


  The paths of the Swallow Garden are the most memorable. No matter which gate you come in, the straight or winding paths of various sizes will lead you to the lakefront of Wei Ming Lake. The pool of water, decorated with the green weeping willows and orange paths, is just like a wine glass full of good wine. It is sent to you and lets you experience its generosity and hospitality. A tranquil beauty will infiltrate into your heart, as long as you overlook from the paths near the lake.
  Always at dusk or night, I resembled along the paths of Wei Ming Lake, forgetting the whole day’s trouble and weariness. The flickering lamps cast a hazy shadow, like the mist or the rain. The swaying shadows of trees and the soft night wind accompanied with the flower aroma. Occasionally, the tweeting of insects, the laughter and singing of teenagers waft to the paths. Then they form an impressive picture with the lamplight reflected in the lake, dark blue tree shadows, stars in the sky, the afterglow or the crescent. It is really like a poem, an endless poem.
  The paths of the Swallow Garden are the most memorable. No matter which gate you come in through, the straight or winding paths of various sizes will lead you to the (side/front of) Wei Ming Lake. The pool of water, decorated with green weeping willows and orange paths, is just like a (wine) glass full of good wine. It is presented to you and lets you taste/experience its generosity and hospitality. A tranquil beauty will infiltrate into your heart, as long as you look at the paths near the lake.
  Often at dusk or night, I rambled along the paths of Wei Ming Lake, forgetting the whole day’s trouble and weariness. The flickering lamps cast a hazy shadow, like the misture of mist and rain. The swaying shadows of trees and the soft night wind accompanied the flower aroma. Occasionally, the tweeting of insects, the laughter and singing of teenagers wafted to the paths. Then they formed an impressive picture with the lamplight reflected in the lake, dark blue tree shadows, stars in the sky, the afterglow or the crescent moon. It is really like a poem, an endless poem.
  With September comes a sense of autumn. It creeps in on a misty dawn and vanishes in the hot afternoon. It tiptoes through the treetops, rouging (擦口红) a few leaves, then rides a tuft (一簇; 一丛) of thistle (蓟(苏格兰的国花)) down across the valley and away. It sits on a hilltop and hoots like an October owl in the dusk. It plays tag with the wind. September is a changeling, busy as a squirrel in a hickory tree, idle as a languid brook. It is summer’s ripeness and richness fulfilled.
  Since the ancient time, the Chinese nation never has considered human beings above any other creatures. The works of philosophy, literature and art also reflect that human beings are in proportion with all other living creature, do not play the dominant role in absolutely governing them. So our distress is smaller and less than the westerners’. It is because whether the distress is strong or weak changes with how big the desire and ambition are. Human beings in agricultural society enjoyed much less than those in industrial society. Therefore, their desire is much less. Let alone that from ancient time, it is not the life philosophy of Chinese people to be stagnant or submissive by materials. The misers also existed among us, but compared with those described byMoliere and Balzac, they are nothing. Most of the Chinese people are just, mild, indifferent to fame, sincere and honest. They are more easily satisfied than those westerners.

         We should not be so romantic on the interpersonal relationship. Human beings are interesting. They tend to see his or her advantages when contacting a person for the first time. This is just like the experience that we have a meal in a restaurant. When we begin to eat the first dish or the appetizer, the impression is good. And when eating the first two main courses, we also praise them greatly. As we continue to eat, we become calmer. Then after finishing the banquet, all the disadvantages are exposed. Therefore, we divert from happiness to rage, from praise to blame and fastidiousness, from acceptance to rejection. This is because, first, when you begin to eat, you are in a hungry state. Everything is delicious when you are hungry. Everything is tasteless when you are full. Second, as you come to a restaurant, you have a fresh feeling at the moment of raising your chopsticks. The newly built toilet is also fragrant in the first three days. This is the so-called “unfamiliar effect”.

  The words “winner” and “loser” have many meanings. When we refer to a person as a winner, we do not mean one who makes someone else lose. To us, a winner is one who responds authentically by being credible trustworthy responsive and genuine, both as an individual and as a member of a society.
