



(2007-11-16 10:32:45)
Boxing Day


This holiday, which is observed on December 26, is a unique part of the Christmas season in Great Britain, as well as other Commonwealth nations. Boxing Day stems from a tradition that began in the Middle Ages more than 800 years ago. On this day, English churches would open their "alms box" and distribute its contents to needy members of the community. 2 It was also a day for servants to celebrate the holidays with their families, having usually worked the day before. Today, Boxing Day is one of the twenty-two paid holidays received by most working Brits. Most people now spend Christmas Day with their family and reserve 3 Boxing Day for exchanging gifts with friends. Although the government shuts down for the day, cinemas and theatres are open.

Changing of the Guard


One of Britain’s most well-known traditions occurs every morning at 11:30 outside of Buckingham Palace 4, one of the queen’s three official residences, from April to October (and every other day in the winter). This stately ritual is, in essence, a shift change between groups of officers assigned to guarding the palace and is a military custom practiced by most palace guards in Europe. 5 Famed for their stoicism 6, the guard typically draws huge crowds of tourists. The yellow flags that are exchanged between the two guards are called "The Royal Standard 7", and historically were used to identify the king’s position as he marched into battle with his army.

Queen’s Telegram


In the United States, if you make it to the ripe old age of 101 or 102, 8 Willard Scott 9 will wish you happy birthday on national television. In England, the queen herself will send her congratulations. This fairly new custom is known as "the Queen’s Telegram" and assures centenarians 10 that they will receive a birthday telegram from the queen on their one-hundredth birthday. The telegram is so coveted by some Brits that one 98-year-old woman was recently proven to have faked her age by two years just to receive the telegram. 11

High Tea


Although this British tradition always has more upscale connotations 12, high tea was first enjoyed by the English working class during the 1700s. This ritual began as a practical attempt to stave off hunger pangs between breakfast and supper, as eating just two daily meals was common at the time. 13 It was called "high" tea because it was usually taken sitting atop stools in a tea shop or standing at a counter or buffet table. 14 The fare was substantial and included the newly-invented "sandwich", as well as Cornish pasties, Welsh rabbit, Scotch woodcock, and a variety of bread, rolls, and other meat and fish dishes. 15 Today, high tea has become a more elegant and popular ritual that is practiced in fine hotels and restaurants around the world.



Although not an official holiday, Midsummer has been celebrated in Britain since the ancient days of the Druids 16. This holiday, which takes place on the longest day of the year, usually the 21st of June, is a time for Brits to relax and appreciate the joys of the summer season. Due to the country’s northern location, the sun rises around 4:30 a.m. and doesn’t set until 9:30 p.m. on that day. For most, Midsummer is a time to take advantage of the increased daylight by staying out late at one of Britain’s many pubs. However, some still celebrate the holiday in a traditional Druidic fashion. On Midsummer’s Eve, bonfires are lit to show respect for the Sun God, whose power is greatest at the Summer Solstice. 17 The fires also represent an attempt to ward off 18 the coming winter.

 Public Houses 19


Visiting a pub is one of Britain’s oldest forms of entertainment. The idea for the first public houses was brought to Britain thousands of years ago by the conquering Roman army. The first pubs served only wine, but after the discovery of hops in the fourteenth century, pubs began to serve mainly beer and ale, as they do today. 20

Today, there are 61,000 pubs in the United Kingdom. One of the oldest, Fighting Cocks in St. Albans, Herts, is located in a building that dates back to the 11th century. Modern pubs are often owned by English breweries 21 and serve only their owner’s products. British pubs are required to have a license, which is difficult to obtain, and operate between 11 a.m. and 11 p.m. every day except Sunday, when they must close at 10:30 p.m.

The drinking age in Britain is eighteen, but fourteen-year-olds may enter a pub unaccompanied if they order a meal. Children may enter a pub with their parents until 9 p.m., which lets families enjoy reasonably priced pub meals together, and allows pubs to continue in their traditional roles as community centers.

Customs in British pubs differ from those in American bars. In Britain, you must go to the bar to order drinks and food and pay for your purchase immediately, there is no table service 22. Bartenders are called "landlords" and "barmaids" and they do not expect frequent tipping. 23 To tip a landlord or barmaid, it is customary to tell him to "buy himself one 24". He or she may or may not take you up on your offer. At the end of a visit, a polite customer will return his glass to the bar.


1. Boxing Day: 节礼日(英国和部分英联邦国家的法定假日,在圣诞节的次日,如遇星期日则推迟一天,按习俗这天向雇员、仆人、邮递员等赠送匣装节礼)。

2. 节礼日这一天,英国的教堂会打开它们的“功德箱”,将里面的物品赠予教区里需要帮助的人们。alm: 施舍物,救济品。

3. reserve: 保留,留出。

4. Buckingham Palace: 白金汉宫。

5. 这个庄严的仪式实际上是皇宫卫兵的换岗仪式,也是欧洲大多皇宫卫兵都实行的一项军事惯例。stately: 威严的,庄重的。

6. stoicism: 坚忍,恬淡寡欲。

7. The Royal Standard: 国王旗,英国国王的旗帜,用以代表英国君主,人在哪里,旗子就到哪里。

8. 如果你已经到了101或102岁高龄。ripe: 年富的,年高的。

9. Willard Scott: 威拉德·斯科特,美国脱口秀节目Today的主持人,在每周二的节目中他会向过百岁生日的老人恭贺寿辰。

10. centenarian: 百岁(或百岁以上的)老人。

11. covet: 贪求,觊觎;fake: 伪造,捏造。

12. upscale: 高消费阶级的,迎合高层次消费者的;connotation: 内涵意义,隐含意义。

13. 这个习惯开始时是出于实际的考虑,为了抵挡早餐和晚餐之间的饥饿感觉,那时一天一般只进两餐。stave off: 打退,击退;pang: 一阵极度的痛苦,猛然发生的感觉。

14. atop: 在……上面;stool: 凳子;counter: 柜台;buffet: 快餐部。

15. fare: 伙食,饮食;substantial: 丰足的,丰盛的;Cornish pasty: 菜肉烘饼;Welsh rabbit: 威尔士干酪;Scotch woodcock: 涂鱼酱的烤面包加炒蛋;roll: 卷饼,卷状食品。

16. Druid: 德鲁伊特(古代凯尔特人中一批有学识的人,担任祭司、教师和法官)。下文中的Druidic是其形容词形式。

17. 在仲夏节前夜,人们点燃篝火,表达对太阳神的敬意,在夏至日太阳神的威力达到了最大。The Sun God: 太阳神,有关太阳或将太阳人格化的神,世界不同的民族都有太阳神的传说;Summer Solstice: 夏至,夏至点。

18. ward off: 避开,挡开。

19. public house: [英]酒店,酒馆,下文中提到的pub也是同义。

20. hop: [~s]啤酒花(用于使啤酒带苦味);ale:(较一般啤酒含更多酒精的)麦芽酒。

21. brewery: 啤酒厂,酿酒厂。

22. table service: 桌边服务。

23. bartender: 酒吧间侍者,酒保;landlord: 店主;barmaid: 酒吧间女招待,女侍;tip: 给小费。

24. buy himself one: 给他自己买一杯,英国酒吧里的客人付小费的方式不是直接给零钱,而是请酒保喝酒。

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