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走架打手行功要言    李亦畬

   昔人云:“能引進茖空,能四兩撥千斤;不能引進落空,不能四兩撥千斤”,語甚胲括。初學者未電領悟,予加數語解之,牌有志斯技者,糐所從入,庶日進有功矣。欲要四兩撥千斤,引進落空,先要知己知彼。欲要知己知彼,先要捨己從人。欲要捨己從人,先要得機得勢。欲要得機得勢,先要周身一家。欲要周身一家,先要周身無缺憾。欲要周身無缺憾,先要神氣鼓盪。欲要神氣鼓盪,先要提起精神,使神不外散。欲要神不外散,先要神氣收歛入骨。欲要神氣收歛入骨,先要兩股前節有力,兩肩鬆開,氣向下沉。勁起於腳根,變換在腿,含蓄在胸,運勁在兩肩,主宰於腰,上於兩膊繫,下於兩腿隨。勁由內換。收便是合,放便是開,開中寓合。觸知則施轉自如,無不得力,才能引進落空,四兩撥千斤。平日走架,是知己功夫。一動勢,先問自己周身合上數項否。少有不合,即速改換。走架所以要慢,不要快。打手是知人功夫,動靜固是知人,仍是問己。自己安排得好,人一挨我,我不動彼絲毫,趁乘而入,按定彼勁,彼自跌出。如自己有不得力處,便是雙重未化,要於陰陽開合中求之。所謂知己知彼,百戰百勝也。                                                                 Wustyle Taijiquan She Li Yi, head of the second generation(1832-1892)

She put the secret of Li Iwithdraw amendment
He borrowed his strengthQingqi force.
(There are spiritualwords)
Lead to fresh start in frontof the accumulator.
(Theregrabbing words)
Loosen my strength withoutrendering song.
(In a staticwords)
Recognize when to put the footback end.
(There are a wholeword)
Engine, indexing, loose,put, there are not four, not with the scaffold can not, can notshenfa scattered, one can not a person, who is not mentallyreunion, I want to attain this territory, must avoid the disease,or,
Although the lifetime, the study of its exquisite sensenow!

Taijiquan (tips) Lee dispensation (She also)

First, thePreamble
Tai Chi cleverly subtle, WangZongyue theory, detailed and do carry on.
After this technologyspread to Henan Province Huaiqingchenjiagou
Chen, Ming God who, on behalfof the people do not count. I have Yang Fukui County SouthGate who love to learn Yan and dedication of ten years, althoughobtaining the pass. After the spin inside,and with men, Mo enemy who I see avuncular Wu Yu-hsiang and hi,then from the school, not a long time, have a little outlineonly. SiWen Yu Huaiqing Zhao town, there Chen Qingping who is also refinedskills, because they take the official visit of Henan, over andvisit Yan. Practicesoon after, won its subtle, cover their talent Ying Wu, the verypeople who can and are. Guichou beXianfeng, more than twenty years, starting from the Jiu Shi byAdams Technology, Xin Xi Xi, the storm stopped working, andtherefore granted the remainder Jiu Shi also noted extravagantexpensive fiber. Xi Yu Shu-yu unobservant dim, failedto give a three evils, causing Nianyu years, obtaining only fur Yanears.
Although it granted the remainder Jiu Shi, Idare not forget, I would like to be by their pen in the book, Yansaid five tactics, and to show future generations Yan.

LiYi-yu five tactics

A calm,saying: heart does not specifically Jing, a show of hands, nothingaround, directional, so be calm. Initially the move has failedto recognize carefully, as people move, with condescend stretch, donot lose no top, not from stretching. He is strong and I strongly, Iintended earlier; He also unable to afford me, my intention isstill first. ToKeke care, suffer heart of where to use where, shall not lose thetop of the discussion is not news. Since then do go a year or so will be able toimpose on itself.
This is all intent not exert oneself, a long time the people I'vemade, I do not have a human system.

