




这个问题是萨古鲁与Shri Ram商学院(印度商业和经济领域最负盛名、历史最悠久的高等学府之一)大学生对话时,学生向萨古鲁提问的问题。对于这个问题,萨古鲁是如何回答的,请观看视频与阅读下面的文章。

'A relationship means it must be body-based there must be something biological involved. Biology is only one part of us. Even a human being says have a relationship, it could be a friend, it could be a brother, it could be a sister, it could be variety of relationships and also body based relationship. Now when you say young people you're talking about those people whose intelligence has been hijacked by hormones. It's not a question of right and wrong, it's not a question of morality, it is just a question of priority.'


Student: Sadhguru, nowadays we see a lot of young people are in relationships. So a public display of affection PDA is quite common and popular among the young generation and it's very normal for all of us, to you know, hug our friends or kiss our partners openly in front of others, but if we say a previous generation, they consider PDA as something vulgar. So it's very strange that how love offends someone. So my question is that whose the outlook do you support. Is it the young generation or your own generation?


Sadhguru: What makes you think you're younger than me? No no, I don't agree that you are younger than me. So there are many aspects to this question. You said today young people have relationships, unfortunately, you have come to a place where you think that a relationship means it must be body based there must be something biological involved. Biology is a part of our life, but the significance of becoming human compared to other creatures. They are complete biology. We are only part biology we have other dimensions to us. We have an intelligence. We have an emotion. We have a consciousness which is of another dimension.


Biology is only one part of us. If an earthworm says I have a relationship and it both of them tangle each other, I understand. If when a human being says I have a relationship, it could be a friend, it could be a brother, it could be a sister, it could be variety of relationships and also body based relationships.


So this thing about using the word relationship only with biological stuff is essentially because somewhere, unknowingly, unknowingly. Maybe because of internet, you got enslaved to America. It all started in United States relationship means it hast o be opposite sex or something sexual Why can't you withhold relationships of other kind? hello? Are we not capable? I'm asking. Can't we have very intimate profound relationships with people without fondling their bodies? I'm asking possible or no?


Biology is not the most prominent aspect of being human, it is there. It's not something that you can you know put it under the carpet. It is very much there, but it is not the dominant aspect of being human. With other creatures, it is so. With a human being, the most significant aspect of who we are is our intelligence, our emotion, our consciousness-these are big things.


Body is just one part of it. I am not saying you must ignore the body. Body is there. Now when you say young people, you are talking about those people whose intelligence has been hijacked by hormones. When you were 10 years of age, you looked at people, everybody was fine, you're quite okay. You became 14,15, you looked at them every little bump on their body suddenly became a world by itself, yes or no? You have to wait for some more time, when the hormonal thing goes down ,then you look at people again, they're all looking normal. So it's not a question of right and wrong, it's not a question of morality, it is just a question of priority. What kind of priorities do you want to give? to your own bodily compulsions?


In Delhi just now when I was coming to your college, somebody in a Main Street was standing there and urinating. When he feels like if he does it. What's the problem? Hello? Any problem? no problem. because when you feel like it you do whatever you want and you think it's your right. He also thinks it is right when he feels like it he urinates on the street, what's wrong? Dogs are doing it, donkeys are doing it, cattle are doing it ,everybody is doing it! Being natural! This's the philosophy you're talking about.


I'm saying, there is a certain sanctity to relationships, especially body based relationships. If you don't maintain that sanctity, it'll become after sometime well vulgarity definitely, so somebody is seeing it before you that if you go like this tomorrow. it'll lead to something else. This does not mean being a moral prude. No. But if you don't maintain that sanctity you will regret that how relationships will become how much pain they can bring in your life later on. You will see so one this.


You're talking about previous generation I don't belong to that, nor do I belong to your generation. I belong to the future generations, that's why I'm like this. The previous generation that you're talking about was a generation which came just post independence. You must understand their reality, they lived as an occupied nation, for a period of time some of them fought others slinked around. Whichever way their ideas of morality essentially was of their masters. It is British prudery that they carried within themselves their idea of being right is that they must be in - in a straightjacket all the time.


You don't have to go by that, nor do you have to do something stupid in reaction to that. You must conduct your life sensibly. You must conduct your life in such a way that this will work for you for your entire life in some sense. You do something wacky today and there may be a payment tomorrow. so why don't you think it through what is the best thing to do, how much of what to do, isn't it? How much of what should I do? how much of body? how much of intelligence? how much of emotion? how much of conscious? In your life you must decide which should dominate your life. Accordingly, you conducted it, fine. Somebody doesn't like it then he need not see it.






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