

(Metro English - 080 - Cooking- Deviled Eggs

Cooking- Deviled Eggs

If you’ve been to any family gathering, picnic, or potluck in the United States, you have probably eaten, or at least seen a deviled egg. The deviled egg is almost a cultural icon for intimate parties in this country. However, as American, as they may seem, they did not originate here, and they exist in other varieties in different nations. As an example, these tasty treats are referred to as deviled eggs in the UK, and as dressed eggs, eggs mimosa, stuffed eggs, and angel eggs in other parts of the world. They may also contain different ingredients than the familiar U.S. version. However, it all starts with one good egg.  


The U.S. version of deviled eggs is probably the one you know best, and you would recognize it anywhere. It is a boiled, shelled egg, cut in half, with the yolk scooped out. The yolk is then mashed up into a paste and mixed with other ingredients for flavor, usually mayonnaise, mustard, and pickle relish, and put back into the hollowed-out portions of the egg. Sometimes, the mashed yolks are dusted with paprika. The dish is usually served cold, on a platter, with other boiled, halved eggs fixed up in the same way. Most often, they are an appetizer or side dish and are a classic party food.


Ingredients 配料

  • 12 eggs, hard-boiled 12个鸡蛋,煮全熟

  • 2 small avocados, diced 两个小牛油果,切片

  • ¼ cup  fresh cilantro, chopped  ¼杯新鲜香菜,切碎

  • 1 g  jalapeño, seeds removed and diced  1克辣椒,把籽儿去掉,切片

  • ½ red onion, finely chopped  ½个红洋葱,切

  • 1 g  tomato, finely chopped 1克西红柿,切

  • 2 cloves garlic, minced 2个蒜瓣,切碎

  • 1 teaspoon  cumin 一茶匙孜然

  • 1 tablespoon  fresh lime juice 一汤匙新鲜酸橙汁

  • 1 teaspoon  salt 一茶匙盐

How to Make It 步骤

Step 1

Place the eggs in a pot and fill with cold water until the eggs are just covered. Bring the pot to a boil, then cover, remove from heat, and let sit for about 12 minutes.  把鸡蛋放在一个锅里,注入冷水,直到鸡蛋完全被覆盖。把水煮开,然后盖上盖子,从火上取下,静置12分钟左右。

Step 2

Transfer the eggs to a bowl of ice water for about 3 minutes, then peel them and cut them in half. Transfer the egg yolks to a bowl, and set the cooked egg whites aside.  把鸡蛋放进一碗冰水里大约3分钟,然后剥皮,切成两半。把蛋黄放到另外的碗里,把煮熟的蛋白放在一边。

Step 3    

Mix the avocado, cilantro, jalapeño, red onion, tomato, garlic, cumin, lime juice, and salt with the yolks and transfer to a piping bag. (Alternatively, use a zip-top bag with a corner cut off.)  将牛油果、香菜、辣椒、红洋葱、西红柿、大蒜、孜然、酸橙汁和盐与蛋黄混合,然后转移到一个裱花袋中。(或者,装在一个塑料袋中,把一个角剪掉。)

Step 4    

Pipe the mixture into the eggs, garnish with cilantro and crushed tortilla chips, and serve chilled.  将调好的料裱成花注入鸡蛋中,用香菜和碎玉米片装饰,当冷菜食用。

Step 5  



potluck 百味餐(参加者带食物分享)

varieties (同一事物的)不同种类,多种式样;

mimosa  含羞草

yolk 蛋黄

mustard  芥末酱

pickle relish 酸黄瓜

paprika 辣椒粉

platter  大浅盘

appetizer 开胃菜、开胃小吃

party food 聚会食品

cumin 孜然、莳萝籽

piping bag 裱花袋;蛋糕裱花袋


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