

lizhi Mrs Zhang, please take a seat. Before we start, let me call in a workman to put on a bed sheet and a pillo case for you.
We change bed sheets and pillo cases for each and every customer and they are washed and sterilised after use. 张太太,请坐; 我们开始以前,让我请工人放上床单和枕套;
我们都替每一个客人换床单和枕套,用完后都会拿去洗和消毒。 Mrs Zhang Good, it's important to keep bedware clean and hygienic. 好,保持床上用品整洁和卫生是很重要的。 Lizhi What exactly is your problem and how did it start, Mrs Zhang? 张太太,你的身体有什么不舒服,是怎么开始的呢? Mrs Zhang About a month ago, I twisted my waist while trying to move a heavy table at home. This has left me with a severe lower back pain since then. 大概一个月前,我在家里移动一张很重的桌子时扭了腰,自从那个时候,我的下背部一直都疼得很厉害。 Lizhi Have you seen any doctors and received treatment from them? 你有没有看过医生,接受治疗? Mrs Zhang Yes, I have seen quite a few doctors, both western and Chinese. The western doctors just gave me pain killers and advised me to stay in bed until the back pain is gone.
The Chinese doctors treated me with massage and ointment. Neither kind of treatment has been effective. 有的,我看过好几个医生,包括西医和中医; 西医只给我止痛药和要我卧床休息,
中医则用药酒和按摩替我治疗。 但两种方法都没有效果。 Lizhi Did any of them give you an x-ray check? 他们当中有没有替你用X光检查? Mrs Zhang Yes, one of them did. But the x-ray film did not show anything seriously wrong. 他们其中一个有替我用X光检查,但照片没有显示什么大的问题。 Lizhi OK, please lie down on the massage bed with your face downward. I'll perform a detailed check on you.
Please point with your finger to the part of your back where the pain is most intense. 好,请睡在按摩床上,面向下,我要替你做详细的检查; 请用手指指到你背部最疼的部分。 Mrs Zhang This part, slightly below the back of the waist. 这部分,就是腰的背后对下一点点的地方 Lizhi OK, now I shall examine in detail the different parts of your spine, beginning with the lumber vertebrae. I shall press and massage with different intensity
as I go along and you may call out where it hurts. Does it hurt when I press here? 好,我现在会详细检查你脊椎不同的部位,我会用不同的力度按你的部位,你觉得藤就说出来; 我按这里你疼不疼呢? Mrs Zhang A little bit. 一点点。 Lizhi What about here? Does it hurt when I press? 这里怎么样? 我按这里疼不疼呢? Mrs Zhang Ah, it hurts very much. Please do not press so hard. 啊,很疼,请不要那么使劲按。 Lizhi I have now finished examining your whole spine and found that your second lumber vertebra has been slightly displaced.
This is most probably the main cause of your back pain. 我已经检查过你的整个脊椎,我发现你的第二个腰椎骨有点移位了,这很有可能就是你背痛的主要原因。 Mrs Zhang Is there any cure for this? 有没有医治的方法呢? Lizhi Yes, I shall now put it right for you. Just lie still and relax.
You may feel some pain when I do this , but the pain will subside after a few seconds. 有的,我现在就替你治疗。 你只要躺好和放松,我做的时候,你会觉得有点疼,但几秒钟后就不疼了。 Mrs Zhang Ah, it hurts. 啊,很疼啊! Lizhi Don't worry. It's finished. Your second lumber vertebra is now back in place. I shall massage the surrounding tissues for a while
and you'll feel much better. Just lie still and relax. 不用担心,已经做完了。 你的第二腰椎骨已经恢复原位了,我在替你按摩一下周围的组织以后,你会觉得好很多。 你只要躺定何放松。 Mrs Zhang Oh yes, it's not so painful now. 是的,现在没有那么疼了。 Lizhi OK, I have now finished with the massage. You can now get up, stretch your limbs and walk around the room to see how you feel. 好了,按摩完毕了; 你现在可以起来,伸伸你的手脚,在这房间走一下,看感觉怎么样。 Mrs Zhang Splendid. I feel a lot better now. My back is not so stiff and my back pain has been greatly eased. 非常好,我觉得比以前好得多了;我的背部没有那么紧,背痛也大大减轻了。 Lizhi Good, this is a very good start. For further recovery, you will need about four more sessions of massage treatment.
I suggest that you come every other day so that you get a day of rest between sessions. 好,这是个非常好的开始; 要进一步康复,你需要多四次的治疗,我建议你隔天来,好让你在治疗之间有一天的休息。 Mrs Zhang Wonderful, this is very much simpler than I expected. I thought it would take at least a month to get my back pain releived satisfactorily.
By the way, what are the things that I should do and should not do during the treatment period? 好极了,这比我预期的简单的多了。 我预计需要最少一个月才能减轻我的背痛。 请你告诉我在治疗期间我应该做什么和不应该做什么。 Lizhi You should rest in bed as far as possible today and tomorrow. If your condition improves further, you may walk around in the streets, but you should avoid lifting heavy objects.
It is also important to pay special attention to your postures. Try to keep your back straight while standing, walking or sitting. A cushion for supporting your lower back in your chairs would also help. 在今天和明天你应该尽可能卧床休息,若以后情况进一步改善,你可以到街上走一下,但要避免拿重的东西。
注意身体姿势也非常重要,无论站立,行走或坐下,都应该保持背部伸直,如果在坐位里有一个支持下背的软垫会更好。 Mrs Zhang Thank you very much for your service and advice, Mr. Li. You have been most helpful and your skills are most impressive. I shall recommend you to my friends in Hong Kong. 李先生,非常谢谢你的服务和忠告; 你帮了我很大的忙,你的按摩技术给我留下深刻的印象,我会把你推介给我香港的朋友。 Lizhi You're wellcome. I'll see you again at the same time the day after tomorrow. Bye for now. 不用客气,我们后天同样时间再见面吧。再见。 Mrs Zhang Thank you once again. Bye Bye. 在次感谢你。 再见。
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