

双语名言,地道英语 (15集)(适合高考书面表达引用)



 1. As selfishness and complaint cloud the mind, so love with its joy clears and sharpens the vision. ----Helen Keller



1.selfishness . n. 自私自利;自我中心;任性

There is both selflessness and selfishness expected.比赛当中是自私与无私并存。

No Selfishness 不自私

There is both selflessness and selfishness expected. 比赛当中是自私与无私并存。

2.vision n. 视力;美景;眼力;幻象;想象力;

vt. 想象;显现;梦见

1.There are three glaring problems with this vision, however, all centred on the US. 然而,这种愿景存在三个突出的问题,而且全都集中于美国。

2.Why you have this vision. 为什么有这样的愿景?

3.Ren Zhengfei's vision inspired those around him. 任正非的想象力鼓舞着他周围的人。

4.Our vision should be so global that we can see our ideal life. 我们的眼光应该是全局性的,这样我们才能看到理想的生活。

5.All of our actions and projects have this mission and vision. 我们所有的行动和项目都立足于这个使命和愿景。

6.An enterpriser should have the wide vision. 一个企业家应具有开阔的视野。《新英汉大辞典》

7.You can do something because it furthers a bigger vision. 你做其他事情,是因为它能进一步扩大你的视野。

2. I find life is an exciting business and most exciting when it is lived for others.----Helen Keller, American writer

我发现生活是令人激动的事情,尤其是为别人活着时。----美国作家 海伦.凯勒

1.business n. 商业,买卖;交易; 生意; 事务,业务; 职业,行业;[ U] the activity of making, buying, selling or supplying goods or services for money

business contacts/affairs/interests 商业联系╱事务╱利益

They are discussing the business investment 他们在讨论商业投资问题。

It's been a pleasure to do business withyou. 和你做买卖很愉快。

She has set up in businessas a hairdresser. 她已经开店当理发师。

When he left school, he went into businesswith his brother. 他毕业后和他哥哥去经商了。

She works in the computer business. 她从事电脑业。

1.WORK 工作 [ U] work that is part of your job 商务;公事

Is the trip to Beijing business or pleasure ? 这次去北京是公干还是游玩?

We offera business lunch. 我们提供商务午餐。

He's away on business. 他出差去了。

3.[ U] the amount of work done by a company, etc.; the rate or quality of this work 营业额;贸易额;营业状况

Business was bad. 生意不景气。

Business was booming. 生意兴隆。

Her job was to drum up (= increase) business. 她的工作是提高营业额。

How's business? 生意如何?

4.由bussiness 构成的习惯短语IDIOMS

1. out of ˈbusiness 停业;歇业

The new regulations will put many small businesses out of business . 新法规将使很多小企业关闭。Lots of travel companies will probably go out of business because of COVID-19 this summer. 今年夏天很多些旅游公司很因为新冠肺炎可能歇业。

2. be inˈbusinesss 准备就绪

All we need is one more a truck and we'll be in business. 我们还需要的只一辆卡车,然后我们就准备就绪了。

3. be the ˈbusiness 很好 to be very good

4. business AS ˈUSUAL (尽管处境困难)一切照常,不受干扰

5. ˌbusiness IS ˈbusiness 公事公办

6. get down to business 着手处理正事;开始认真工作

7. go about your ˈbusiness 忙自己的事;做通常做的事

8. have no business 无权做某事 to have no right to do sth

You have no business being here. 你无权待在这里。

9. like nobody's business 非常;很多;很快;很好 very much, very fast, very well, etc.

I've been working like nobody's business to get it finished in time. 为按时完成任务,我一直在快马加鞭地工作。

10. not be in the business of doing sth 无意做某事

I'm not in the business of getting other people to do my work for me. 我无意让别人替我工作。

11.any other ˈbusiness(会议结束前) 议程以外的议题

The things that are discussed at the end of an official meeting that do not appear on the agenda

I think we've finished Item Four. Now is there any other business? 我想我们已经讨论完第四项。还有其他要讨论的吗?

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