Winners do not dedicate their lives to a concept of what they imagine they should be; rather, they are themselves putting on a performancemaintaining pretence, and manipulating others. and as such do not use their energy
  They are aware that there is a difference between being loving and acting loving, between being stupid and acting stupid, between being knowledgeable and acting knowledgeable. Winners do not need to hide behind a mask.
  Winners are not afraid to do their own thinking and to use their own knowledge. They can separate facts from opinion and don’t pretend to have all the answers. They listen to others, evaluate what they say, but come to their own conclusions. Although winners can admire and respect other people, they are not totally defined demolished bound or awed by them.
  Winners do not play “helpless”, nor do they play the blaming game. Instead, they assume responsibility for their own lives.
  Qiao Yu’s songs are famous. But his other two hobbies are rarely known. They are fishing and drinking.
  In his late years, he loved fishing. He said: the environment must be good if there are fish and water. And a decent environment will put people in a good mood. I think the best fishing place is not the comfortable fishing park which is prepared for you. The natural environment outside can appeal to you more. Fishing is a sport that can exert a favorable influence on you. It is good for you in both physical and mental health. Qiao Yu said: fishing can be divided into three stages. The first stage is eating fish. The second one is eating it and enjoying the fishing. The third is mainly the pleasure of fishing. Faced with a pool of green water, putting aside all of your worries, you can relax your body completely.
        Opera is expensive: that much, and other expensive forms of culture, accessible to those who cannot individually pay for it. The question is: why should we? Nobody denies the imperatives of food, shelter, defence, health and education. But even in a prehistoric cave, mankind stretched out a hand not just to eat, drink or fight, but also to draw. The impulse towards culture, the desire, this desire has found fulfillment in the masterpieces of our music, art, literature and theatre. These masterpieces are the touchstones for all our efforts; they are the touchstones for the possibilities to which human thought and imagination may aspire; they carry the most profound messages that can be sent from one human to another. to express and explore the world--through imagination and representation is fundamental. In Europe is inevitable. But expensive things are not inevitably the province of the rich unless we abdicate society’s power of choice. We can choose to make opera
         Like other Asian students, most of the Chinese students who came to the US for study were very hardworking and diligent. At weekends, they would also manage to spend one or two days in the lab for overtime work. So compared with the American students, they could get moreachievements. My supervisor was an Asian. He was addicted to smoking and drinking and often lost his temper. However, he appreciated very much the diligence and solid knowledge foundation of Asian students. He also especially knew their mentality. Therefore, five of the students he accepted in his lab were Asian and only one was from Germany. He stuck an eye-catching sign on the lab door, saying: the assistant researchers in this lab need to work seven days a week from 10 am to 12 pm and must spare no efforts during the working time. The strictness and harshness of this supervisor was quite famous all over the university. Over the three and half years I stayed here, fourteen students in all were accepted by his lab. But finally only five graduatedwith the doctor degree. In the summer of 1990, regardless of others’ persuasion, I accepted the financial assistance from the supervisor. Thus I started my difficult study.
  In addition, we should ensure we use the foreign capital more effectively. For example, we should further expand the fields and regions of opening up to the outside world, gradually carry out the opening-up of commerce, foreign trade, finance, insurance, securities, telcommunications, tourism and intermediary service.
  We should also relax the restrictions on foreign investments in technology transfer, domestic marketing rate, the proportion of the held by foreigners in some fields. We should positively encourage foreign businessmen to invest in agriculture, infrastructure, industry of environmental protection and new and hightech industry.
  Of course, we also should actively attract multinational corporations to invest in China, especially encourage them to invest in product research and development and take part in the reorganization and reform of state-owned enterprises.
  Hangzhou is a famous historical and cultural city in our country and also one of the seven ancient capitals. In the Yuan dynasty, Hangzhou developed into an important town in southeast China. Its scenery was beautiful and its economy was prosperous. It was praised/considered as “the most beautiful and stylish city in the world” by Macro Polo. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Hangzhou ranked at the top in the development of society, economy and culture in the country.
  After the establishment of the People’s Republic of China, Hangzhou has been was the capital of Zhejiang Provinceand also the center of politics, economy and culture. It was also the transportation hub. And West Lake scenic spot has undergone/got an unprecedented renovation/repair, becoming a world-famous tourist destination/site.
