


【Weather Oct. 19】
郑州 晴 12℃/22℃
Zhengzhou Clear 12℃/22℃
洛阳 阴 12℃/21℃
Luoyang Overcast 12℃/21℃
【Stock Markets】
Shanghai: 2383.49; -56.92; -2.33%
Shenzhen: 10226.93; -286.56; -2.73%
>Negative news hurts fundraising efforts
>Band creates the 'best lullaby'
>Strip dance prevails in rural theaters
>Tuesday not good for starting diet
>Study links gossip to evolution
【Top News】
>World population to reach 7 bln
The world's population is due to reach 7 billion on Oct. 31, according to the U.N. Population Fund, AP reported. 'Most of that growth will be in Africa's cities, and in those cities it will almost all be in slums where living conditions are horrible,' said John Bongaarts of the Population Council. Experts say most of Africa – and other high-growth developing nations such as Afghanistan and Pakistan – will be hard-pressed to furnish enough food, water and jobs for their people.
美联社报道,据联合国人口基金估计,世界人口将在10月31日增至70亿。人口理事会的约翰·邦戈兹说: '大部分增加的人口将在非洲城市,而在这些城市,几乎所有的增加人口都来自生活条件恶劣的棚户区。'专家表示,非洲的大部分地区,以及像阿富汗、巴基斯坦这样人口高增长的发展中国家,在为人们提供足够的食物、水和工作方面将会面临巨大的压力。
※The International Water Management Institute predicted that by 2025, about 1.8 billion people will live in places suffering from severe water scarcity. The executive director of the U.N. Population Fund, Babatunde Osotimehin, describes the 7 billion milestone as a call to action – especially in the realm of enabling adolescent girls to stay in school and empowering women to control the number of children they have.

※According to demographers, the world's population did not reach 1 billion until 1804, and it took 123 years to hit the 2 billion mark in 1927. Then the pace accelerated – 3 billion in 1959, 4 billion in 1974, 5 billion in 1987, and 6 billion in 1998. The U.N. projects that the world population will reach 8 billion by 2025, and 10 billion by 2083.
【In the News】
>Woman receives reward for aiding injured
A two-year-old toddler in Foshan City, Guangdong Province, last week was struck twice by two different vans and left bleeding on the road for almost ten minutes as 18 bystanders did nothing to help, the New Express Daily reported. Now the woman who came to her aid is getting some appreciation from city officials. Chen Xianmei, the elderly trash collector who helped the injured girl, has received a 20,000-yuan reward from the Civilization Office of Nanhai District, Foshan City, and the Dali Town government. The toddler began breathing yesterday but is still in a critical condition.

>Negative news hurts fundraising efforts
With the theme of 'Poverty Eradication,' the 2011 Donors' Meeting, sponsored by the China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation, was held yesterday in Beijing, the Beijing Times reported. Hurt by a wave of negative news about Chinese charities, the CFPA this year has raised a mere 150 million yuan, only half its 300 million yuan goal, a spokesperson for the foundation said. 'We have decided that starting this year, the annual meeting will report on project development and list expenditures, since being transparent is the best feedback to donors and the public,' the spokesperson said.
>Injured father gets helping hand
Lao Wang, who lives in Faku County, Liaoning Province, inadvertently had his fingers of left hand cut by a lawn mower when he collected corn stalks yesterday morning, Chinese Business Morning News reported. On the way to hospital in Shenyang City, the police and a volunteer taxi driver helped them get there as quickly as possible. His eldest son said: 'My father is a farmer who has worked hard his whole life. We will do our best to get him the best treatment. ' In order to alleviate the pain of his father, his three children also took turns letting him bite their fingers. Lao Wang's thumb and the fourth finger were saved after surgery, but the remaining three could not be repaired, his doctor said.

>Woman compensated $4 for killing
A South Korean woman has been offered a little over $4 in government compensation for the death of her brother during the 1950-53 Korean War, Reuters reported. The woman was two years old when her brother was killed in combat in 1950, but never knew of his existence until told of his death by a neighbor. The family had not received any compensation until April when the soldier's sister was awarded 5,000 won ($4.33) under a law in effect during the war. The Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission has called the decision 'incomprehensible' and urged the government to review it.
>Band creates the 'best lullaby'
A British band Manchester trio Marconi Union has worked with sound therapists to create a tune described by scientists as the 'most relaxing song ever,' Daily Telegraph reported. Scientists said the eight minute track, called 'Weightless,' is so effective at inducing sleep it should not be listened to while driving. Carefully arranged harmonies, rhythms and bass lines help to slow the heart rate, reduce blood pressure and lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol.
【In Brief】
>Strip dance prevails in rural theaters
A theatre in Jieyang, Guangdong Province, has reportedly been staging erotic shows over the past seven to eight years, the Southern Rural News reported. Local villagers said sexy shows including erotic dancing and porn films are put on every evening in an abandoned building. The attendants are mostly male in their 40s and 50s. Local cultural authorities said they were unaware of the vulgar performances.

>More college students play hooky
Close to 85 percent of participants in a survey by the China Youth Daily said more and more college students are skipping classes, the paper reported. As for the reason, 60 percent thought it was because it was easy to graduate from colleges; 59 percent thought it was because many course were boring; and 38 percent said students play truant because they don’t really like what they are majoring in.
>Iran has 70 kg 20% enriched uranium
Iran has so far produced nearly 70 kg of 20 percent enriched uranium, Xinhua reported, quoting Iran's state media agency. Iran will convert the uranium into fuel plates to feed the Tehran research reactor, which produces radioisotopes for cancer treatment.
>Samsung seeks iPhone 4S ban
韩国三星申请禁售iPhone 4S
Samsung Electronics has raised the stakes in its current legal battle with Apple by seeking a ban on sales of iPhone 4S in Australia and Japan, BBC reported. The move comes after a court in Australia temporarily banned the sales of Samsung's Galaxy Tab 10.1.
据英国广播公司报道,三星与苹果专利战再升级。日前,韩国三星电子公司宣布,已向日本和澳大利亚法院提交了禁止销售iPhone 4S的申请。同时,三星电子还对澳大利亚法院之前作出的禁止三星平板电脑Galaxy Tab10.1在该国销售的判决提起上诉。
【Fancy That】
>Tuesday not good for starting diet

A study claims that Tuesday is the worst day of the week to begin a diet, Daily Mail reported. Dieters who start on a Tuesday are the most likely to lose their resolve within a week – and end up heavier than when they started. Those who start on a Sunday or Monday are far more likely to shed the most weight. The average woman goes on three diets a year, the survey found. Most ditch their diet on a Friday after a stressful week at work. The nation’s dieting pitfalls are lack of will power, boredom and comfort eating.
>Study links gossip to evolution
Women have a basic evolutionary need to voice concerns about others to their peers, a new book claims, Daily Mail reported. One study of gossip showed that gossipers were concerned about women who are bad housekeepers, women who are bad mothers and women who are promiscuous. Those things are all threats to each woman in a community; therefore they have every good reason to want to talk about those things.
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