

Lesson 36





1.Take a nap :打个盹    2. Doze off:打瞌睡
3.Snore: 打鼾,打呼      4.Snooze :小睡,尤其指白天的打盹

1. Sleep something off 靠睡觉来消除疲劳、负面的情绪、醉酒的状态等。
Go home and sleep it off. 回家睡一觉,恢复一下身体吧!

2. Sleep in 睡懒觉
She usually sleeps in on Sundays. 她星期天通常睡懒觉。

3. Sleep through 不被(闹声或混乱)吵醒,睡觉时不受噪音的影响
I’m afraid I slept through the alarm. 恐怕闹钟没有把我吵醒。

4. Sleep-walker 梦游者


Today Topic: 和教授讨论学习计划
Today Vocabulary : semester 学期
Raymond and Maxwell (韦博上海虹口四川北路中心)
ERRY:Have you decided what you are going to take next semester?
LISA:Well, I'm an English major, you know. So I came here to make sure I'm taking the right things.
TERRY:Good. I think it's a good idea. Our department should require meetings like this.
LISA:I want to finish my degree in four years. So I don't want to forget to take classes I need.  I have a friend who has to stay in college another year. She didn't know until recently:there were some classes she needed to take to graduate. She didn't know about them.
TERRY:Yes, that happens.
LISA:I brought my transcript(学生成绩报告单) from my first year. Here. And here is the list of courses I plan to take in the fall.
TERRY:Alright. Good. I see you've already taken six credits of your breadth requirements. You have one botany(n.植物学)class and one chemistry class. And political science. So that's nine credits. Did you take English Composition 201?
LISA:No, I don't need to. I took Advanced Placement English in high school. So I'm not required to take composition.
TERRY: Excellent. I see you have the 18th century poetry class for next semester.  And the modern novel class. You haven't taken a Shakespeare class yet.
LISA:No, I thought I would take it later.
TERRY:Actually, I recommend you take Shakespeare sooner rather than later.
Let’s go over some phrases now.让我们一起来回顾一下有用的短语吧!

breadth requirements 美国大学中要求学生注册的专业课以外的课程
Advanced Placement Course  AP课程是大学先修课程和预修课程,即在高中修读大学一年级课程。


Have you ever noticed that some people are able to effortlessly(adv.不费力气地) remember even the most mundane details, and quickly comprehend new things, and wished that you too could be like that? Well, you can. To unlock the full potential(n.潜能,潜力) of your brain, you need to keep it active and acute. Wasting away on your couch watching mindless television shows is not going to help. Besides getting out flashcards(n.教学用的抽用卡), what can you do to help remember things better and learn new things more quickly? 


Check out these tips:


1. Exercise & get your body moving – exercising doesn’t just exercise the body, it also helps to exercise your brain.  Obesity(n.肥大,肥胖) and the myriad of diseases that eventually set in as a result of being overweight can cause serious harm to the brain. Furthermore, without regular exercise plaque starts to build up in your arteries(n.动脉) and your blood vessels begin to lose the ability to effectively pump blood. Plaque buildup leads to heart attacks, but it also reduces the amount of oxygen and nutrients that your blood carries to your brain. When the nutrients don’t make it there, the brain’s ability to function is compromised. To prevent this from happening, make sure you get moving every day, even if its just a brisk(adj.轻快的) walk, it’ll help you maintain and increase your mental accuity. Brisk walking , swimming and dancing are all excellent activities.


2. Eliminate(v.排除) stressors(n.紧张性刺激) and seek help for depression (if you have it). Anything that causes you major stress, like anger or anxiety, will in time begin to eat away at the parts of your brain that are responsible for memory. Amongst the most brain-damaging stressors is depression, which is actually often misdiagnosed(v.误诊) a a memory problem since one of its primary symptoms is the inability(n.无能,无力) to concentrate. If you can’t concentrate, then you might feel like you are constantly forgetting things. Depression increases the levels of cortisol in your bloodstream(n.血流), which elevates the cortisol levels in the brain. Doctors have found that increased cortisol diminishes certain areas of the brain, especially the hippocampus, which is where short-term memories are stored. Prolonged(adj.延长的,拖延的) depression can thus destroy your brain’s ability to remember anything new.  Seek professional help to combat your depression – your brain will thank you.


3. Write it down. If there’s something you want to remember, writing it down can help. Writing it down creates oxygenated blood flow to areas of your brain that a responsible for your memories and literally exercises those parts of it. You can start a journal, write yourself e-mails, or even start keeping a blog – all of these activities will help to improve your capacity to remember and memorize information.


4.Listen to music. Research shows that certain types of music are very helpful in recalling memories. Information that is learned while listening to a particular song or collection can often be recalled by thinking of the song or “playing” it mentally. Songs and music can serve as cues(n.暗示) for pulling up particular memories.

【听听音乐】 研究表明,特定的音乐对于记忆很有帮助,在听音乐过程中记住的内容容易在回想音乐的时候被回想起来。歌曲和音乐可以当作你回忆的线索。

5.Feed your brain. 50 to 60 percent of the brain’s overall weight is pure fat, which is used to insulate its billions of nerve cells. The better insulated a cell is, the faster it can send messages and the quicker you will be thinking. This is precisely why parents are advised to feed their young children whole milk and to restrict dieting – their brains’ need fat to grow and work properly.  Skimping on fats can be devastating even to the adult brain. Thus(adv.所以), eating foods that contain a healthy mix of fats is vital for long-term memory. Some excellent food choices include fish (especially anchovies, mackerel and wild salmon) and dark leafy green vegetables.  Deep-fried foods obviously contain fat, but their lack of nutritional value is going to help your brain or your body, so think healthy foods and fats.


6.Visual concepts. In order to remember things, many people need to visualize(v.视觉化,形象化) the information they are studying. Pay attention to photographers, charts(n.图表) and other graphics that might appear in your textbook, or if you’re not studying a book, try to pull up a mental image of what it is you are trying to remember. It might also help to draw your own charts or figures, or utilize(v.利用) colors and highlighters to group related ideas in your notes.


7.Teach someone else. Reading material out loud has been shown to significantly(adv.显著地) improve memory of the material. Expanding further upon this idea is the fact that psychologists(n.心理学者) and educators have found that by having students teach new concepts to others, it helps to enhance understanding and recall. Teach new concepts and information to a friend or study partner, and you’ll find you remember the information a lot better.


What are some tips or tricks you have food to increase your memory and keep your brain sharp?


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