  Last year, Hangzhou received about 510,000 tourists from abroad and the foreign exchange income reached 210,000,000 dollars; and it also received 21,210,000 domestic tourists, and the income reached 14.6 billion yuan. In 1998, Hangzhou was among the first group of cities to win the honor of “China’s remarkable tourist city” and the West Lake was named one of the ten model civilized scenic spots.
  Chinese government put the economic development as the priority all the time. China only has 7% of the world’s cultivated land, but should support the 22%of the world’s population. Due to the limited land resource, if our 1.3 billion Chinese people have enough food to eat, have sufficient clothes to wear, have enough room to live in, and also keep the economy increasing continually to improve the living conditions of the people, it is not a easy thing.
  Chinese modern construction depends on the cooperation and exchange of the economic technology with other countries. China’s basic principles are that it will open up further based on self-reliance. In the past ten years, China has strengthened the economic relationships with their countries in the world. Foreign trade increased rapidly and some foreign businessmen show their great interest in investing in China. Since now, more than 17000 joint ventures and foreign-owned enterprises have been put into operation, and the actual investment volume has reached 23billion dollars.
  Today, we are (very) glad that our British guests have come to visit the Canton Trade Fair. First, on behalf of all the staff of the Fair, I’d like to extend my welcome to our friends.
  I’d like to give a brief introduction to the Fair. Then I’ll show you around. After that, we’ll also arrange for you a 15-minute video program to introduce the development of Canton Trade Fair in the recent years. If you all agree with my suggestion, I’ll now give you a brief introduction.
  The full name of the Canton Trade Fair is the Chinese Export Commodities Fair. It started in 1957, and has been held twice a year, in spring and autumn respectively.
  The Tianjin Economic and Technological Development Zone started with a bank loan of about 370 million yuan. The state (Our country) has never allocated any money for this zone. Firstly, it focused on the infrastructures construction, and completed an industrial zone, which covered three square kilometers and also a living district of 1.2 square kilometers. About ninety enterprises have benn put into production and accumulated ten million yuan. All of this money, in addition to (adding up to) the loans, was put into land development (the exploration of the land) and improvement of the investment environment.
  The good investment environment has turned Tianjin into a place where foreign enterprises can make a lot of money. Motorola of the USA, which produces half of the world’s mobile phones, spent 4 years making research on all the development zones in China. In 2002, it invested 420 million dollars in Tianjin, becoming the biggest American company in China. This company has bought standard workshops, of (which covered) 3500 square meters and built factories of 17000 square meters single-handedly. From April 2003 when the trial production started to the end of 2003, its sales income (the turnout) reached 1 billion, and its export volume was nearly 10 million. So this multinational corporation decided to increase its investment (volume) to 400 million dollars in the next/future 3 or 5 years. It was followed by Kodak, which signed a letter of intent with the zone, planning to invest 140 million dollars. Now more than 31 multinational corporations have registered to invest in this zone. This touched off a new round of foreign investment craze/frenzy.
  The development and (the) further opening of the Pudong New Area bring us a positive effect and also promote the economy. In the past three years, Pudong has finished ten significant infrastructure projects, which cost totally about fifteen billion yuan. Now the new area has entered a new stage of functional development. At present, it is successfully building four districts, which cover an area of eleven square kilometers. Among them, the Lujiazui Financial and Trade Zone specializes in building construction. It includes over thirty banking, business and office buildings. Shanghai is now gradually becoming an/the oriental “Manhattan”. The Jinqiao Export Processing Zone is making great efforts to establish plants. So far, two hundred projects have been approved, about one hundred are under construction and thirty have been put into production. The total investment volume in each is over thirteen million dollars. Beside that, the main aim of the Waigaoqiao Bonded Zone is to expand the market. Till now, the trade volume per year is nearly three hundred million dollars.
  In 2003, Pudong’s GDP (has) increased to sixty-two billion yuan, covering 15% of that of Shanghai.
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2016 年 6 月英语四级翻译预测:现代社会 & 趋势
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