



Jun, known to the world. The site is located in this Yu County in Henan province (Ruzhou) territory. Jun out of the ordinary place is that it is a kind of opaque glaze, firing glaze green with red, blue sky flying Canruo Hongxia, which attracted countless fans chasing porcelain at all times and in all countries....... The evolution and differentiation of song, Jin and yuan on the Song Yuanjun tiles referring now I collected all the kiln (in kilns were mainly porcelain).

北宋 窑窑变釉大花盆


LOT号: 0369

估价: 5,800.00-5,800.00万

成交价: 5,800.00

拍卖公司: 北京中嘉(北京)

拍卖日期: 2009-12-06






The main features of the Song Dynasty, Jun porcelain kilns

1, fetal color. The tiles of the truncation surface observation, Song Minjun fetal color is gray, darker black, lighter white, fine clay, good sintering, rare trachoma pores, fetal and glaze all white makeup of soil has a layer of thin, thin and even tire repair.

2, glaze. Song Minjun glaze to azure and pale blue tone, slightly shallow blue, slightly darker blue glaze, thick, generally about 0.1 cm. Glaze even, smooth and soft touch. At high magnification, the bubbles in the glaze are dense, the surface is large and the depth is small. Because the fambe generated irregular purple erythema, different colored glaze, together with a spot on the many changes, such as dense purple blue, pale like pink. Red and blue two color fusion of nature, sink into the glaze, it looks more subtle, like a layer of cover with mist, against most blue glaze or pale blue glaze, especially charming.

3, to bowl for example, cutting the medial foot to foot slightly outward from the outer vertical cut, cut, cut cut foot root, width is about 0.5 cm, with application of caramel glaze protection, foot and body glaze glaze, with shallow and large disc or wash the foot the glaze have bean size nail marks.

4, the opening along the tire repair is thin and has a sharp edge, so the edge or corner of the corrugated parts due to glaze water down stream and greyish white or pale yellow, edge ring down gradient to shoulder all blue, foot thick glaze product.






The two main features of Yuan Dynasty, Jun porcelain kilns

1, fetal color. Yuan Minjun: from the color section to observe what is dark grey, with dark grey. According to the documents and materials that I do, Henan Yu Xianjun Taiwan area of the kiln temperature high fever system of Jun porcelain, basically is dark gray or gray, while Shanxi, Hebei, Hebi and other northern Henan County Forest kilns burning Jun porcelain is gray or yellowish gray clay, slightly rough, after sintering many voids, white makeup soil between the tire and the glaze.

2, glaze with azure or pale blue, green, blue, white and other pan black, purple, red also see. Glaze slightly thin, generally about 0.07 cm. Orange peel. It is easy to see that the bubbles in the glaze are large and sparse. Some oil droplets or tuhao lines. Fambe glaze erythema is floating, bright colors, red and green are hardly fusion, looks relatively stiff, like artificial stickers and.

3 kinds of objects, a bowl of foot generous, both inside and outside the glaze, cutting inside outward from the outer vertical cut, cut, cut foot root after high and low, digging foot after foot heart left a clear mark around the mastoid, mastoid density a rotation pattern. Foot section was eight shaped.

4 kinds of objects, the bowl edge is thick, round shape and smooth, with vertical and glaze was light gray, brown gray or brown yellow band. Repair tire rash, fetal green heavy. The glaze is not in the end, near the exposed foot tread, reveal the fetal above product glaze thick marks, one side is more significant.







The difference between the three, the song and Yuan Jun Jun kilns

Through the observation of the Jun porcelain analysis, Song Minjun and Yuan Minjun can be attributed to the difference between the following aspects:

1, Song Minjun fetal color is mostly gray, fetal fine soil, fetal bone thin, repair billet. Yuan Minjun is mostly dark gray, rough fetal soil, fetal bone thickness, repair hastily;

2, Song Jun glaze thick glaze, glazed smooth Xirun; in the end, Yuan Jun glaze slightly thin, glaze glaze was not in the end, orange peel;

3, most of the circle of the heart of the foot flat and glazing, the foot of the wall with a brown sauce to protect the fetal glaze, Jun Jun circle of the heart of the heart of the mastoid scar, and no glaze Song Jun;

In 4, Song Junyao became erythema dynamic, blue glaze and glaze can blending with each other. In the majority of purple, and implicit deep. Yuan Jun red fambe is rigid, single color, multi colored float.


It must be pointed out that we should learn to integrate the local features into the overall look to understand the difference between the Song Dynasty and the yuan Jun. Do false is often just a little and ignore the overall production, so often leave a lot of loopholes. The above is my personal song and Yuan Jun porcelain on the collected observation analysis, reference description for Porcelain Appreciation friends, I often enjoy the song and Yuan Jun porcelain when immersed in narcissism, dreamy will melt into a piece of agate bottle, furnace, bowl...... In the eyes of the Song Jun handsome, elegant, elegant, Yuan Jun simple, forceful, bold.......

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