

What Your Teen Isn't Telling You

What Your Teen Isn't Telling You

On a recent Tuesday afternoon, my daughter Maggie, 15, didnt come home on time from school. I tried her cell phone; no answer. To my knowledge, she didnt have any activities or specific plans. By five oclock, genuine worry kicked in.


At 5:13, she walked in, dropped her backpack on the floor, and said with infuriating nonchalance, "Hey. Whats for dinner?"


"Where have you been?" I asked, sounding just as shrill as my mom had when she had asked me the same question.


"If youre going to interrogate me, forget dinner," she replied. "Im going to my room."


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The child who used to sit on my lap while we watched American Idol now thinks Im a nosy, judgmental, critical, interfering rube. Shes right. But still. Im not curious about my daughters private life for my sake. I just want to make sure shes OK...and, if not, to reassure Maggie that I want to help. Communication and conversation: Thats what I want.


And so, seeking to grease the wheels of teen/parent relations, I ferreted out strategies from experts plus some other unlikely (but wise) suspects. Read on for steps to improve communication with your teenager.


Take the side door

When talking to teens, the straightforward approach will likely lead you into a brick wall. Instead, initiate a conversation with seemingly harmless questions. "You might be trying to find out the name of your childs new friend. Dont say, 'Whos that kid youre always texting lately?'" says Robin Haight, Psy.D., a clinical psychologist who specializes in adolescents and who is in private practice in Vienna, Va. "Instead, ask banal questions: 'What video game are you playing?' 'Do you get high scores?' Your son might start talking about the game and mention that 'Brian' gets better scores. A few days later, you might hear more about Brian. With teens, information comes in snippets. As a parent, you gather those bits and try to fill in the big picture."


Second that emotion

When chatting, "dont echo back what theyve said to prove youve been listening. A typical teen might reply, 'Duh, I just said that,'" observes Haight. "Instead, describe the emotion theyve expressed." For example, if your son brings home a D in geometry and says, "I suck at math," show empathy by saying, "Its scary to feel like you dont get something." Youre keying in to the emotion, not telling him hes wrong ("Youre not stupid!") or going into fix-it mode ("Well get a tutor").

And dont always try to lighten the mood when your child brings up unhappy feelings; you may shut down a conversation before it starts. "Put yourself in her shoes," says Lauren Ayers, Ph.d., a psychologist in Saratoga Springs, NY, and author of Teenage Girls: A Parents Survival Manual. "Remember what it was like to feel vulnerable in a high-pressure situation. You may think a joke puts the problem in perspective, but youre really belittling her." Instead, empathize with the emotion. Odds are, shell tell you more about how shes feeling.


Aim Lower

"If your kid doesnt talk to you much, you cant take it personally," says Haight. "Part of raising kids involves becoming aware that they have a separate life, and that they will make decisions that dont necessarily reflect on you." Accepting that is critical as your child matures. I find solace in this comment from Ayers: "If youre circulating enough in your kids lives driving them places, having dinner together you hear and see enough to spot trouble. Just because kids dont talk, that doesnt mean theres a problem. The fact is, teens arent so good at communicating. Were you as articulate at 15 as you were at 25? Set expectations low, and raise them as time passes."


So meet my new mantra: Less is more. Theres a limit to how much I can and should know about my daughters private life. It hurts I wont lie to feel excluded from her thoughts. But as an adult, I have to put my feelings aside. Right now, I need to do whats right for her, which means giving her room to grow...and accepting that running commentary may not always be part of the picture.


- By Valerie Frankel

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