Second is spiritualbody: the body can not delay the advance and retreat freely, so thespirit to the body. There can notstay like a show of hands. His fur Li Fang hinder me, as I have purposedit into his bones inside. Handssupport, stretch throughout. Left weight is left empty, while the righthas gone; the right weight is the right virtual, while the left hasto go. Gas, such as wheels, bothwhole body should go hand in hand, there is no phase everywhere,the body will be scattered, they are not effective, the disease inseeking the waist and legs. Firstheart to make the body, from people not from himself.Back from the heart, from the manhimself remains from. Thestagnation of himself, from the others live. From human hands will have a sense ofproportion. He isKing size scales, micrometer good; length to his right, theslightest no difference.
Forward and back, just everywhere together, work long and technicalMi Mi fine also.

The third isgrabbing air: loose momentum, then no subtle body easilyscattered. Do not allow air into thespine of convergence. Breathingpsychic, whole body indiscriminately between. Sucked into an aggregate of storage, call for theopen of hair. Cover suck the natural mentionaffordable, people are starting to get too; calling the naturalsink even lower, have also put people out.
This is the meaning of luck, not to force gas also.

Si Yue Jin whole: one ofthe strong, excel one. Distinguish the actual situation, made fresh to haveroots. Fresh from theheel to dominate at the waist, the line in the fingers, hair in theback. Lift your senses butalso, in their King will not send out the occasion, I have accessto his Jin Jin, just not the not first, such as leather lights thefire, a lot of ideas out. Forward and back, without theslightest scattered, seeking song straight hair and then build inorder to readily work.
We called "leveraging beat, skillfully deflected the question,"too.

Rider God together: thefour who have, I fear God together. God will stretch poly drum casting, qi to God,imposing maneuvers. Spiritabsorbed, opening and closing has caused, the actual situationclear. Virtual reality is leftand right, then left and right virtual reality. Virtual non-completely powerless, themomentum must maneuvers; completely accounted for non-real evil,the spirit of the concentrate. Critical transport and full in the chest waist,not outside. By force from thepeople, issued by the ridge of gas. Hu can sendgas from the ridge: air to sink, close at the spine from theshoulders, waist note with the top down in this gas also, tasteaggregate; from the waist line in the spine, shoulder cloth intwo, applied to thefingers, bottom of this gas also, Ajinomoto open.Co is closed, open that is put.Opening and closing can understand, at aglance yin and yang.
At this point position with day workers,technical fine day, getting to Congxinsuoyu neglect unhappymen.


Lineof work to go stand thugs Li Yi She made

Ancientssays: "to introduce for carrying empty, can skillfully deflected;does not introduce frustration, not skillfully deflected thequestion," language is very hydroxylamine marks.Beginners are notelectrically comprehend, I addend language solution, the technologylicensing aspiring Sri Lanka who are from the entry Fu, Shu Nisshinactive men. To beskillfully deflected the question, the introduction of fall, firstknow ourselves. I want to knowourselves, first and gave himself from the people.I want to deny himself from people,have to get the upper hand machine. For quest machine got the upper hand, one mustfirst whole body. I want to bea whole body, first whole body without regret. To be whole body without regret, first airGudang. I want to airGudang, first bring the spirit, so God nothing more thancasual. I want nothing morethan to God scattered, first air converges Life.For air converges to thebone, first two shares in the previous section and powerfulshoulders loosen, air to sink. King played in the footroot transformation in the leg, subtle in the chest, Yunjin theshoulders dominate at the waist, on the shoulder in two lines, withthe next in the legs. Jin change fromthe inside. Is close together,put is open, open in the apartment together. Transfer palpable as the facilities,all effective, to the introduction of fall, skillfully deflectedthe question. Weekdays walkingframe, was a confidant of effort. A momentum, first ask yourself whether thenumber of whole body closed. Rareor not, simply pass change. Sotake the stand slowly, not fast. Appreciating thugs is effort,movement is solid Appreciating still ask yourself.Own arrangements well, Itouched the man, he did not move me, while ride into the room, atfixed his enthusiasm, since he fell out. If they have not effective at, is notdouble, but it must seek in the opening and closing of yin andyang.
The so-called know ourselves victorioustoo.

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December 12, 2010
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