





我们都听说过这样一句老话,生命中最美好的东西总是免费的。但是大多数人认为这一规则仅仅适用于人生中的一些 小乐趣,比如芳香的花朵或者与朋友们一起欢乐地大笑。的确,这些是美好的,但是关于那些更大的乐趣,像是在 世界各地飞,你能不能做到免费呢?




简而言之:最近因为一部电影《恋爱假期》而十分著名的这一方法,首要前提就是,你有一所房子。如果你确实有一所房子出租,有各种各样的网站为业主提供在线分类来打广告(homeexchange.com, homexchangevacation.comhomebase-hols.com)。大多数要交注册费,但是之后你全年都可以为自己的房子打广告了。交换时间的长度取决于双方交换服务的需要。另一种可替代的方法就是,如果旅行者够幸运的话,可以把房子租出去。




简而言之:如果你正住在父母的空房子里、大学生宿舍里或是朋友的沙发上,你就是在房屋交换上交好运(或者,更准确地说,你可能已经在免费旅行了)。代为照看房子或许是你的一个选择。如果你正在寻找这个工作,有许多在线网站你可以打广告来说明自己提供的服务。点击::www.housecarers.com, www.mindmyhouse.com张贴广告在几个不同的国家,或是国家网站如澳大利亚网站: housesitworld.com.au, happyhousesitters.com.au, 或aussiehousesitters.com.au。你也可以通过大学社区、教会社区或是社区中心张贴广告,寻找有需要的家庭(在大众信息主页上,在居民中,在大学报纸上)。像社交网站craigslist.orgfacebook.com也值得一试。












简而言之:你没有必要知道你的右舷的端口来帮助船员。了解航海技术可以使你成为稳操胜券的人,但是烹饪、机械和导航能力可以使你在船上得到一份有报酬的工作,通常一种额外的技能足以使你在游艇上面得到自己的工作通道。如果你想感受一下这种可用的选项,点击英国船员探求者: www.crewseekers.net(注意:收取成员资格费)。船员探求者列出了许多机会,包括有报酬的工作、分享贡献的航海旅行和工作通道旅行。



奶奶的话:你疯了吗?没有看过加勒比海盗吗? ??


简而言之:在某种程度上,是海上旅行的一种不太冒险的方法。但是在游轮上有上百亿种可做的工作。最好的选择是为游客提供某一专业技能领域的教育或者娱乐的短期合同。许多网站都提供游轮工作的清单—有些是诈骗的—不过大多数游轮公司直接在网站上面列出了他们可以提供的工作机会。从点击这里开始:www.carnival.com www.royalcaribbean.com




简而言之:当人们从一个地方转移到另一个地方的时候,他们常常要找人把车也送过去—这也是你出现的地方。从直接查询汽车租赁或是搬家公司开始,有的人需要在有限的时间内找司机来把车辆从一个城市转移到另一个城市。在城市里、社区里或大学报纸的分类区查找广告或是自己登广告,可以给你带来需要司机的车主的联系。试着去登广告并且在你所在的城市和你想要旅行去的城市里面搜寻。总部在澳大利亚的租赁公司,包括Britz (www.britz.com.au)Maui(www.maui.com.au,一年之中就需要偶尔的搬迁。而且在季末,由于季节需求,他们通常需要一次性搬迁大量的车辆到一个具体的地点。记住:很多公司要求你至少21岁。




简而言之:WWOOF (World-Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms的缩写,为1972年在英国率先成立的一个组织,当时的用意是为让都市人体验农村生活而推出一种“以工换食宿”的工作假期) 是世界网络,有机农场主们有时为志愿者们提供加入他们的机会。与WWOOF办公室联系,说明你自己想要参观的国家(最终统计,200712月份,在全世界83个国家中都有这种机会)。少量的会员费就可以使你接触到那个国家会员农场的名单。更多关于各个国家分支和会员的细节详见:www.wwoof.org








简而言之:在欧洲廉价的航空公司几乎是一个宗教,很少人们付满机票全额价格。实际上,许多航空公司—特别是在英国—提供的国际票价略高于税。你会震惊于一些在售的大减价机票,点击www.ryanair.com, www.easyjet.com www.flymonarch.com。同样地,澳大利亚国内的票价也值得查看,比如一天之中有一个小时提供欢乐小时价的www.virginaustralia.comwww.jetstar.com








提供采果工作招聘,但是一些小型农场只在当地做广告)。很多国家也为加拿大年轻人提供假期工作签证,在那里你就可以旅游并且做任何临时工作(合法地)了。点击swap.ca,它会帮你安排在很多国家的工作签证;或是公司像Go Workabout (goworkabout.com)会为你在澳大利亚提前安排季度工作。














  • 标题:15 Ways to Travel for Free (or at least cheap)
  • 来源:http://www.vergemagazine.com
  • 推荐者: NMCat
  • 原文作者: Andrea Gourgy
  • Travel around the world on an empty wallet? Yes, it is possible....

