



(2011-07-11 08:19:30)

Dumped? How to heal the health effects of a broken heart


     Researchers now understand that romantic rejection triggers changes in our brains that affect our health. Edward Smith, a Columbia University psychologist, and a team of colleagues, found that intense emotional pain can activate the same neural pathways as physical pain. Seems being jilted can hurt in a primitive physical way as if you've been sucker-punched by a welterweight.


Whats more, that physical pain can manifest in surprising ways. Aside from chest pain, you may get hit with a kick-butt cold or flu, develop insomnia, or a range of gastro symptoms from loss of appetite to diarrhea. The precise health wallop you suffer may have to do with how your body manifests stress. Asthmatic? You could have an asthma attack. Suffer from a skin condition like eczema or psoriasis? Your skin will likely flare up. Have irritable bowel syndrome? Prepare to hit the restroom.



Complaint: Heart pressure or pain, palpitations, abnormal heart rhythms

Why:  When the stress response is triggered by a break up or divorce, the body sends out a massive flooding of the hormones cortisol and adrenaline. “Any time your adrenaline levels are higher, you’re more vulnerable to faster heart rate, palpitations and certain arrithymias, or abnormal heart rhythms, as well as skipped beats, light headedness, feeling your chest pounding, and a fluttering feeling in your neck,” says Dr. John M. Kennedy, a Marina Del Ray cardiologist and co-author of “The 15 Minute Heart Cure: The Natural Way to Release Stress and Heal Your Heart in Just Minutes a Day.”

Women heart patients facing severe stress from marriage difficulties were found to have three times the risk of heart attack as women without such stress. Worse, there’s a syndrome that mimics heart attack called Takotsuba syndrome, or broken heart syndrome, in which an EKG, chest X-ray and blood work all indicate heart attack. But when a cardiologist goes inside the heart searching for the culprit blocked artery, the arteries are wide open. The stress response simulates heart attack symptoms. “Broken heart syndrome is an extreme form of what heartache can do to our bodies,” says Kennedy.  While it can be lethal, the heart muscle usually recovers within six months.

What helps:  Anything that relieves stress helps prevent these heart problems during relationship troubles: exercise, yoga, tai chi, meditation, relaxing through breathing or visualization, even short term anti-anxiety medication.

为什么:分手或离婚引发的压力荷尔蒙,会使身体分泌大量激素皮质醇和肾上腺素。 任何时候一个人肾上腺素水平越高,心率就会越快,还有心悸、心律不齐、心率失常、脉搏紊乱、轻度头痛,感觉胸部被重击,颈部振动等现象。” Marina Del Ray地区的心脏病学家约翰?M?肯尼迪博士说道。他是书籍《15分钟心脏治疗:用天然的方式释放压力,治愈内心》的合著者之一。

女性在面临感情失败的巨大压力时,罹患心脏病的风险比没有同种压力的女性要大三倍。更糟糕的是,有一个类似心脏病的并发症叫心肌病变综合征,也可以称为心碎综合症,通过心电图,胸透和验血等方式都显示出心脏病发作。但当医生在找寻心房里罪魁祸首的动脉阻塞时,动脉却是张开的。这些生理反映会模拟心脏病发作的症状。 心碎综合征是一种心痛对身体做出反应的极端模式,肯尼迪说。虽然它也可以是致命的,但通常心脏肌肉会在6个月内恢复。



Complaint: Cold or flu

Why: These same stress hormones torch your immune system leaving you vulnerable to rogue bacteria and viruses. “Normally when you’re confronted with bacteria or virus, your body will mount a defense,” says Dr. Valerie Scott, a board certified family doctor in Mt. Pleasant, S.C. Post break up, however, your immune system is weakened and those defenses aren’t unable to ward off illness.

What helps: Managing your stress improves your immune system. Exercise, eat well, take a multi-vitamin, especially the B complex vitamins, which boost immunity, rest enough and decompress with music, comedy or friends to counteract the flood of stress hormones.


为什么:这些压力荷尔蒙会使免疫系统亮红灯,从而更容易受到细菌和病毒的侵害。 通常情况下,当你面对细菌或病毒时,身体就自动增强防御,瓦莱丽?斯科特博士说。她是美国Mt.Pleasant.S.C董事会认证的家庭医生。尽管如此,因为感情破裂,你的免疫系统被削弱,以至于不足以抵御疾病。


Complaint: Gastro upset (stomach pain, loss of appetite, diarrhea,)

Why: The excess cortisol shooting into your system during your break up diverts blood away from your digestive track, leaving you with GI unpleasantness--that 'can’t eat for weeks, sour stomach, run to the bathroom feeling’ you get when your relationship tanks.

What helps:  Try over-the-counter meds for your queasy stomach. In one study researchers simulated rejection in the lab and found that aspirin alleviates the painful feelings triggered by being rebuffed. While it seems skeptical, it’s worth a try, as is curbing your desire to veg on the couch. Exercise prompts your brain to release uplifting endorphins that will settle your stomach. What’s more, misery loves company. “You want to surround yourself with family and friends and supportive people because it’s easy to get depressed,” says Kennedy.




Complaint: Insomnia

Why:  Sleeping patterns, not unlike eating patterns, become skewed during relationship demise. Some people want to stay in bed all day — while others can’t seem to sleep at all. Science really doesn’t understand why it happens, but it’s likely due to racing thoughts, the 'he-said, she-said’ reenactment of the break up plays out mentally while at rest. Plus, stress hormones, still at their peak, may wreck your circadian rhythms and internal clock.

What helps: Stay active enough so your body will reach the reparative deep levels of sleep it needs, but don’t push yourself to exhaustion, which backfires. Exercise, but avoid it after 9 pm, since it could cause insomnia. Skip caffeine after 3 in the afternoon for the same reason. Turn off TV, computer and cell phone at least an hour before bed and embrace a relaxing sleep routine: low lighting, candles, and a warm bath. “Once you calm that stress response, all of these medical things resolve and get better,” says Scott.


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