards and backwards.
    Only men perform on the rings, on the double bars, on the high bar, and on a type of 'horse' with four legs which has two handles fixed to the top surface. Only women perform on the high-and-low bars, one of which is higher than the other, and the 'beam', which is a length of wood only four inches wide which is fixed at a height of 1.20 metres above the ground. Both men and women do floor exercises on the mat.
    There are a few simple safety measures to follow while training.
    1. It is important always to work with a trainer. Training by yourself in a gym can be highly dangerous.
    2. Make sure you take off any watches, rings or necklaces before you start.
    3. Wear tight clothing with collars or belts so that it doesn't catch on any of the equipment.
    4. Look after your health and do not practise if you are unwell or have any injury.
    (SB3, L34)
    The topic of the passage is
    a. how to become a top gymnast
    b. general introduction of gymnastics
    c. the history of gym and the training of the gymnasts
    这篇文章讲的是有关体操的一些情况:体操发展的历史;练习舞蹈和早期训练对体操训练的作用;男女发育,训练和项目的差异以及训练中的注意事项等。总的来说,它的主题为b.general introductions of gymnastics。
    2.3.2  跳读或查阅法(scanning)
    Food around the world
    When Christopher Columbus and his friends reached America in 1492, they discovered the plant 'corn' there. At least 450 years ago corn was brought to China. By 1555 it had already become important here, corn is a useful plant that can be eaten by both people and animals.
    In the 17th century corn was grown a lot in Tibet and Sichuan. At that time the land along the Changjiang River was becoming very crowded; there was not enough room for the population. Farmers had to move into the hills, but they couldn't grow rice there. They needed a plant which didn't need as much water as rice. Luckily they were able to grow this new com.
    Today, corn is found all over the world. It is a very useful plant that can be prepared in many different ways. People in the West often boil it and eat it with salt and butter. Sometimes they cook it whole over an open fire. In many parts of the world corn is made into powder. The powder is then mixed with water and other things, and made into different kinds of food.
    Corn was not the only food that was taken to Europe. In 1519 another traveller who went to America from Europe discovered the tomato. Tomatoes were first taken back to Europe and they soon reached other parts of the world. When they arrived in England they were called 'love apples'. In the beginning, people who brought them often got angry. They thought that they were buying apples.
    A number of other plants were found in America, for example, beans, potatoes and different fruits. The potato is another plant that was taken back by early travellers. It is a very useful plant; it can be grown in places where it is too cold to grow rice.
    Early European travellers to China took back to their own countries the seeds of fruit trees that they bad not seen before. Today, fruit trees which once grow only in China can now be found in many parts of the world. And the fresh fruit from these trees is shipped from one country to another. Today, new foods are travelling faster than ever before. (SB1, L30)
    1. An European traveller who went to America discovered tomato in
    a. 1492                           b. the 17th century
    c. 1519                           d. 1555
    2. Who often boil the corn and eat it with salt and butter?
    a. People in the West             b. American people
    c. European travellers            d. Christopher Columbus
    3. What was called 'love apples' by the Europeans?
    a. Fruits                          b. Potatoes
    c. Tomatoes                        d. The new com
    Feed the World
    Agriculture first started about 10, 000 years ago when people began to grow crops in the river valleys of the Nile in Egypt, in the Middle East and in India. Today farming employs more people than any other type of work. It is thought that one billion people, that is half of the world's workers, earn their living by farming. The problem is how to feed a growing world population of 5.7 billion. For one thing, two thirds of the earth surface is water, although this does provide a lot of food in the form of fish. Only about 11% of the earth's land surface is suitable for growing crops. And this area is becoming smaller day by day. In China there is only 7% of the land used for growing crops, which feed more than one fourth of the world population. That is why the Chinese people are making great efforts to protect their farmland and increase agricultural production.
    Farmland is being lost for several reasons. First, it is being built on. Second, when wind and rain have removed a lot of the soil, no more crops can be grown on this land. Third, a lot of irrigated land has become too salty to grow plants. Also, it is well known that pests continue to eat crops, causing damage. The FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) has worked out that up to 30 % of food is lost in storage. Food stores are frequently mined by rain or damp, or eaten by mice.
    In a word, hunger is a big problem in the world today. No one is sure how many people are hungry, but it is thought that 500 million people in the world do not have enough to eat, that is about one in ten. Every year about 40 million people starve to death.
    Various things can be done to increase the food supply in the World. The area of farmland can be increased by irrigation. Take the Aswan Dam in Egypt for example, where desert land can be used for growing crops. The same has happened in the west of the USA, particularly for the growing of fruit. Farmers can increase their corn crops three times simply by watering their fields. In Europe, Holland continues to increase its area of farmland by pumping water from low-lying areas.
    Scientists continue to develop new types of plants which produce heavier crops. They are also developing new types of plants that can be grown in poor soil or even sand, and that are less likely to be attacked by pests and diseases. (SB3, L14)
    1. About ______ of the earth's land surface is suitable for growing crops.
    a. 7%                               b. 11%
    c. 30%                              d. two thirds
    2. In China there is only _________ of the land used for growing crops.
    a. two thirds                      b. 7%
    c. 11%                             d. 30%
    3. Farmland is being lost for the following reasons except ______
    a. people build houses on it
    b. a lot of irrigated land has become too salty to grow plants
    c. people don't know how to use it so they sell it
    d. pests damage it by eating crops
    4. Hunger is a very big problem in the world. About ________ people in the world don't have enough to eat.
    a. 1 billion                          b. 5.7 billion
    c. 500 million                        d. 40 million
    5. The author gave us some examples of increasing the area of farmland by
    a. developing new plants which produce heavier crop
    b. developing plants that can be grown in poor soils
    c. irrigating it
    d. protecting it
    这篇课文讲的是世界耕地面积正在不断缩小,并列举了一些水土流失的原因,警告人们世界正因此面临着饥饿问题。在做阅读理解问题前应先浏览一下题目类型,五个题目中有三个与数字有关,所以在课文中寻找信息时应特别注意这一点。另外两个问题一个是问水土流失的原因,另一个问的则是增加土地面积的途径,对题目有了大致了解后再查阅便有的放矢了。上述五个题目的答案为:1.b  2.b  3.c  4.c  5.c。
    3  提高英语阅读速度的相关因素
    4.学好基础知识,提高整体语言水平:阅读作为一种最基本的语言技能不是孤立的,它与其他技能,如听说、写作都有密不可分的关系。阅读能力是指阅读者掌握所读材料意思的能力,包括对词汇、句子、段落、篇章等的理解能力。因此一个人的整体语言水平,如词汇、语法、甚至听说等方面的知识都会对阅读能力造成影响。我们要认真学习和掌握各类语言知识,提高整体英语水平,以有效地提高自身的阅读速度与能力。  (完)
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