

Men to cold to be healthy

Man health is necessary to "cold"! And this cold is not "cold-blooded," the cold, but "temperature" of the cold! According to "The Australian" reported recently, scientists found, like longevity, women need to be hot man to cold. Women's longevity is the warm sun and sand; men the secret of longevity is cool and pleasant climate.

Cold and allow the healthy men

Australian Federal Minister for old Justin Elliott announced earlier this month, the country's oldest regional list. Women's oldest areas in Queensland's Sunshine Coast, the average life expectancy 84.7 years, followed by the agricultural area southeast of Perth, average life expectancy of 84.6 years; male is the oldest areas of Melbourne - Canberra area, the average life expectancy of 80 years.

Eliot quoted the Australian Bureau of Statistics and Institute of Health and Welfare recently released figures showing that Australia 8 Australia the average life expectancy was 81.4 years old, now second only to Japan. From the statistics point of view, living in warm, sunny areas, women live longer, and in the cooler climate of the region are living men live longer. This rule applies on a global scale, such as Iceland's oldest man, an average of 79.2 years, while Japanese men are ranked third.

Testicular temperature injury

Guangzhou Military General Hospital, Huai Yang, MD, deputy director pointed out that today's young people like to wear tights, jeans, and a long game or Internet addiction, or a lot of people like hot springs, but in fact a man in the testicles and genital not heat, it needs to maintain a low body temperature than the temperature, otherwise it will damage the sperm, so the temperature is too high, in fact, that for men's health is extremely unfavorable.

Positive hot flashes, so it can span

Chinese medicine: where a movement, outward, upward, warm, bright sun belong to the area in which the premise is that human health, balance of yin and yang, each root interoperability, party too, will inevitably lead to the other The less; the contrary, one less, but also inevitably lead to the other side too. Piansheng yin and yang, yin and yang of growth and decline in the party are "long" was too much of the lesions, and partial failure of yin and yang, yin and yang are one aspect of "elimination''was too lesions.

Yang is male, female is yin. Women naturally chill, if the environment is too cold, bound chi excessive, so the women cold; men naturally sun dry, if the environment is too hot, the inevitable excessive yang, male span.

Temperature to cold, from the start of life

1 small hot springs. Hot tubs sauna, comfortable and recover from fatigue, but easily damaged sperm growth environment, and even cause "dead sperm." Men do not recommend frequent hot baths or sauna once a week, the temperature of 37 ℃ -41 ℃ appropriate, every 15-20 minutes a week total of not more than 30 minutes. Fertility requirements within six months of the best men do hot bubble bath or sauna.

2, not long sedentary. Long ride or drive, wearing thick jeans, the laptop on the lap with the long-term sitting on the sofa and so easy habits will lead to pressure on the scrotum was surrounded, does not adjust the temperature, resulting in increased testicular temperature, reproductive function is affected.

3, the diet should be light. Men inevitably entertainment, alcohol and tobacco greasy food is inevitable, but the food is too greasy warm dry detrimental for men's health. Suggested men should learn low-calorie diet to reduce intake of animal fat, pork, for example, should be controlled in two or three day two is best to eat pork and beans with food, can make the cholesterol and fat particles smaller . Daily consumption of cooking oil does not exceed 30 grams.
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