    "To travel cheap, you need to be looking for opportunities and be willing to take them. You have to be somewhat proactive and not be afraid to ask for advice, help, guidance. Ask for what you want—it's amazing what people are willing to give. I discovered that most people are very willing and are looking to give to the right person. You miss 100 percent of the opportunities you don't take..."

    Jim Lawrence, 34, travelled around the world for nearly free... for eight years.

    We’ve all heard the old adage that the best things in life are always free. But most people assume this rule only applies to life’s little pleasures like smelling flowers or laughing with friends. And sure, those are nice, but what about those bigger pleasures, like jetting off across the world? Can you do that for free too?

    Well, if not for free, then very cheap. If you’re looking for an international experience but don’t have the cash to splurge on it, this article is for you. You don’t need thousands of dollars to get yourself on the road. In fact, all you need is a little originality, some guts and enthusiasm, and some ideas to get you started. Some of the ideas below are sensible ones that Granny would approve of. Others are a little more risqué —it's amazing what some people will do to save a buck—but hey, since when do you take Granny's advice anyway?

    So don’t let your empty wallet stop you from taking the trip of a lifetime. Just remember: with the right attitude, the best things in life—even travelling—can come pretty cheap.

    1. House-swap or rent out your home

    In a nutshell: Made famous by the recent movie The Holiday, this option, of course, requires you to have a house. If you do have a house to offer up, there are various websites that provide online classifieds for owners to advertise (homeexchange.com, homexchangevacation.com or homebase-hols.com). Most require a registration fee, but then you can advertise your property for the entire year. The length of time for exchanges depends on the needs of the two parties swapping houses. Another alternative for those travellers lucky enough to be property owners is to rent out your home.

    What advocates say: Accommodation with no cash down? This is a no-brainer. Staying in a home rather than a hotel usually has perks like an equipped kitchen, telephone and some may even have internet. And renting out your home while you’re away is a great source of cash; monthly rent from an apartment in Toronto, Vancouver or even St. John's can go a long way towards covering your costs in Bolivia or Ghana.

    What Granny would say: Screen candidates carefully before handing over your keys, otherwise you may not have a home to come back to.

    2. House-sit

    In a nutshell: If you're kipping in your parents' spare room, sleeping in a college dorm, or surfing on your friends' sofas then you're out of luck on the house-swapping front (or, more accurately, you may already be travelling for free). But a house-sitting gig may be an option for you. If you are looking to house-sit, there are online boards where you can advertise your services. Check out:www.housecarers.com, www.mindmyhouse.com for postings in several different countries, or national boards such as Australia's housesitworld.com.au, happyhousesitters.com.au, oraussiehousesitters.com.au. You can also put the word out and look for homes in need through university communities (on general message boards, in residences, in university newspapers), church communities or community centres. Social networking sites like craigslist.org andfacebook.com are also worth a try.

    What advocates say: Finding a gig like this is golden. You’ll get free accommodation in exchange for watering some plants and walking a dog.

    What Granny would say: Why would someone want a stranger in their house? They must be sexual predators!

    3. Volunteer and fundraise

    In a nutshell: Ever considered volunteering on a development project? One of the great things about devoting your time to help a worthy cause overseas is that it may allow you an opportunity to fundraise to support your work. Some volunteer organizations may help you out with room and board, and occasionally flights. Most organizations that do this require a significant commitment of time (one to two years) as well as specialized skills and experience. An alternative is to join a shorter-term project and fundraise. Schools, employers, community organizations, family and friends are all great sources of moral support for most volunteers, and most are happy to help out with a good cause. Some local organizations that support this kind of work include your local Lions Club (www.lionsclubs.org), Optimist Club (www.optimist.org) or Rotary Club (www.rotary.org).

    What advocates say: Many volunteers are successful in raising enough to cover their out-of-pocket expenses, and even to make a donation to the project they are interested in. Not only will you be making a contribution to a worthy cause, but volunteer travel can be one of the most rewarding ways to see and learn about another part of the world.

    What Granny would say: It sounds okay, but just don’t nag my friends for donations while we’re playing bridge.

