



Seal Scholarship in the Ming and Qing Dynasties

古玺印的收藏与著录,是研究的起点和过程。玺印的考证及典制研究,玺印文字的搜集整理,玺印的鉴赏是其题中之义。玺印历史是明代金石家与收藏家的研究方向之一。明俞希鲁《杨氏集古印谱》序中引述《周礼 职金》之载,指出“三代未尝无印,特世远湮没”;唐愚士《题<杨氏手摹集古印谱>后》则对汉、晋、唐、宋、元各朝玺印的印文特点作了概括。明代沈明臣于隆庆六年(1572年)所撰《顾氏〈集古印谱〉序》,实际上是一篇论述玺印起源、汉魏印章制度、宋元玺印著录的专文。除了以序跋形式阐述对于玺印研究的见解外,比较系统地阐述印史的论稿也在晚明出现。万历年间(1573——1619年)篆刻家甘旸著《印章集说》一篇,从玺印印文来源、自名、历代印章的风格史、玺印制作工艺、印材、印章功用与类别以及系统篆刻技法等方面进行考辨论析,创立了玺印研究体系的基本纲目。明末清初方以智的《印章考》,夏一驹的《古印考略》、朱象贤的《印典》、孙光祖的《古今印制》都是循此方向,钩稽古代印史与有关印章制度的文献。这一时期的研究,在古玺断代、分类、历代印章制度、形制研究方面多有推进,印学作为一门专学初具体系。

The collection of ancient seals and the cataloging of imprints were both the starting point and part of the process of epigraphy studies. For Ming Dynasty scholars  and collectors specializing in epigraphy, the history of seals was one avenue of study. Yu Xilu of the Ming Dynasty commented in the foreword to Yang’s Collection of Ancient Seal Imprints “There were seals in the three ancient dynasties, Xia, Shang, Zhou, but all were lost as the time when those were created was very ancient.”Tang Yushi summarized the characteristics of the contents of the seals in the Han,Jin, Tang, Song and Yuan dynasties in the epilogue to the same book. Shen Mingcheng of the Ming dynasty wrote the foreword to Gu’s Collection of Ancient Seal Imprints. The article is actually a treatise on the origin of seals, the seal systems of the Han and Wei dynasties, and seal systems of the Han and Wei dynasties, and seal scholarship. He also published systematic works on the history of seals emerged in the late Ming Dynasty. During the Wan Li Reign, the seal engraver Gan Yang wrote A Treatise on Seal. This book examined and discussed the origins of seal inscriptions, their nomenclature, the history of their styles, the craft skills involved, materials, functions,categories, and cutting techniques. It established the framework for seal scholarship. Treatises written between the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty followed the direction set by Gan and examined the literature on ancinent seal history and associated seal systems. These studies included the Study of Seals by Fang Yizhi, A Brief Study of Ancient Seal by Xia Yiju; Corpus of Seals by Zhu Xiangxian; and Seal System Ancient and Present by Sun Guangzu. Scholarship in this period determined the time periods of ancient seals, categorized them, and studied the systems and forms of ancient seals of different dynasties. Thus seal scholarship took initial shape as a special academic discipline.


The important treatise Textual Criticism of Ancient Official Seals by Qu Zhongrong represents the nature of seal scholarship in the late Qing Dynasty. The author collected over 900 official seals from a period spanning from the Han and Wei dynasties to the Song and Yuan dynasties; examined the seal texts for information on the official systems of various dynasties and relevant geography information; determined the historical periods of the seals; and established a model for the historical study of seals. Influenced by this book, Wu Shifen and Chen Jieqi gathered in a book 846 sealing-clay pieces made with official and private seals dating from the Warring States Period to the Qin and Han dynasties. They added research and interpretation information and, in 1904, published the 10-volume work General Studies on Sealing-clay Pieces. Through it examination of the textual content of seals, this work fills in many blanks in records relating to Han-period bureaucracy and geographical information. In its detailed and elaborate content it is a work of unique character. These two treatises are the most important academic research results in the examination and interpretation of ancient sealing-clay texts.


Textual Criticism of Ancient Official Seals by Qu Zhongrong


Qing Dynasty scholar valued empirical study and physical evidence in academic research and considered excavated ancient texts and relics as most important. In the period from the Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China, books on Chinese characters that drew on or were supplemented with seal texts included Six Rules of Composition of Character by Ming Qiji in 1661; Mou Zhuan Categorized by Rhymes by Gui Fu IN 1796; Swquel to the Selected Han Seals in the Order of Thymes by Xie Jingqing in 1803 and etc.


Sun Weizu: The History and Art of Chinese Seals, Foreign Languages Press, 2010



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