



(2007-11-13 10:02:10)



 Collocation is the way words combine to produce natural-sounding speech and writing. Natural. (地道搭配方显语言精髓。)

For example, In Chinese, we say … we have the words贫穷。贫and穷, they are synonyms同义词, they mean the same, okay, but we say贫农instead of穷农. we say穷人instead of贫人. So although 贫and穷are synonyms, they collocate differently. So 贫and农are collocates搭配词,穷and人are collocates. These are collocations. Languages differ in the way words collocate. (汉语说话也讲究搭配。搭配不当,就会闹出“穷农”和“贫人”的笑话。)
Also in Chinese, 大and小can collocate with风and雨. we say大风大雨,小风小雨, 小风吹来,小风小雨. We might make ourselves understood if we say to an English speaker big wind, big rain, small wind, small rain. We can make ourselves understood, but it does not sound natural English. It’s Chinese English. (机械地把汉语的习惯搭配,翻译成对应的英文,如此翻译会被讥笑为“中式英语”。)

A good English learner’s dictionary usually lists some of the common collocates of the headwords. But the collocational information provided in ordinary dictionaries is sometimes not very sufficient.(目前大多数英语学习者手边的字典都不能充分地列举丰富的英语搭配用法。)
For example, in Chinese we say浓汤、汤浓,对不对? we also say茶,这个茶很浓,浓茶。And we say喝汤,喝茶. Sometimes we also say吃茶; in some dialects, we say吃茶. Maybe in Guangdong, 吃早茶. That’s another matter. But usually we say喝汤、喝茶。What about English?Can we say …What .. er .. What is 浓 in English? Do you know? There are more than one word. (汉语里有“浓汤”、“浓茶”,但是汉译英时,这个“浓”字对应的却不是一个英文单词。)
Actually the Chinese words 浓茶,浓汤these two浓are not the same. Although … Although …we …  If we do not pay attention, we might think they are the same. But if we want to find the antonyms we will know these two 浓 are different. The opp- ..The opposite of 浓汤 is 稀汤. The opposite of 浓茶 is not 稀茶. It’s 淡茶,清茶. So we know浓there are two ... the word 浓 in Chinese has two meanings. So in English they make a difference between these two words. (虽然“浓汤”和“浓茶”所用的都是同一个“浓”字,但是“浓汤”的反义词是“稀汤”,而“浓茶”的反义词是“淡茶”。由此可见,同一个“浓”字具有两个不同的含义。翻译成英文的时候,“浓”也应该对应为两个不同的单词。)
But how do we know what English words collocate with 茶 and 汤?Tea and soup. We can consult the collocation dictionaries and see what it tells us. This is what it tells us in the collocation dictionary, the Oxford Collocation Dictionary.
(为大家推荐一本专门侧重英语搭配的字典,即"Oxford Collocations Dictionary for Students of English"《牛津英语学生搭配词典》,目前这个字典在卓越网有售http://www.amazon.cn/detail/product.asp?ref=BT&prodid=zhbk923483&uid=000-0000000-0000000)
Let’s look at the word “soup”. Soup is a noun. And usually it gives two kinds of collocations: adjectives and verbs. (通过翻阅上面提到的《牛津英语学生搭配词典》,翻到"soup"页,我们可以看到与"soup"搭配的可以是名词和动词。)
soup noun

· ADJ. chunky, creamy, hearty, thick […]

· VERB + SOUP […] have We had a cold cucumber soup as a starter. | drink, eat (Eat is the normal verb when the soup is served in a bowel.))
So we know the adjectives “chunky, creamy, hearty, thick” collocate with soup. What is chunky soup? Soup里头有很多块儿,有很多菜、肉成块的。Creamy?粘粘的,奶油味很足的。Hearty? I bet you don’t know the word hearty soup. Hearty丰盛的,有很多好东西在里面hearty soup,and thick soup. So we know the word “thick” collocates with soup.(我们可以学到与soup搭配的几个形容词,从中,我们发现“浓”字可以用"thick"来形容。)
How about verbs? The verb that collocates with soup is have. The first is have. We had a cold cucumber soup as a starter. 饭前的一个starter. Then drink, eat. We can drink soup and eat soup. And very importantly, it says eat is the normal verb when the soup is served in a bowl.放在一个碗里, 盛在碗里的soup, then to eat soup is a normal verb rather than to drink. (soup可以与动词have, drink和eat搭配。其中,饮用盛在碗里的汤,要用动词eat。)

tea noun

· ADJ. […] stewed (= very strong), strong | weak | cold […]

· VERB + TEA drink  I don’t drink tea. | have | sip, swallow

And let’s look at tea. The adjectives that collocate with tea are stewed. 煮得很浓的,if you boil, then the tea is very strong. Not boiled tea but stewed tea. Strong tea, weak tea, cold tea, etc. So we know浓茶is not thick but strong.(我们可以学到与tea搭配的几个形容词:stewed, strong, weak, cold。其中,“浓茶”用"strong"来形容。)
And the verbs that collocate with tea? Drink. I don’t drink tea. Have, I’m having tea. Sip抿一抿、尝一尝、小口喝, swallow咽. These are common verbs that collocate with tea. So from these two entries, we can see English people say thick soup but strong tea. They say drink or have tea or soup.(tea可以与动词drink, have, sip和swallow 搭配。)
But if the soup is served in the bowl放在碗里, they normally say “eat soup”. Why? Because … Maybe because English people at the dinner table do not normally hold up the soup bowl and drink it directly from the bowl. They think it is not good table manners. (前文提到过,英语很少说drink soup,而是说eat soup。这主要同他们的餐饮文化与习俗有关。)
Actually it is not difficult to imagine. For example, plate盘子, we do not normally hold up a plate and eat, right? To English people, a soup bowl is something like a plate. You have to use your spoon and to eat the soup spoonful by spoonful. 一勺一勺地喝。They consider it ill mannered to drink it directly from the soup bowl. (因为他们习惯于拿着勺子舀汤喝,而不是端着碗直接灌,所以他们把喝汤称作eat soup。) 
As we do not live in an English environment, our knowledge of English collocations is often rather limited. To speak and write natural English, owning and consulting a collocation dictionary is essential. Such information usually is not provided in other dictionaries, even in Chinese-English dictionaries. And also this concerns… this concerns the cultural difference between English-speaking countries and Chinese countries. I think to them, they can drink directly from a cup or glass … glasses. Only such utensils 这种容器 you can use it to drink from directly.(单词搭配的差异从侧面反映出中外文化的差异。如果你没有在英语环境中生活过,你是很难接触到地道的英语搭配的。这时候,一本英语搭配字典将成为你的好帮手。)
浓茶:strong tea

浓汤:thick soup

喝茶:drink/have tea

喝汤:eat/have soup
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