    4. Carpool or hitchhike

    In a nutshell: You can get on board with someone going in the same direction, or if you have a car, you can look for people to join you—thereby offsetting fuel costs. Carpooling usually requires some advance planning, as travellers will look to fill their car way in advance of their departure. Some travellers advertise on travel forums (thorntree.lonelyplanet.com), and there are websites specifically dedicated to this kind of ride sharing like www.erideshare.com, www.compartir.organd www.hitchhikers.org. Rides can also be advertised at hostels and other venues where travellers congregate. While it requires slightly more planning than hitchhiking, carpooling is likely a safer option. You can meet the person in advance of the trip (preferably in a public place), as well as check their references, photo ID and phone numbers. Though of course, in some parts of the world, such as Cuba, hitchhiking is just part of the way of life.

    What advocates say: Carpooling and hitching rides are both great ways to meet some local characters, and they’re also eco-friendly and cheaper than riding alone.

    What Granny would say: Going on a trip with someone you met on the computer? Has your mother not taught you anything about your personal safety?

    5. Crew a yacht

    In a nutshell: You don't need to know your port from your starboard in order to help crew a boat. Knowledge of seamanship might make you a shoo-in, but culinary, mechanical or navigational abilities could score you a paid position on board, and often an extra set of hands is enough to earn you working passage on a yacht. If you want to get a feel for the kinds of options available, check out UK-based Crewseekers International: www.crewseekers.net (Note: A membership fee applies). Crewseekers lists many opportunities, including paid positions, shared contribution voyages and working passage trips.

    If you are up for a bit of adventure—or happen to find yourself in a port town—then just get yourself down to the marina and start asking questions. Check out the bars and restaurants, check bulletin boards for ads and consider posting your own. At different times of the year "repositioning crossings" take place—boat owners have a limited weather window during which time they must move their vessel (hurricane season, anyone?) Get yourself to the right place at the right time, with the right attitude, and you're almost sure to find a vessel to take you on.

    What advocates say: Haven’t you always dreamed of an adventure on the high seas? Treat this adventure like hitchhiking with a real live captain!

  • 6. Crew a cruise ship

    In a nutshell: A much less adventurous way to travel at sea, in some respects. But there are about a zillion different jobs available on cruise ships. The best option for short-term contracts is to offer an area of expertise for the education or entertainment of the passengers. There are many websites that offer listings of cruise ship jobs—some of which are fraudulent—but most cruise companies list available job opportunities directly on their websites. Get started atwww.carnival.com or www.royalcaribbean.com.

  • What Granny would say: Are you crazy? Haven’t you seen Pirates of the Caribbean?

  • What advocates say: It’s a way to see the world on someone else’s dime.

    What Granny would say: Crew jobs are not all that glamorous: the staff work long hours, stay below deck and are allowed off the ship only very rarely.

  • 7. Transport other people’s vehicles

    In a nutshell: When people move from one place to another, they often have their car sent—and that’s where you come in. Start by inquiring directly with car rental or relocation companies, some of whom need drivers to move vehicles from one city to another in a limited number of days. Checking for ads or advertising your own services in city, community, or university newspaper classified sections could also bring you in contact with a car owner in need of a driver. Try advertising and looking in both the city where you are and in the city that you want to travel to. Australia-based rental companies including Britz (www.britz.com.au), and Maui (www.maui.com.au) require occasional relocations throughout the year. And at season's end, they often need to move a number of vehicles en-masse to a specific location due to seasonal demand. Keep in mind that many companies require you to be at least 21 years of age.

  • What advocates say: As long as you have some flexibility, this is a simple and cheap solution for getting from point A to B.

    What your Granny would say: Don’t forget to check which side of the road they drive on in Australia!

  • 8. WWOOF it up
  • In a nutshell: World-Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms is an international network of organic farmers who from time to time offer opportunities for volunteers to join them. Contact the WWOOF office in the country you wish to visit (at last count, in November 2007, there were opportunities in 83 different countries). A small membership fee gives you access to lists of member farms in that country. For further information about national branches and membership see www.wwoof.org

    What advocates say: It’s a good deal: room and board is often provided in exchange for help on the farm. And if you’re lucky, they might let you eat some fruit or veg on the house.

    What Granny would say: Make sure you eat three solid meals a day to keep up your strength and don’t forget to wear sunscreen.

    9. Get a travel scholarship

    In a nutshell: "Internationalization" is the buzzword on campus these days, and more and more funding is becoming available for Canadian students who want to study abroad. For a sample of the kinds of funds available, check out www.scholarships.gc.ca, which lists awards for Canadians wanting to study in 50 countries. For graduate study and fieldwork in international development, check out the International Development Research Centre (www.idrc.ca/awards). For a listing of higher-education study opportunities and scholarships in 129 countries, see the UNESCO Study Abroad Guide at www.unesco.org/education/studyingabroad/networking/studyabroad.shtml.

