

【新刊速递】《政治科学年度评论》(ARPS),Vol 24, 2021,Part-3 | 国政学人


《政治科学年度评论》(Annual Review of Political Science)是一份1998年起发行的同行评审学术期刊,由Annual Reviews出版。该期刊每年出版1次,内容为对政治学研究重要进展的综述。据2021年发布的期刊引证报告指,《政治科学年度评论》的影响因子为8.091,在182份政治科学类的期刊排名第2位。今天向读者推荐2021年《政治科学年度评论》第3部分。


1. 民族主义:我们了解的,和我们仍需要了解的

Nationalism: What We Know and What We Still Need to Know

2. 美国地方政府中的政党与意识形态:一种评估

Party and Ideology in American Local Government: An Appraisal

3. 国家能力较低且不均衡下的社会保障与国家-社会关系

Social Protection and State–Society Relations in Environments of Low and Uneven State Capacity

4. 美国政治行为研究中持续存在的种族与阶级两难困境

The Continuing Dilemma of Race and Class in the Study of American Political Behavior

5. 冲突相关的性暴力

Conflict-Related Sexual Violence



题目:Nationalism: What We Know and What We Still Need to Know

作者:Harris Mylonas, 乔治华盛顿大学政治科学系副教授,研究方向为国家与民族建构,以及政治发展;Maya Tudor, 牛津大学布拉瓦尼克政府学院副教授,研究方向为发展中国家的民主化过程。




Amid the global resurgence of nationalist governments, what do we know about nationalism? This review takes stock of political science debates on nationalism to critically assess what we already know and what we still need to know. We begin by synthesizing classic debates and tracing the origins of the current consensus that nations are historically contingent and socially constructed. We then highlight three trends in contemporary nationalism scholarship: (a)comparative historical research that treats nationalism as a macropolitical force and excavates the relationships between nations, states, constitutive stories, and political conflict; (b) behavioral research that uses survey data and experiments to gauge the causes and effects of attachment to nations; and (c) ethnographic scholarship that illuminates the everyday processes and practices that perpetuate national belonging. The penultimate section briefly summarizes relevant insights from philosophy, history, and social psychology and identifies knowledge gaps that political scientists are well-positioned to address. A final section calls for more comparative, cross disciplinary, cross-regional research on nationalism.



题目:Party and Ideology in American Local Government: An Appraisal

作者:Sarah F·Anzia,加州大学伯克利分校特拉弗斯政治科学系和高盛公共政策学院。


For decades, research on US local politics emphasized the distinctiveness of local government, but that has begun to change. In recent years, new data on partisanship and ideology have transformed the study of local politics. Much of the ensuing scholarship has concluded that local politics resembles politics in state and national governments: partisan and ideological. I argue that such a conclusion is premature. So far, this newer literature has been insufficiently attentive to the policies US local governments make—and to the fact that they are mostly different from the issues that dominate national politics. Going forward, scholars should prioritize measurement of preferences on these local government issues, develop theories of when and why local political divisions will mirror national partisanship and ideology, and investigate why there are links between some local policies and national partisanship and ideology—and whether those links also exist for core local government issues.



题目:Social Protection and State–Society Relations in Environments of Low and Uneven State Capacity

作者:Alik-Lagrange,世界银行经济学专家;Sarah K. Dreier,新墨西哥大学政治学系助理教授;Milli Lake, 伦敦政治经济学院国际关系系副教授;Alesha Porisky,北伊利诺伊大学政治学系助理教授。


Grounded in social-contractual ideas about relationships between the governed and those who govern, the provision of social benefits to citizens has historically been predicated on expectations of acquiescence to state authority. However, the rapid expansion of noncontributory social assistance in sub-Saharan Africa, often supported by global donors through technical assistance programs, raises myriad questions about the relationship between social protection and the social contract in fragile and low-capacity contexts. Focusing on sub-Saharan Africa, but drawing on the theoretical and empirical literature on social protection from around the world, this review parses out the redistributive, contractual, and reconstitutive effects of social protection programming on citizen–state relations. We argue that program features—including targeting, conditionality, accountability mechanisms, bureaucratic reach, and the nature and visibility of state–nonstate partnerships—interact dialectically with existing state–society relationships to engender different social contract outcomes for differently situated populations.



题目:The Continuing Dilemma of Race and Class in the Study of American Political Behavior

作者:Fredrick C. Harris, 哥伦比亚大学社会科学系主任、政治学系教授;Viviana Rivera-Burgos, 纽约城市大学巴鲁克学院政治学系助理教授。


This article traces the development of the study of race and class in American political behavior. It starts by challenging the American exceptionalism thesis, particularly its premises regarding the diminutive role of social class and the absence of serious discussions about race. It then critically reviews the conventional scholarship on American political behavior and its reliance on objective indicators of social class as predictors of political preferences and participation. The article also highlights studies that have conceived of class as an important social identity and have thus measured it subjectively. It then discusses the surge of identity studies in the field of race, ethnicity, and politics (REP) and the turn toward an intersectional approach that rarely includes social class. The article ends with a discussion of the handful of studies that do consider the intersections of race and class, and underscores the need for more research of this type to advance our understanding of contemporary American political behavior.



题目:Conflict-Related Sexual Violence

作者:Ragnhild Nordås,美国密歇根大学政治学系助理教授;Dara Kay Cohen,哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院教授。


This article reviews the remarkable growth in empirical literature in political science on wartime sexual violence against civilians, including rape, sexual slavery, forced marriage, and other forms. Early work, motivated by ongoing conflicts in the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda, tended to portray these forms of violence as inevitable, ubiquitous, and either opportunistic or strategic. However, recent literature and new data sources have documented substantial variation in sexual violence across countries, conflicts, perpetrators, and victims and survivors. Building on this observed variation, scholars have developed and tested a wealth of theories about when, where, why, and under what conditions sexual violence occurs as well as its consequences. We highlight the core findings from the literature, explain the key debates among experts, and explore several avenues for future research. We conclude by detailing what the study of wartime sexual violence—both the findings and the research process—offers to a broader set of political science scholars.

编译 | 刘培晨 闫一苇 谭伟业 郑敖天 戎秦婴

责编 | 李思 李博轩 邵良 姚寰宇 王星澳

排版 | 黄紫蓝 云琪布日

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