    What advocates say: If you can get one of these grants, you’re not only set for your travels, but it will look great on your resume.

    What Granny would say: Now this sounds like the most sensible way to travel.

    10. Fly smart

    In a nutshell: Budget airlines are virtually a religion in Europe, where few people pay full price for airline tickets. In fact, some airlines--especially those in the United Kingdom--offer international fares for little more than the taxes. You’ll be blown away by some of the sales on offer, check out www.ryanair.com, www.easyjet.com or www.flymonarch.com. Similarly, domestic fares within Australia are worth checking out, like www.virginaustralia.com that offers happy hour rates for one hour a day and www.jetstar.com.

    What advocates say: A $30 ticket to get across Europe? It makes the train seem pricey.

    What Granny would say: Sounds good. Do they offer a discount for seniors?

  • 11. Trade labour at a hostel
  • In a nutshell: Once you’ve arrived at your destination, consider approaching a hostel manager and negotiating a deal to exchange some work for your room—if they’re short of staff, you can barter your labour for a free place to stay. An alternative is to apply for a hostel job before you even leave home, especially if you’ve had experience in the hospitality industry. A number of websites list hostel jobs, like www.hostelworld.com which has a message board. Other sites offer listings on a country-by-country basis—see, for example, www.backpack.co.nz, which displays job postings within New Zealand. Some hostels may be apprehensive about hiring someone from abroad; depending on the place, some may require you to hold a working visa before your arrival

    What advocates say: As long as no money is exchanged, trading your labour for room and board is a good way to get around the visa issue of working in other countries.

    What Granny would say: It’s like slave labour! You should report them if they make you work too hard.

  • 12. Pick up some casual work
  • In a nutshell: If you’re looking to stay a little longer, then consider picking up some short-term work overseas. The options are plentiful: you can be an au pair (www.greataupair.com orwww.aupair.com) or you can do something outdoors like fruit picking or trailmaintenance (www.anyworkanywhere.com offers listings for fruit picking, but many smaller farmers will only advertise locally). Many countries also offer Canadian youth working holiday visas, where you can travel and pick up any kind of casual work (legally). Check out SWAP (swap.ca) who will help you to arrange a working visa in many different countries, or companies like Go Workabout (goworkabout.com) who will pre-arrange a seasonal job in Australia for you.

    What advocates say: You can work your way around the world with odd jobs like these—it’s a win-win situation.

    What Granny would say: Employers might expect you to work long hours, leaving you little time to sightsee. Maybe it’s time you got a real job?!

    13. Organize a group tour

    Most travel companies will offer a discount—or free travel—to people who organize a group tour for several people. They commonly refer to them as "group leaders". No, this does not mean that you are responsible for guiding your group of friends around Rome, but rather that you organize who will be going, where they will be going, and when. This one is a no-brainer for teachers and professors (ever wondered why your teacher in high school was happy to accompany 20 teenagers on a trip to Paris?) But it can work for other people too. Check out adventuresincorporated.com oradventures-abroad.com for examples, or enquire with any organization of interest to you.

    Advocates would say: Great idea! Not only will you get to travel for free, but you can go with your friends.

    What Granny would say: You can start by organizing my trip to Florida this winter.

  • 14. Take a hard-core challenge
  • If you are the sort of person who would welcome the challenge of climbing to Everest Base Camp to raise money for a charity, this one could be for you. One of the newest trends in travel has seen companies springing up that will help you organize the challenge of your choice—or join an existing expedition—all in the name of charity. You do the climb (or other adventure), and raise the sponsors, they take care of the rest. Check out Global Adventure Challenges (globaladventurechallenges.com), Across the Divide (acrossthedivide.com) or Charity Treks (charitytreks.ca).

    Advocates say: Where's my ice axe?

    What Granny would say: Why go so far when you can do charity work at the nursing home across the street?

  • 15. Enter contests
  • OK, this may sound like a long shot, but if you're short on cash and long on time you'll be absolutely amazed at how many travel contests are there for the wining. Just Google "travel contests" and you'll get hundreds of pages of results. Travel writing or photography may win you cash or a trip. Airlines, cruise lines, resorts, tourism boards and adventure travel companies all offer up prize trips every so often. If you're not picky about where you go, a little time and energy invested might get you out of here sooner than you think.

    Advocates say: I won something once.

    What Granny would say: Want to take me to bingo on Tuesday?

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